Breaking: LNP citizenship tests to be taken in Christmas Island following re-election
Breaking: LNP citizenship tests to be taken in Christmas Island following re-election
Reply "Thank you Queensland" to this post
Reposting the only good thing to come from this fucking election
Senate votes when?
Thank you Queensland
SEQ meetup when
Thank you Me.
>that seething sydney cuck in the last thread
Queenslander master race when
>16.6% PHON/Katter/UAP/Anning bloc
Thank you based QLD
Thank you Queensland
shouldn`t that be "he shat"
How fucked are we?
5070 reporting in.
they need to unite.
Iam too lazy and dont really care about retard australians and their stupid country to read all the threads, because fuck you and you stupid country. But can one of you australians be a nice friend and tell me who won and if that is a good thing?Thanks fren.
What's up with all those fake pools recently? The same shit happened here, ALWAYS trying to benefit the left.
i'm up for it
>Footage of QLD voting
Love you qld! Based capital of au
Apparently Centre-Right = White Supremacy
mdoerate right party won, it's a significantly less bad thing than lefty party winning
>This is what peak Male looks like
5023 here
>Not getting the joke
Shithole country fuck your fascist party
God bless my home state.
hit me up, I've got nothing better to do as a neet these days
Thank you Queensland
what website is this?
reckon labor would've won if they didn't have all that social justice crap
Yes but double digit iq mouth breathers contend that it isn't a word
When will they learn that SJW shit is the downfall of every party?
abc m8
>move to NZ
not if you're muslim
Did you faggots win or not? The libruls are the good guys over there? Whats going on down under lads?
Are there any Labor MPs who aren't republicans?
cuckservatives won
We lost, but we didn't lose as hard as possible.
If it was Keating instead of Shorten, they would have won
Someone give me an Ameriburger analogue to Queensland
Is it like a lib state turning red? Or like the midwest becoming based?
The commies are fucking pissed off and that’s a good thing
Our puppeteer-controlled right wing party beat the puppeteer-controlled left wing party
Status quo remains - but we aren't going down the shit chute of extreme SJW shit hole just yet.
Could have been better, could have been worse.
We never win but the media have egg on their faces so we're satiated.
Liberal party as in economic, not social are centre right
Thanks. Nice to hear that, its a start.
Fuck Labor
Fuck GetUp
Fuck Pansy Wong
Fuck Chloe Shorten's husband
Fuck the Greens and their "climate emergency" wank
I voted for Liberal. When does the Chinese Government get in contact with me in regards to obtaining a white slave? It's literally the only reason why I voted Liberal.
feel like pure shit just want a libertarian government
I doubt that. Boomers love their handouts, good luck taking it from them.
Basically Texas coming through to save the day
It's more like the Dems expecting to pick up parts of the South and being roughly BTFO.
pretty much
What do you guys want to do
>tfw you’ve only ever been a Labor voter but you’re happy The Real Estate Agent won because you don’t believe in the Human Rights Commission, like Bill Shorten’s head and it’s beautiful to see your comrades complain about ‘Queensland being too white’ and losing them the election
Lads, I get it. I’m late to the party. Just like with gay marriage I should have fucken listened to my instincts instead of years of indoctrination.
Still, if fuckface wrecks the NSW water table with another Pajeet coalmine and continues turning the place into a big Chinese abalone processing plant, i’ll - oh fuck it really is just an inauthentic left and right duking it out and going to lunch, isn’t it?
Our new PM said cunt on TV.
>Fuck Labor
>Fuck GetUp
>Fuck Pansy Wong
>Fuck Chloe Shorten's husband
>Fuck the Greens and their "climate emergency" wank
So Labor was just completely delusional this election?
Texas turning blue guys!!! Any day now!!!!
Jow Forums incarnate did not win, as was expected, but leftypol lost so it's all good
which is code for
>HAHAHA Men who work in poor paying jobs like Trades work and cheffing will have to earn less now
Is it even possible to get any firearm rights back?
Oh yeah, fuck Zali Stegall too
Fucking ABC
Have you seen a greater group of fucking leftists complaining that the LNP won.
That fat thing in the middle makes me want to call the doctor from My 600lb Life to come and pick her up.
Get a beer somewhere?
great, chuck me an email and we can talk on discord or something when i wake up tomorrow
[email protected]
Fuck that guys voice is almost identical to my own.
who even died in Harry Potter other than his Parents
>Did you faggots win or not? The libruls are the good guys over there? Whats going on down under lads?
Everyone lost, but we were all going to lose anyway - only problem is that the LNP will now shower the Eternal Boomer with more free shit and leave the rest of the nation to burn.
thank you based boomers for making ten year old girls cry all over Australia because the Disney channel told them climate change was going to kill them if Big Bible Scomo won.
Molymeme's how to save Australia video obviously helped sway the election
why do you want people to know you're a poof
They had reason to believe it. Polls were showing it.
It will literally never happen.
At most we might get airsoft legalised
But that's going to be a huge fight and even if it happens you will still need a gun licence to own one
5158 here. As always we cucked for a labor thot.
It’s never ‘we failed to convince the electorate,’ is it? Leftism is a disease, how do I cure the recurring warts it produces?
73.1% lower house counted with Anning taking 60,898 votes so far. That's still damn good considering his circumstances. The voter number alone will shake things up, even if he loses his seat in the Senate.
Burger translation rundown?
Why do you guys get excited for kike puppet elections again??? I litterally see no one from any of these parties or independent naming the kikes, you'd think that the autists on Jow Forums would be the very few to know, but even these autists are brainwashed
Queensland is Australia's Florida in every single way you can image
They have all the theme parks, the same bellweather voting style as well as Queensland Man being our version of Florida Man
Thanks Queensland, you're alright.
tldr what happened this ''''''''election''''''''
To all you cunts - now that we have some breathing space and labour didn't win. It's time to join your local pro white club. The lads society is a good starting point.
Wentworth update please
This guy must be able to ‘see’ radiation, the levels of racism he’s detecting.
Yeah, if you TAKE them back
Youre justified in anything you do, the guv is evil and illegit
labor practically handed the coalition a win as usual