You guys wouldnt happen to be selling oil for anything but US dollars here, would you?
You guys wouldnt happen to be selling oil for anything but US dollars here, would you?
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lol fuck you
Black scalps also accepted
I plan on selling them in Gold dinar. No hard feelings
suck my russian gas filled dick, you mong
Only sunflower oil, sir.
Y-yes, Mr. Bolton, I sold it for Isreli sheckles...
Please forgive me.
one of the most cringiest niggers on this site...the german flag posting russian menshevik cock sucker. how embarrassing. its always some real boot licker shit too. kill yourself already you waste of air
Babylonian_Money_Magic_Slave_System (BMMSS) is the [[primer]] to the Final_Redpill_Framework (FRF)
excuse me faggot?
This is how you end up America enemy number 1
>American gas good
>Russian gas bad
Your time is short, walrus man.
No way.
N-no of course not. W-we love using the petrodollar here in L-Libya!... Wait.. What are you doing with that rebar?..oh no..
Under Obama we became a major oil producer. We dont need your oil wars anymore.
If I pull that off, will you die?
Honestly what the heck is this guys problem
It would be extremely painful
Fuck off faggot
>selling oil
Who cares about some fucking dead plants.
This is fucking hilarious just thought I'd say that
The american dollar only has value because its used as the world reserve currency and exchange currency for most major oil nations in oil sales.
Without those your currency would be devalued and collapse.
America would become Greece 2.0
This is false, this is the same lies that are used by both sides. Fracking shale oil is expensive, these companies are taking on debt at ARTIFICIALLY LOW interest rates in order to make them profitable. Meaning, fracking is not competitive to oil that you can pump straight out of ground and the only reason that they haven't all gone bust is the same reason that companies like UBER, TESLA are still around. CHEAP DEBT through artificially low interest rates, meaning free money to operate. In some instances companies are LOSING money but are still profitable..which doesn't make sense.
The Normalization And Institutionalization Of Fraud
wrong. america and israel would blow up the entire earth with nukes. radical dude
Is that so?
Ever neocon should die a slow and painful death, along with the libs.
imagine getting triggered by the sight of a pipeline
Why is Bolton so based?
john pls
>Iraq (Sadam) dropped the US Dollar for the Euro.
>War to take him out.
>Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency
>Dropping petrodollar.
>Closer ties with Putin
>US funding terrorists
>Dropping the Dollar
>US preparing for war
>Maduro wants to go for yuan and russian currency
>CIA instigate riots and plants controlled opposition politician at the forefront
The US petrodollar is a house of cards waiting to collapse.
All the wars were created to keep their fraud going for as long as possible.
And rule over a radioactive unliveable rock?
Why do people still believe this theory. Calculate the volume of oil transactions per year in USD and compare to US GDP - it's trivial. The cause of the Libyan invasion was Israel.
certified guardian of zion
because its true?
Yes, the USD would immediately undergo hyperinflationary collapse because the circulating supply is so large, were the Arabs to start trading it for gold instead. Right. Nothing to do with Israel here, no sir.
>Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency
>Israel gets rid of an arab adversary
>Moneygrubbing goyim and ((non-goyim)) boomers get to continue their petroscheme.
it has everything to do withh israel. its called establishing power balance amongst the tribal peoples of sand land.
why does Israel matter, lad?
If they believe this they're even stupider than I thought. I guess it's to be expected from people who think men can have surgery to become women though.
Because Israel directs US foreign policy, read Mearshimer
no it doesnt
no it doesnt
n-no sir
what if israel and iran are secretly working together to fuck america
Yes it does.
Israel is part of the equation.
The collective lobbying power of the military industrial complex, the zionist israeli kikes, and the ((banks)) all culminated in the desire for invasion.
Many different actors united for one cause, for different reasons.
so you dont have control of your own policy?
Real question. Did John Bolton get his heart broken by a Persian chick when he was younger or something? What is his fucking deal?
Not really, no. the US is effectively a colony of Israel, the India of the Israeli Empire basically.
he's doing it for the lulz
Not an argument.
Christians have always been 5th column retards.
so profit is the bottom line, does israel play any specific role?
Yeah, then the US wouldn't be able to buy chink shit and it would be forced to manufacture its own stuff again. Truly makes you ponder.
I use OilCoin
>Stop not letting Israel control the world
this guy is some kind of disguised masked person, like from mission impossible, isnt he
>well... I mean... also, fuck central banks.
Damn it, Iran. Your women are gorgeous. Why must you hide them and not welcome freedom?
The foreign policy of Israel in the middle east is essentially divide and conquer.
Get the mussies to kill each other by funding extremists etc. Destroy large stable governments with military force from American interventionism.
Their ultimate goal is litterally stated in the Talmud, their most important holy book for the zionists. In this it is stated that the promised land of the jews stretches from "the brooks of egypt to the river euphrates. "
No we absolutely do not, there are partisan issues but when it comes to foreign policy. The American citizens have absolutely no say, each and every election cycle we are promised with no more wars..etc..then look what happens.
Granted Trump's admin HAS tried regime changes and failed, you can see the zio-cons now trying to setup false flags to lure us into military action. Our country is assaulted daily by propaganda, lies, fraud on a monumental scale..and it's from both sides including Trump.
Meanwhile we are being robbed blind while debt goes parabolic. By 2024 interest on our debt will directly require new debt to fund the interest, meaning dollar/debt crisis in the near future. Basically we're being robbed while being lured to fight Israel's last wars, while immigration destroys us from the inside.
The phrase “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” comes to mind.
America should die for Israel. So sayeth the old boomer americans who want to send young americans to die in the middle east.
thank you for posting thjs.
For the Jew
DESU, if we dropped tbe system we would have Weimar level hyperinflation and would probably devolve into civil war. It's a stupid choice they made in the past to adopt the petrodollar system, but it's not like we can abolish it and survive. Maybe America should just be honest about why we do the things we do
Do you like stories Mr. Walrus?
For the price of these wars we could outright buy the governments of these nations with profitable infrastructure projects that would essentially bring them up to 1st world status.
A-are you trying to copy the chinese model? You traitor.
Everyone with a fully functioning brain knows Israel controls American politics.
Not unsurprisingly Jow Forums is completely ignorant.
Oil is a factor in US foreign policy, but there are many other factors too such as supporting allies, securing beneficial trade, dealing with world security issues, etc.
Bolton is a policy technician for war, and he’s brought in to do diplomatic and policy work for setting up regime changes.
I’ll spell things out for the mentally challenged on here. Venezuela is probably about oil legitimately because Chavez won power on a populist platform of nationalizing their oil industry to pay for large social programs, and we want to get that oil industry back. Weakness to Chinese debt is also an emerging security risk.
Libya is more complex and it ties into oil, nuclear security and regional security (Hezbollah, Houthis, control of the Strait, etc)
You're not wrong, but the US using the Petrodollar model creates the majority of the problems it has to then go and "fix". It's a clever scheme, but the returns are increasingly diminishing.
/based/ GDR holdover!
Boomer incarnate
>still believing the U.S goes to war for oil
I must admit, that had been an extremely effective lie. People will angrily accept the fact that America is doing imperialistic shit for oil. At least you'd actually gain something if that were the case. The reality is you gain literally nothing and all you're doing it eliminating Israels enemies.
v.interesting thanks (was making dinner)
That gas is probably traded in US dollars.
Bolton is a kike. Or rather he plays at being one despite being only 1/4th.
why not selling oil for bitcoin?
I want them to rebuild that fucking thing just so we can demolish it and paint it with their blood again
This is not true, my dad works in the wolfcamp shale and says that oil is coming like Peter North. Even if it was true there are advancements coming down the pipe that will lower the cost even farther and open up difficult areas that people are simply calling 'bad acerage' for now.
the fuck did you just say, bitch?
You'll always be a dumb goy despite trying to hard to please your kike overlords :^)
>fears russian invasion
>is willingly dependent on russian oil
>Shits on the US and other NATO countries
This is why I hate krauts. I really hope you all get your country to become like east germany you ungrateful pricks.
>You guys wouldnt happen to be selling oil for anything but US dollars here, would you?
No sir. I'm organizing the dossier I've made which contains evidence which will incriminate Hillary Clin . . . excuse me, someone's at the door. brb
Why would you do that when you can just bomb them? Don’t you want your stocks in Lockheed to go up?
You act like Russia is a our enemy.
Post em
You act like you don't know history and haven't felt hardship.
When can we see Hillary in this pose???!!
It's not the 80s anymore, Ronald. Russia was always a reliable energy supplier since decades.