Do you think antidepressants are good or shit? If you've been on them, which one would you recommend?
Shit, drink water, exercise , snd get sunshine’s.
Alright maybe I should put some context around this.
I've been out of a job for years at this point and my doctor thinks I should take some stupid fucking happy pills.
Have you been in a similar situation? Have you been on antidepressants? Otherwise, with all due respect, your situation is very different and therefore probably not relevant.
For much I my life I was functional and in such cases I would completely agree with you. But this current situation I'm in is not normal.
They're going to kill your semen count.
I was on a low dose of Zoloft temporarily (6 months) because I hit an extreme low point and finally went to get help.
While they helped with the depression and suicidal thoughts, I no longer felt anything. The dry mouth (side effect) was also crazy.
Exercise and positive thoughts doesn't really help me
Can you provide any evidence whatsoever to back up this claim that I've never heard of before in my life?
Thanks for the assumption, snowflake.
I've been on most of the main types of antidepressant and I think they work but i'm not convinced most of them work well enough to justify the risk of serious complications. From my own experience, I think the TCA type are the best like amitriptyline (been on imipiramine for a while now). They're supposed to have the worst side effects out of all the antidepressants and types I've tried, but I found they had the least and were the most effective, for me anyway. I don't understand why TCAs are ranked below the other types and are often prescribed after other types. Perhaps it's because of overdose risk or big pharma. SSRIs were god damn awful for me and I hate them. SNRIs weren't much better. Lithium I refused to take because of the risks. Hate taking them but i'm at a loss as to how to stop feeling like shit as i've felt like this for decades now, even now that my life is sort of coming together. Your situation might be different though.
>Have you been on antidepressants? Otherwise, with all due respect, your situation is very different and therefore probably not relevant.
>Have you been
>Otherwise, with all due respect, your situation is very different
>Have you been
>Have you been
>Have you been
>Have you been
>Have you been
>Have you been
My doctor told me that anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications can be dangerous and addicting, and that I’d be better off just getting over it.
Do ecstacy instead
Yes, life has been visibly better since. The great secret is that antideps don't work unless you do too - if you don't follow through with therapy don't expect much
Prozac makes your dick not work. Sometimes it's irreversible.
lexapro is the best one. these meds are supposed to give you the boost needed to fix your life and they certainly do but you need to make sure you don't waste it before it wears off in like 6 months
>Sometimes it's irreversible.
Can you provide any evidence whatsoever to back up this claim?
Interesting, I think TCAs can kill you if you overdose, which is why they're not prescribed so much anymore.
I'm currently on mirtazapine (Remeron is a brand name for it) and it's shit because it makes you drowsy. It's an atypical antidepressant, so it doesn't fall into a category like SSRI or SNRI. It's quite a unique one I think. I've taken fluoxetine (Prozac) in the past and that was okay I think.
Lithium is a mood stabiliser isn't it? Not an antidepressant I don't think.
>i've felt like this for decades now, even now that my life is sort of coming together.
Interesting. Yeah it's different for me, for me it's been a few years since I lost my job. Before that I was fine and functional.
I think it depends on situation though. If you're still functioning in life then yes they will tell you that. For me though, I've been jobless for a while. Which is probably why the doc wants to prescribe me this shit.
Why do you think that one is better than the others? How many have you tried?
Somebody stole my bottle of anti-depressant pills. I hope they're happy..
Based on this post, I can see you’re mad. I have the evidence, but I’m reluctant to share it with you since your only response will be to double down and lash out your frustrations.
Not really advice, but anti-depressions are effective as rat poison. Let that sink in.
Just asking for evidence mate but it's clear you don't have it, good work.
What do you mean by this?
Honestly, they vary from person to person. What works for you might not work for me, etc, but they can definitely work.
>responds in a hostile manner and doubles down
>completely misses the irony of his response
I’m glad I didn’t make the mistake of trying to reason with you as two civilized human beings could.
Antidepressants kill rats at moderate doses. At low doses, the rats will begin acting lethargic and refuse to mate. Many will just starve to death. After 4 generations, a colony of 100 healthy rats fed anti-depressants will completely die out.
Shut the fuck up. I’m not acting hostile. You’re a fucking idiot and you obviously don’t have any friends. Otherwise you’d agree with me.
>every single one of his posts is ad hominem because he's too fucking thick to make an argument
This thread isn't for you, fuck off.
Source? Which antidepressant? Some do cause lethargy, others can have the complete opposite effect.
Also just because something happens in rats doesn't mean exactly the same thing happens in humans. Dogs die from chocolate or something don't they? But humans don't.
anti depressants ironically raise suicide rates. thats all you have to know.
Can be helpful but generally shit
Wellbutrin > SSRIs
Basically what you need in your life is a job that gives you a sense of mastery and autonomy and close face-to-face relationships that give you feeling of relatedness and intimacy. If you don't have those, you can use antidepressants TEMPORARILY until you get your life back together.
Also, don't take antidepressants without going to weekly therapy. Do not just go for the easy solution of popping pills while avoiding the work of therapy. If you have to choose just one, do therapy.
>Lithium is a mood stabiliser isn't it? Not an antidepressant I don't think.
I believe it's a 'last resort' med for depression. I don't understand my doctor and his decisions, he's a fucking asshole doctor trained in India who doesn't listen and doesn't seem to know what he's doing.
You're right I definitely do need a job. And yes I would only ever want to use ADs temporarily. As for therapy, I might be able to get that.
Wellbutrin, I've never had my doctor mention it. I could mention it to them I guess.
I know docs do sometimes use low doses of antipsychotics in addition to antidepressants in cases of treatment-resistant depression. Didn't know mood stabilisers were used as well though.
Only Wellbutrin. Shit turned my life around, although I'm pretty sure a lot of the anti-depressant effects came from it making me lose a ton of weight.