Are zoomers the chosen generation?

Soph is 14 years old and is making the entire liberal establishment which has been running the world since WW2 shake in fear, he made a basedboy burst into fucking tears in this debate

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Stop shilling a 14 year old child. Kikes must be desperate if this is what they consider an (((influencer))) these days.

Seriously. Why are you kike pedos so obsessed with this kid? Sickos!

Yeah I think these kids dont buy this bullshit. Like how liberals did 50 years ago, except now the liberals are the old oppressive fucks.

>one scripted puppet = an entire generation

>another e-celeb thread
they don't get deleted because the jannie is a pedophile

If you're going to link to a 3 and a half hour long video at least time stamp what you're talking about.

>1 million subs
>"redpilled" content
>not a psy-op
Sloppy job Mossad

Did Sophs latest video get taken down

no one cares you stupid nigger. go away with your little kid e-celeb bullshit. you niggers are so cringy.
Post the better, short one that is a solid brick of funny shit mixed with different levels of hard shit to swallow for the average person who might be introduced to her, or adult monitoring what their child watches. A child is speaking, but the concepts she speaks about tend to be the last thing we associate with children short of wondering how shit hidden agendas for money may make their future.

The school and police in the Bay Area are investigating her for her shitposting

Friendly reminder anyone at this point who is still anti-soph is a commie nigger loving kike faggot

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Zoomers are going to be just as cucked as millennials. Idk why people on pol keep saying they're some savior generation -- they're definitely not lol. If anything they'll be worse than millennials.

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>oy vey

Tick tock schlomo

>14 years old
looks 9

Zoomers, for now, are highly overrated. Other than doing le epic maymays they have no achievements under their belt. This may be due to their youth. Atm millenials and gen x at least have tarrant and brievek.

Zoomies are gay. They are the first generation to be completely and utterly inundated in the GloboShlomoHomo gayplex. Not even Millennials had to experience the sheer level of Soviet-tier brainwashing that these kids have had to go through. The few faint beacons of righteousness shining through the writhing masses of NPC meatbags is not enough to inspire much hope in me.

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You sound like you're projecting. I bet you jack off to loli.

I was thinking this too. There's no way a 14-year-old could be this articulate, well-spoken, and culturally aware. Whenever a kid like this pops up, it's always an adult feeding them lines.

When shit actually starts hitting the fan (before all the projected demographic changes being near-to-mid-century), zoomers will be in control of institutions, industry, basically all areas of work. They will have voting power, and a lot of the males grew up with GamerGate. It's so short-sighted to write them off like that.

If you want to raise an army of Nazis, you'll be extracting and creating from the based zoomer pool...gaslit and blackpilled to IRA levels already...

This is a good point, they literally don't remember a time at all that wasn't super pozzed and have lived entirely with the internet and cellphones

Most Zoomies aren't redpilled at all. They're actually more liberal than millenials but that could be due to a higher percentage of non whites.

While it may look like that Zoomers are based and redpilled about jews and nogs they're actually only doing it ironically and because it's edgy. They're actually bluepilled normies addicted to juul who only meme about the JQ but are completely oblivious to it's truth.

I thought gen z was supposedly the most right wing generation since ww2. Was this information wrong perhaps?

She's fucking ugly and looks much more younger than she actually is. Her receding hairline doesn't help with that either.

she'll be hot as fuck in two years

destiny is a girls name

Very much this. They saw all the Pepe Hitler memes and thought it’d be fun to join in, but when they grow up, they’ll be surrounded by uppity brown coworkers and virulent jew managers who will shout them down or get them fired and blacklisted for even mentioning bad internet frog.

Maybe a plurality of the white males are “right-wing” by Current Year standards, but also remember that Gen Z is the first-ever majority non-white generation in the West.

no you're just desperately hoping someone else will save you so you don't have to incur any uncomfortable turbulence yourself


Her videos are still up on JewTube, proof of controlled opposition, also she looks like Ben Shapiro

(((They))) abduct and raise armies of children who they use as phycic generators to sustain this reality and defeat any threats through the astral plane

(((These))) children are now all augmented to inerface with the BEAST quantum computational hivemind and sentient world simulation

Shes a literal child, sick e celeb worshipping pedo. Her videos are neither funny, insightful or rhetorical. It’s just distastefully grasping at any possible archetype or stereotype about a group of people that seemingly arbitrarily pops up into her head in an attempt to be offensive and argumentative like a literal child, who parrots everything they read on Jow Forums because it’s edgy, profane and obscene and falsely reinforces her sense of maturity over her fellow zoomer peers because she look at offensive, NSFW edgy adult-oriented garbage all day, which is considered repulsive and degenerate even by most healthy adults and is merely being pandered by bitter, ignorant incel manchildren who’ve already wasted away their youth and have very little purpose or reason to live. She never mentions the Jews directly, more specifically the Talmud but takes shots at Sharia laws all day.

To Soph: Poor little child. I’m so sorry your parents are incapable of raising you to become a functionally healthy, happy human being so you rely on this cesspool for guidance, information, validation and attention. It’s not as much your fault as it is these predators’ for being sick fucks and fueling it, though. Please reach out to your school’s counselors for help. You’re only 14, and there’s so much more to reality, life, and humanity than what the losers on this imageboard have indoctrinated you to believe.

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>calls others kike shill
>is a kike shill

What the fuck is this hair-splitting word salad bullshit? Fuck me what a load of drivel

Is it the fact that this particular youtuber is female or is that she's 14 that apparently makes it topical? I don't understand the allure.

She's jewish.

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14 mins in and I'm done. Not a single fact has been imparted, discussed or expounded upon.

It's a double edged sword. Assuming there are agendas at play against you and everyone you personally knows' class, it would be best to use media as a tool to steer people into cheering at the loss of their own liberties, and to create culture cohesive to making money because people either do not care about shady shit and people, are too occupied to bother, or have such restricted common information outlets that fucked up shit and geopolitics are buried under mountains of nothingness and disinformation.

The internet is an open ocean for the most part, with only so much able to be done against an ever-increasing amount of naturally curious people getting online and hearing about different sites, communities and beliefs like never before. I've heard the sentiment we're in a race between people 'waking up' to anti average person behavior by the upper echelons of society and political interests that go beyond nations purely motivated by cold hard cash, and the opposite side of the race being those mentioned agendas and groups controlling the narrative on society hard enough to make one that will voluntarily give away their rights in the interests of corporations lobbying for it and the media machine acting as the messenger the public are delighted to listen to.

You're right about her being jewish. And I also believe they create characters to further their agendas. She talks like Shapiro, looks like Shapiro(slightly)
They even mock the Bible and use biblical names.. they fake their deaths too..
It's all apart of their deception.

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>use children to scream "FUCK TRUMP"
>use children to promote transgenderism and stripteases
>use children to spread lies about gun control
>attacks a minor because he stood still and smiled while a con-artist beat a drum in his face

fuck you, you are the jews, you are promoting the YouTube channel of a child, shilling is a bannable offense but the jannie doesn't delete this thread. you are all fucking pedophiles

>t. Pedro Beanersteinberg

In eastern Europe zoomies are more right wing but I don't think so for north america.

If you want to see a redpilled zoomie, go to Slovakia or Poland. However, over there even their parents are redpilled on nogs (they always follow the golden rule) and possibly the JQ too (some but not all).

In america some white zoomies may look they they're redpilled but they're mostly doing it because they think it's funny and edgy, but still follow the globohomo agenda

>this much damage control
They feel threatened by this video.

I remember back in HS we had to do work experience and a friend on mine was denied work because his twitter or facebook had a picture of a trump pepe

the hegemony on the minds of the youth is threatened by a 14yo fem shapiro. its easy to btfo retarded mutant libturds. but they can't attack a little girl like they would a male. its bad optics.

They're certainly trying.

they pretty much have to because they are working for the jew mafia.

>thinly veiled destiny shit
do your jobs janitors

>muh e celeb

She makes my dick GROW BIGGER!

Maximum Onions

Fuck off faggot I was just like her when i was 14. Kids are way fucking smarter than anyone gives them credit for - but also, she's just better than most kids. Literally more cerebral function. A true ubermensch.

>Thinks someone who still plays with toys has a legitimate understanding of the world.

You fucking gullible idiot.

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/pol is literally manchildren and 14-16 year olds if this is /yourqueen/

Sad faggots.

Sage goes in the options field.

Watching that video I realised Soph might be the Alt-Right Einstein

Trannies spotted


>tfw soph is on happy homelands with ramzpaul

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Are you referring to 30yos of today?

How can anyone watch this exchange and honestly think Soph was anything but an embarrassment? She is completely unable to push back against Destiny at all, she just keeps weakly asserting basic bitch right wing talking points and immediately backs down when Destiny challenges her or just asks him to clarify his position.

This is a far cry from her edgy video personna where she was deconstructing the psyche of leftists.

Too bad (((Bernstein))) has to ruin everything he touches

That’s a man

Also high Iq posters needed


>Friendly reminder anyone at this point who is still anti-soph is a commie nigger loving kike faggot
what the fuck is going on

Watched one of her first videos for the first time and I was laughing within 20 seconds

Guess that's why

We're the ones actually revolting against it, boomer

>While it may look like that Zoomers are based and redpilled about jews and nogs they're actually only doing it ironically and because it's edgy. They're actually bluepilled normies addicted to juul who only meme about the JQ but are completely oblivious to it's truth.
Congratulations, leafposter. You figured out that Jow Forums is satire.

People in the known seem to want nothing to do with Soph and claim it's a series of bad things waiting to unfold.

this bitch has been on Jow Forums since she was like 6

Happy Homelands - Soph


hey guys i swear this isn't sexual but how big do you think her feet are

1984 is real. Sage

Does she have a condition of some sort? It is sad, I don't think her life will be long.

Ramzpaul is a cuck that whines about victimization without giving any actual answers.

Which gen is most likely to be a fag/tranny/have white guilt. Hint: its not boomers or even millenials.

Thats a jewish boy on hormone therapy

Shut the fuck up boomer.

she HAS a very deep voice

Litterally who?? She looks like she's starring in one of the newest Disney channel shows

It's happened several times in history, it can happen again.

Back to /x/.

Mozart wrote 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' when he was 4 years old.

She is a true genius and I believe that, in the finish, she will be as significant to world hiostory as Joan of Arc or Henry Kissenger

fuck off memeflag

a bit fucking much retard.

>police are investigating

whats wrong with his face

She's only redpilled because she looks up to her redpilled brother, who I'm betting is a fan of Peterson. In any case, I support her ideals and find her funny, but I can't support kids putting themselves online in this manner, the fame's not gonna end well for her.

discord trannies trying to raid Jow Forums, like usual. with vpns, like usual. being obvious a fuck, like usual.

I love soph. Any time lefty shills try anything now we can point to her BANNED video that utterly destroyed them. They can't even pretend now.

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holy shit these fucking comments!

even in this thread alone just look at how afraid they are of soph hahaha leafs, beaners, kikes and discord trannies all so so afraid hahaha. glorious.

>ever going on tranny forums
Yikes cletus

i have seen her feet and she needs to clip her toenails

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>someone who has spent 10 years debating political semantics
>spends half their life getting all their talking points in a row
>fights a 14y/o girl
why would you even watch this, why would Destiny bully a child? is he floyd mayweather now? but instead of hand-picking washed up scrappers that haven't been in the game for a decade, he chooses a newborn that's never experienced their first scratch?

>she doesn't sound like her scripted videos that are edited to save time
no shit?

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So, what's /ourzoomer/'s situation? Did she get expelled from her school? Will she have to move to another state to keep studying and making videos?

She's about a 3/10 if I'm generous, she's doing this to land a Chad. Always question a woman's intentions, no matter how young she is. They are all attention whores.


Kill all leftists. Start with their women. The queens must be destroyed before more larvae are produced.