Post your favorite BOOMER

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Attached: DyhIZkPX0AAt8oa.jpg (960x1172, 189K)

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Jeans at the gym.


what is it a fuckin fashion show faggot?

jeans and a polo, absolute supremecy

Why does he look so weird?

He is HOT!

Facial surgery


based and blackpilled

Dr. Duke is based.

>in before cocksucking faggot Jews claim he is controlled opposition

Attached: images - 2019-05-18T131415.193.jpg (756x405, 24K)

Don't see the problem if it's not leg day

Attached: bcl.png (713x400, 112K)

Attached: bernie_sanders4.jpg (620x412, 186K)

Bosnianbill, a locksmith that shits all over masterlock

Attached: bosnainbill.png (1061x543, 1.09M)

I want to see him and Ann Coulter together at the White House. Best duo

Attached: david duke.png (662x890, 550K)

Pretty ripped for being ancient.

I like him and all but that face is fuckin uncanny valley my main men

Attached: 6feet.jpg (1600x1067, 2.78M)


he looks like 20 years younger, does he shower with some special 80-year-old german soap or something?

Attached: Rapist1.jpg (1080x1080, 56K)

whoever's on the obituary page today


We will all get old lads, it's fucked up, we will slowly decay and rot, we will one day be fucking old and will look at a mirror and barely recognize ourselves, and one day we will die, we will just fucking die.

It didn't need to be like that, we could have had the technology by now to at least improve such a miserable fate, but alas, we don't have the will as a people anymore, the Faustian spirit is dead, all research is pozzed up corporate interests aimed at creating chronic consumers, and you know, the state needs you to die soon after you retire so you don't become a burden, on the other hand be glad that your tax-paying money is directed at maintaining the ever increasing third-world hordes, for the great utopian dream of a one brown nation planet, what a great and solidary, post-racial, post-national society we are creating, truly the best way our state funds can be used for.

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