Things we're looking up for Aus >Nationalism was on the rise >Nationalist parties were gaining seats >Talk of restoring gun rights then the NZ shooting happened >NPCs go back into their shells >all nationalist seats LOST in today election Australia will never recover By the time people start considering nationalism again, Whites will be a minority and have ZERO chance at stopping the flood of chinks, pajeets, niggers & towel heads
>muh Wew. You’re a deep one. What else has TV got to say?
Ryan Morris
>laugh as the jew destroys my country it goes against every fiber in my body fren
Josiah Rivera
Did Anning lose his seat?
Isaiah Howard
so anningfags what's your cope line? >t-they're all kikes >I-I didn't even vote >just h-here for the memes >we'll be overrun by asians and muslims either way >c-c-clown world r-r-right guys! hah-ha >election? that's for n-normies.. I don't pay attention >rigged election! >preference deals kept out BASED and REDPILLED anning! he would've got at least 8 seats if DA JOOOOZ didn't keep him out! >the LEFTYKEK ballot counters changed the votes for anning, that's why i did mine in pen! >if only white people voted, anning would've been pm!
Real smart move for the country to not incentivise and encourage families, and instead allow foreigners to come in, refugees etc. to overtake birth rates in a country that is the majority of its population, particularly foreigners, in condensed coastal cities and nowhere else.
Fucking retarded shit dude, I don't even know what the Libs immigration plan is but I'm sure its a fucking softcock one.
But gold help us if Labor got in with their pie in the sky bullshit.
Jack Green
>We made them take notice
Alexander Murphy
yes. looked at these BASED af policies. The mad man even wanted to end (((usury)))
its in the heading faggot. >TARRENT FUCKED US that shooting totally changed the dynamics of this election. and OF COURSE the (((media))) played off it. Tarrant gave these liberals everything they could ask for on a sliver platter
holy fuck. Based on these few points I would vote for him without hesitation. I would prefer a only white migration policy but you have to start somewhere.
Blake Kelly
Oh nonononono I read your picture first and then your post. feels fucking bad man. NOOO
blame queensland fuck australia i dont give a fuck anymore
Jordan Miller
im honestly thinking of totally tapping out of politics.
Just focus on myself and my family. Build up my wealth. And when the jew has made this place unbearable to live. buy my way into a new country (if any are left unmolested by then)
Even Palmer, with all his billions, couldnt over come the Jew media. Boomers are going to ride this (((2 party system))) right off the cliff, taking the rest of the country with them.
Several decades of propaganda will do that. >if you oppose immigration YOU'RE RACIST >don't have have children it's too expensive >forget about marriage and having a family >women wouldn't you rather slave away at some meaningless job so we can tax you instead of caring for your family >think about you and only you >we need immigrants because you're old and didn't have children Most Australians are brain dead gullible fuckheads who swallow MSM lies on a daily basis without any critical thinking or some resemblance of inner voice saying, hey maybe I should question the Government and media.
Justin Gutierrez
Palmer is literally a chink slave m8
Jason Baker
TARRANT (an Australian citizen) went and shot up a mosque in new Zealand.
of course murdering 50 unarmed civillians was NEVER going to win over the NPC population. But the mentally ill fuck tard fell for the "accelerationism" meme
Brandon Torres
fuck aussies this is the current ruling partys opinion my opinion is fuck aussies as well we are screwed
Josiah James
>libs leading wentworth it’s FUCKING happening MAJORITY GOVERNMENT
Jace Williams
>cheers as jeb bush equivalent wins the election just KYS cunt
Leo Rogers
some independent running on climate change and other feels issues
Luis Turner
He didn't actually get elected. A little while ago there was a big scandal where someone found out a Politician had dual citizenship, which is against our constitution to be elected with dual citizenship blah blah blah After this happened EVERY cunt started scouring every other cunts history to try and dig up any other dual citizenship politicians, most of which didn't even know they were dual citizens (if you have a British ancestor for example, you might have British citizenship and not know it) a whole bunch were unearthed and either forced to resign or revoke their citizenship and re-run for election.
~NOW~There was one pommie politician for One Nation who was forced to resign and Fraser Anning was also a One Nation candidate on the same ballot when he was elected - so Fraser Anning AUTOMATICALLY became a senator, even though he received fuck all votes, simply because he was on the same ballot and from the same party as the guy who resigned.
So no, he was never actually elected, and we never really expected him to be re-elected, although we did hope.
Asher Cox
Fuck ethics all hail scomo
Gavin Lee
he was specifically AGAINST foreign ownership. but thats not the point. the point is a BILLIONAIRE couldnt even a win seat against the (((2 party system))) thanks to the (((media))) and the "brain dead gullible fuckheads who swallow MSM lies"
Bentley James
So a billionaire couldn't buy an election? At least the second time around? It's more like democracy is safer than expected since it can only be bought for a while before people wisen up. How is not being able to buy an election a bad thing? We surely don't want that.
Samuel Flores
>pretending to make an informed post when you actually have nfi
Brayden Robinson
fuck up cunt NOBODY asked you
Bentley Jenkins
>some independent running on climate change and other feels issues That's hilarious. Couldn't happen to a bigger prick.
Gabriel Bailey
Are new results even being counted? I don't think there's been an update on the remaining seats for a while now.
Noah Watson
Hudson Jackson
There already is a aus/pol/ faggot Delete this
Hudson Scott
He only got in last time because of a quirk in our political system. He got fuck all votes. No one expected him to retain his seat this election.
David Ramirez
They've probably finished and gone home to sleep. They'll finish it up tomorrow.
Landon Parker
Just because he says he's against it doesn't mean all his money isn't from China
Jeremiah Brown
>buy an election >win a single seat see the difference
his policies are BETTER than labor or liberal. Just DUMB NPCs fall for the shit the media has spewed none stop every day attacking him
The (((media))) being so against him should be a BIG CLUE that he's actually a better choice. but NOOOOO HERP DERP NPCs believe what they are (((told))) Every.Single.Time.
Hunter Bennett
im not just talking about Anning faggot. TARRANTS actions fucked the entire right wing nationalist pro gun movement.
Case and point: One Nation have lost all their seats TOO!!
Brody Gutierrez
I'll add them to the list kek C O P E
Austin Butler
>cucked threads cheering about Jeb Bush equivalent winning fuck off cucks
Elijah Jackson
Getting informed people who actually care about society to tap out... Almost like there is a (((plan))) to target people exactly like you... Fuck I'm getting black pilled here, Ausbro...
Kayden Kelly
your right, of course there is a (((plan))) and its working.
the honest truth the only way the jewish parasite is getting removed is be FORCE. and we dont even have a 2A. Burgers are going to have to lead the revolution. Just dont take too much longer cuz white race majority is at tipping point for BOTH of us. (pretty much boomers only thing keeping us statistical white majority, and their brains are rek'd by a life time of kike media)
Elijah Russell
Yeah... Bad news there man. Almost every American I know has done exactly what you were saying you were planning on doing. Exactly the kind of people you'd want to live around, but with their heads buried firmly in the sand. Most don't vote. The same people who will move 2 cities over so their kids don't have to go to school with niggers get visibly uncomfortable and immediately change the subject when I point out that America will be minority white in their lifetimes.
Levi Rodriguez
it just goes to show there is no political alternative if they can send in tarrants to fuck up your plans to recover. either way you spin it there are no options
European colonial descendants are going to have to abandon a few extant territories and regroup in higher concentrations, in the Western US much land is already lost.
Justin King
His manifesto is fulfilled his east european inferior complex. also minor parties were not gaining seats, it's because of double dissolution (requires less votes to get elected) - Turnbull literally gave them the jobs.
Nolan Nguyen
Trust me, the "liberal party" talks like they are right wing, but back flip on everything & fuck us. the will keep selling us out to china, to make the econonmic number look good.
Labor (the left) does the same in reverse, they promise hyper left stuff, then continue down the same path we are already on.
its how the 2 party scam works here.
Josiah Hill
>I'm moving to New Zealand Your shitlibs do that too!? US/AUS best frens.
Henry Murphy
That Paedophile register actually sounds cool. I was trying to find some info on a local who I thought was a pedo, and that database would have been really helpful.
James Ramirez
don't need to, Iceland is importing BBC and rapefugees too.
Like I said on day one: ask who benefits. Only the Jews benefit from what Tarrant did. + he wrote that he is not anti-Semitic and jews are fin as long as they don't subvert white countries: how is it possible for a Jow Forumsack to not be redpilled on the jews while hating muslims this much
NZ was actually pretty based & had semi-auto, Tarrant fucked them too. Mr "ive got no problems with jews & israel" (((trarrant)))
Jack Cruz
Rip anning
Nicholas Sanders
Carson Reed
>every person of colour is in danger after the guy was arrested
Ian Rivera
Exactly the same here. Except we get a fuck load of migration from Africa that you don't get. Also our weather is terrible.
Jack Roberts
True. I was just mocking the "ebil white supremacy so I'm moving to a super white country" meme.
James Russell
Lol. Except their Labour is about in line with the Tories...
Grayson Smith
Listen man multiplying whites is done on an individual basis in the bedroom by men who have the material capacity to support such an enterprise. Getting to that position needs to be the goal
Mason Garcia
This is what happens when you think all anglo countries are world movers. Maybe we're not one of the great Anglo nations like the English or the Americans, maybe we're just an anglo nation.
Joseph Nelson
Christian Phillips
>you can out breed open borders WRONG. And your also not considering the (((economic circumstances))), holding whites back from having large families.
its all by design. people start getting economically comfortable (((interest rates))) get bumped.
Ryan Harris
At least you're not Canada...
Luis King
Closing the borders to niggers and psychopaths is a mainstream political stance. Asians and their money is an economic issue. The real problem is our horrible utilization of human capital which the liberals actually do make worse with their pessimism towards labors total psychic domination of the underclass.
Nathan Lopez
>Closing the borders to niggers and psychopaths is a mainstream political stance. Maybe in Oz...
Eli Adams
You have Trump. We should activate ultimate mode and take all the dirt from the northen half of Mexico and transport it to Australia so we can actually elevate then entire county. That way we can have our coal fired power stations closer to the atmosphere and the rising sea isn't going to mean shit. Climate changers btfo.
I hope the sjw shitfest causes massive civil unrest that hijacks the liberal democrat party and forces it to move sharply to the right and also makes them more progun to get those nationalists on their side.
Race war and civil conflict is a great way to get gun rights back, just look at Brazil that eventially loosened gun laws after policies that made Australia (and now New Zealand) look like Arizona.
Never lose hope.
Grayson Robinson
"I could sing a song and will sing it but I must sing it in an empty house and into mine own ear" Thus spake zarathustra