Why everyone looks so happy?

Attached: pill-women-50s-corbis.jpg__2000x1566_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg (2000x1566, 589K)

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Soneone miss that distended and inocent ambient?

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Probably a new brother. I'm the third son, the one with the tongue sticking out.
Also, mom breasts feeds in the living room.

Why ate the people so serious all the time?

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Attached: 1950s-woman.jpg (600x600, 32K)

No niggers

Even africans look unironically happier

Attached: 1950s-portrait-young-african-american-couple-man-woman-smiling-AAMPBX.jpg (937x1390, 205K)

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Ooga booga where da kfc chikkinz at


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Attached: 1950s-couple.jpg (600x840, 47K)

Anyone else notice that women from back then look different than women now? I mean their face/eyes, not how they dress. Modern women have this bitchy stare or thousand cock stare that "vintage" women didn't usually have. Not to mention modern women often age prematurely. They have an unhealthy, tired look.

Those were better times, to be sure. America was mostly white, PoC were out of sight and not stirred up by da joozes... people hadn't yet been turned into degenerates, you went to church... the atheists was unwelcome and the pagans disappeared in the night because dad and the uncles didn't want them around.

Attached: Hitler with baby.jpg (417x417, 57K)

We were free and EVROPEAN

because they're posing for a picture

Suicide was inexistant back then too

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But all research on happines has avarge happines drop down in western countries since the late 50s. And it drops even more for women, then for men.

School shooting were practically inexistant too

Attached: shootings-600x361.jpg (600x361, 28K)

Because they werent slaves

>Penis Inspection day

Evolution of drugg use in america

Attached: 20190518_171044.png (821x554, 32K)

The 2000s seem to be when everything became utter shit and the positive inertia built in pre 60s exausted itself

Gold standard and no quantitative easing.

Yes , the new generation of single mothers rising fatherless childrens in a hostil multiracial desindustrialized west

Not really , we still have momentum gained from semiconductor technology , but after moore law dies in 2021 we are fucked seriously.

Nearly everything causing economic growth is a result of semiconductor tech , everything else as you said started lossing strenght in the early 2000s.

Space is the only area gaining strenght thanks to privatization in the us , everything else is fucked up.

Please elaborate on the conductor part and economic growth.

Yes yes really
The destruction of family unit thst would affect the working class dpecially as the last support barrier
The destruction of the conception of the nation itself
The desindustrialization destroying the living way of tend of millions of working class americsns
Million of unasimilable inmigrant damagin even more the economy and social cohesion

Basically since the 70s computers have been advancing in speed masivelly this allowed for creation of jobs and created economic growth massively.

Things like responsive web design happened because exess computing power.

After 2012 it started to slow hard and in 2021 it will slow permanently and there will not be more powerful computers for a long time.

This is why for example if you compare a videogame from the year 2002 to one in 2012 the difference is massive.
Yet if you compare one from 2019 to one of 2012 odds are that the one in 2012 is better due to having devs testing new stuff due to better computers.

Without progress in computers we are fucked , everything physical is taxed to death once the computing power slows down the same will happen with all the industries using computing power.

At some point things will bottleneck and people will not be able to test new stuff in the digital world.

Just as nero burned rome so will our politicians do to our societies when the economy stops permanently after that.
They will blame it on capitalism and make the state bigger causing inflation and fucking things up until everything burns.

Shit´s going to get bad fast after that , bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general will probably be the only thing revolutionary and maybe low earth orbit satellites due to spacex reducing the launch cost massively.

Attached: neroburnrome.jpg (281x221, 21K)

Different makeup techniques is one factor.

Opiods and drinking alcohol at pregnancy

You seem to get it , pro tip user , go look into crypto asap.

Read the book "the bitcoin standard" , once the slowdown happen crypto will be king since the pension boomerapocalypse will trigger this slowdown faster than most of us even think it´s possible.

The bribes as gibs to keep this shit going on will be unpayable once the pension system start to collapse and that shit will happen together with the economic slowdown and also the demographic collapse in europe and china.

Shit´s bad.


Social estructures have as much weight in the decling inertia of the last 50 years as the stagnation in innovation
Why are the economist so one sided , they seem incapable of understanding basic nature

Yes, we've been cruising on the fumes of moral Christian society. Boomers consciously rejected the social strictures of their elders, but they had been immersed in them and so largely lived by them even while refusing to pass them on to their own kids, the Millennials. Now we're getting the first adult generations that didn't even experience it and don't have that foundation at all.

Basado y Rojoempastillado
