This guy never delivers.
So quit posting him on here you dumb faggot, are you stupid?
Yeah no shit, how is it even a debate
Q failed like an F.
Q? more like Jew
We know, tell that to the boomer retards that keep falling for lazy shit like this
Time to create an Anti-Semitic Qanon
CIA nigger
big week ahead but for real this time unironically
Trump accuses Clapper, Comey, and Brennan of treason on national TV (a crime punishable by death). "WOW THIS GUY NEVER DELIVERS"
Meme flag is true. #17 sucks, let’s trade him to the zionists.
The plan is in full effect just as much as the shills and the useful retards are on here
Whatever you say.
Its all so tiresome
Where does it say in that post that it would be this week? It just says ahead
This jew is worse than Q larper
Nothing whatsoever.
The more you whine about Q, the more you demonstrate that Q is worth following. Streisand Effect, nigger.
Literally everything Q has said has come true.
Fuck off you stupid fucking boomer lmao
Nope. Nothing to see here
That larp I mean jew I mean wagawaga guys am I right? Ha haa
wasted trips
trump is all talk , no walk , same goes to Q whose shit never came true
nice b8 m8
>This jew is worse than Q larper
Why did you say "jew" you dumb fucking monkey nigger? Why not use kike? Or heeb? Are you scared or are you a kike yourself?
old news nigger
>Nothing ever happens
>happens this week
>old news
Qushner always delivers
to Israel
Truth is what i say
Conspiracy is what you say
>seems to me recent facts support Q more than
say Hilllary or Comey
he might have high clearance or stay in high places , but as we see from trump sucking israeli cock we cant call him /ourguy/ or trust him
I swear its Hannity isnt it
Q is the cover up. It’s just stringing along the retards.
Oh look, sealed indictments.
Turns out to be parking tickets.
Oh hol’up Military tribunals.
Nothing happens.
Ok but for real look at Brennan and Clapper.
Nothing happened.
It’s like Hillary’s emails, if they keep saying it the retards line up believing it’s actually happening.
It’s not.
It’s a horse and pony show, they’re all on the same team.
didnt see the exact date
Noooooothing happening, ever.
he also said youd be in jail in a live debate and shes still not in jail, never was!
>Q is a larp
>Q is a boomer psyop
>Q is a CIA invention
>Q is a horse and pony show
>Q is Kushner (you are here)
>Q is real and working with Trump
>nothing happens
Another Q happening.
>This guy never delivers.
Of course not, it's a LARP and/or Mossad PsyOp.
>82k parking tickets you schizo cope boomer /teh_zionald/
i dont understand the point of q
if some faggot is spewing insider info for 3 years straight , getting media coverage etc. etc. about how trump is going to destroy israel
wouldnt you think that (((they))) would have taken action ?
Its the kushner machine getting all the boomers roped in stuck in a 'someone is coming to save us cult'.
It's because it lets them justify kicking the can down the road endlessly, like everything else Boomers do.
>this entire community and any inside sources there should be ignored because (insert bullshit generalization)
Good job of mirroring how the MSM and political establishment attacks Jow Forums, kike.
Why does this Q faggot talk like we need a cereal box ring decoder to understand him. Just be upfront, “Brennan is getting indicted next week”, oh wait but then he can’t scam boomer housewives this way since specific prefictions never come true.
You know those turned out to be parking tickets and speeding fines right?
> (You)
Cringe all you want. If you don't like the truth, leave. The Krassensteins should be in jail for their ponzis schemes. Btw, go away, you smell.
It’s theatre. They pretend like someone might be held accountable, string along until people are bored then introduce a new topic.
>the indictments are for Jwoke chan users because Trump is a ZOG Bot that wants to outlaw antisemitism for his masters
>as are all of the new beds at Gitmo
>Trump will soon go full Order 66 on anyone who is a threat to ZOG
Kek, that is why you run a proxy nigger
Never forget the 82k.
Z foresaw this weeks ago before he went missing
i think Z is Q and Q is Z
the swamp will be drained as GEOTUS say it will
It's bad optics to imprison your political opponents.
it's never been one guy. it's always been a horde of random larpers. it's always been nostradamus bs.
Is Q user the new religious cult that waits thousands of years. Jow Forums will be cursed for the next 10 thousand years over this
Pretty sure it's a Jewish thing. They tell the goyim to trust plans and then they follow them blindly for the next 75 generations
>Thinking a proxy alone is going to protect the identity of anyone who attempts to speak truth to the people on a wide spectrum
typical retardation of Q "proofs" The pope was publicly commenting on changing the lord's prayer for months before he actually did it. The achille's heel of the Qcult is that they're all too stupid to read, which allows Q to keep making predictions after the fact
>thousands of years
>Q "LARP" has been going for 1.5 years
>needing this much hyperbole to criticize a "LARP"
1. Veteran investigator, John Durham (who has investigated and prosecuted the FBI previously) was unveiled as having been investigating Comey and the upper echelon of the FBI for some time with a view to criminal prosecution.
2. Barr gave an interview where he confirms spying happened, people lied to him and he's going to get to the bottom of it.
hey look, the Qcultist hasn't heard that kim is again testing missile systems and so trump accomplished absolutely nothing.
Just saying there seems to be a strong correlation between Q followers being Christians and we all know how that's turned out so far. Seems to be a pattern here
>can't explain foreknowledge
>moves goalposts to monthly nbc-started claims that NK is going nuts again
wew lad
and here the Qcultist is so fucking ignorant that he doesn't realize that the most obvious way for the president to pay for the wall is using the military budget. The president doesn't need permission from congress to reallocate spending in the armed forces.
And what the stupid fucking Qfaggot is really trying hard to ignore is that Trump hasn't reallocated funds for the wall even though he has the constitutional right as the executive to do it at any time.Trump could have started building the wall the day he took office, but he's refusing to.
>wait til the Durham report comes out your done for liberals
>wait til the mueller report comes out your done for
what the fuck is this shit
how XBOX live going down is tied to deep state
>Qtards think that generic and open-to-interpretation predictions are in any way meaningful
If anything this shitshow has made me realize just how many of you boomers infested the board after 2016
I'm not Christian, nor does one need to be in order to rationally observe numerous instances of Q demonstrating foreknowledge of information and events. Whoever they are, they're in a privileged position and they seem to be interested in broadcasting redpills to a wide audience, and the MSM fucking despises this and wants it stopped. If this isn't the Streisand Effect writ large, I don't know what is.
>>can't explain foreknowledge
of something that didn't happen. Since you're a stupid fucking Qcultist, this is the aspect you're having a problem with. Everything Trump has done with Kim is a charade. He's accomplished nothing. You're just pretending he has.
Talk about moving goalposts, you're not even willing to admit that kim has restarted ballistic missile testing. What a delusional loser.,
>tfw when it turns out QAnon was actually Q's worst punishment to date
>baltnigger can't read
imagine my shock
>PS/Xbox chat logs
Now you're going to insist that members of the deep state would never use video game chat services to communicate and thus avoid oversight and surveillance. Then you're going to recommend we check out your discord.
jared kushner is Q
>of something that didn't happen.
NK and SK leaders aren't meeting for the first time in decades to negotiate a treaty? Okay then.
here's another example of Q following the news cycle and then pretending that news that has been reported on a thousand different outlets is some deep insider secrets that he's providing
He also says that basically every single week the deep state is going down, literally nobody has went down in 3 years now. What happened with those military tribunals and sealed indictments. Now it's changed to "Durham
Is just now starting an investigation" the boomers that follow him are literally making posts over there about how they are literally dying waiting on him lmao
Q is a psyop to get the boomers wrapped up in a fantasy so that they never pay attention to reality
Q followers have literally made posts about how they are dying waiting on the plan. From cancer that they no doubt caught from his posts
Q predicted this
>Q following the news cycle
>literally reporting it three weeks before MSM
Do you even English, bro?
There has to be some law where you cant give info cryptically either,,,
Whoa, he posted a cryptic word salad 2 hours after a tweet! What a joke.
>Just be upfront,
he can't. posting cryptic posts filled with gibberish is a main element of the con. It gives the mentally ill boomers the impression that they "decoded" hidden information when in reality they just made it up
>He also says that basically every single week the deep state is going down
Again, it's been going for roughly 18 months. Acting like this shit should all be accomplished overnight is the dumbest argument against Q.
>we should restrict free speech further in order to keep people from not talking at the second grade level i need to understand shit because I don't like the fact that I'm dumber than a nigger
Imagine believing that a top secret high ranking official is giving you secret messages by shitposting ''BOOM WEEK AHEAD!'' on the internet
>>literally reporting it three weeks before MSM
>I never pay attention to the media. I'm a cultist wholly devoted to Q, so I really have no idea what has been reported, so I'll just believe some anonymous larper
This guy already investigated Mueller once for wrongfully imprisoning 4 people as he covered for Whitey Bulger. He already let Mueller off once. He’s there to coverup for his friend again.
still trusting sessions then?