Message from a Turkish man to the European Union

You hate us. We hate you. There is no compromise between our peoples.

How can two mortal enemies live under the same roof? We can't. We must separate. A Turkish Union for us, a European Union for you.

My only demand is that each year you will send us 900 billion dollars as reparations for what you did to the Ottoman Empire and for crusades . This is our reparations. If you do this, we will respect your right to existence. But only if you pay us the reparations.

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You want to smuggle migrants with me?I know forest routes through Bosnia and Croatia.

Believe me, the "European Union" certainly does not hate you.

then let us join

>turkish union
How it is union if you are only member?

Us accepting the millions of uneducated workers you smartly rid yourself in the 60es which are now living in western europe are payment enough, you don't deserve any more reperations.

How about we get rid of our commies and take back Constantinople?

learn some history dușman

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can't wait for your country to collapse under the pressure of retarded anti-technology islamic trash
go back to raping goats now Shashi al-faggot

You still owe me 500 trillion for the slavery and Batak massacre, roach.

pay reparations to the Armenians you flying t*rkroach.

How much do you pay for polluting the genetics of the Balkans?

>claiming reparations
We,as Balkan people,want reparations for what you filthy gypsies did to us as nations.We are this mess of borders now because of you.

You owe us.

end of the discussion

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Every turk I've ever met was pretty ok. Stop spreading lies, kike.

anyway else find it cute that turks have to larp as niggers.

Imagine being so low on the evolutionary scale that you actually pretend to be niggers

i never understood why turks associate themselves with niggers

i mean being a turk is already bad but a nigger too? how low do you want to sink kardesim?

you are a 3rd world country noone here cares about

we dont hate you, we just dont give a shit about you

dont you have a genocide to hide or something right now? fuck off now

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Come and get it.

Source Faggot.

>Implying sandniggers with plastic AK47s (at best) could stand the might of chad UAVs and weapons that were made after 1960.

Even fucking IRA in the 80s had better equipment than sandy "military"

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The Emu fears the KARA BOĞA.

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I'll inform PETA

Get fucked turkfag. Balkans to balkanic peoples. You got lucky for preserving Konstantinopolis in your dirty hands.

Turkish intellectuals

I was on board until muh reparations. Turks really are black. How about we just let Greece reclaim Anatolia, and you fuck off back to the steppes. Anyone who renounces Islam can stay.

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info needs added to this about reporting off-topic/slide threads because then the mods will actually do something about the thread, especially if multiple people report the same thread.

I don't hate you. I like what you are doing to Kurdish terrorists.

How about we send you a few billion cans of roach killer. Fuck off back to fuckoffistan Turk roach

repair your mother cunt, nigger

First, get out of Byzantium, and go back to the steppes. Then, maybe, we will give you some aid money.

Abi sen ne yapiyorsun ya?

>Turkish Union
An union with whom exactly?

>A Turkish Union
you can't have a union with just one state in it you retard

You're not European.

Just for this, we will hang your entire race

what about the time when the ottoman empire attacked greec?
also germany and ottoman were allies you stupid traitor

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Any oldfag can tell me why turks larp like this? Is it because they were never accepted as white?

We're not gonna send you reparations. Fuck you. Come and take it. I dare you.

Hey Kebap, Go fuck yourself.

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As Long as im alive this wont happen

pajeets do it too. basically turks got rejected as white, and pajeets got rejected as aryan. now all they do is post bbc memes and fuck up this board.

>A Turkish Union for us
Agreed, please take Greece and Italy.

I imagine myself in post-Harappan India, leading my Dasyus platoon. Our aim is to kill A*yan dogs, we shoot A*yan dogs with our bows and arrows but they keep coming. I'm the Dasyus, the slayer of wh*Tes, from the Indus Valley Civilization, our cities have been invaded by wh*Te subhumans. I take my BULL, representing the BLACK BULL in the Indus Valley culture and head forward to fight the wh*Te subhumans who have come into my holy land. I slaughter their horses and burn their chariots. I kill them in battle. They shoot me with arrows hiding behind the citadels of Mohenjo-Daro, like the cowards they are. I get shot, but I keep fighting. I run out arrows, so I drop from my BLACK BULL, I start slaying them with my bare hands. I look at the A*yan subhuman, I see his light skin, and he looks at me, the Dasyus, and sees the BLACK Dravidian skin. We both lock our eyes. His eyes are brown, mine are BLACK. He turns back and bows down, showing me his pink asshole, I give in to my desires, and starting plowing his pink asshole with my BLACK DICK. subhumans and my Dravidian brothers see this from afar, it is a moment of appreciation for both the Aryans and the Dasyus. The Aryans surrender, their horses left astray, the Dasyus offer to leave, to the South. It is the end of the Aryan-Dasa war.

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die in shit

Greece and Cyprus will never support you letting into EU you never had any chance form the beginning



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We don't or at least i don't hate Turks, been to Turkey twice on vacation and i liked Side a lot.

I don't think it's possible for Turkey to join the EU, we differ to much on the basics and it would only cause a catastrophe.

But friendly trade relations and foreign students and vacation trips i think would work, even work visas and stuff.

Thanks Russia.

Love me an 1877.

Sure. In exchange for Constantinople and Cyprus, along with returning your roaches from Europe.

Eat dicks.

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same here, easy walk through minefields (i have a map of all minefields around, so yo be safe)

But i must say one thing, exposing Saudi Arabia for what they really are was like wow to me :D

Muslims should not be allowed in European Union

Not a euro cuck but: fuck you kebab pieces of shit, you cunts ruin everything your filthy hand touch
I wish Russia nuked you in the jet incident

What about UK?...oh they are leaving