Just a reminder that Christians are the enemy

How old were you when you realized you can't be both white and a Christian?

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Other urls found in this thread:


When I realized most anti-Christian shills are kikes in disguise.

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>yes goy, christians are the real problem, focus less on the kikes.
> how dare you accuse this of being a divide and conquer goy
[ ] in all fields

Jews love Christianity though. They're their biggest allies and Christian tourism to Israel is one of their biggest cash cow.

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Ask me how I know you've never read the Talmud. They fucking despise Jesus and Christianity, you can read up on it.

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>own and control everything in all christcuck nations
>hate christcuckism
pick one and only one

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Don't care what the fucking Talmud says. How about you start living in the real world. Here Christians and Jews are greatest allies.
>highlights the part where it says Jews were God's chosen people
lel Christians I swear...
>tfw we're God's second choice

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Are you living in a world where Christianity is not Judaism-lite? Christians and muslims are reading a fanfic of the Torah.

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Just so you now, that comic was originally a fetish comic.

Lurk for at least 1 year before posting

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that be how memes are

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>(((Christcucks))) are the enemy

Correct. They worship a Jewish god and his Jewish son, and do the bidding of Jews 24/7. They are literally the golem of Jewish mythology.

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The peak glory days of White dominance in the world was perfectly correlated with Religiosity, both in the case of the US, British Empire, and Spanish Empire


Tarrant wasn't a judeo-Christian, typical dumb boomer didn't even read the manifesto.

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ahahaha wtf looks like they bundled up some horse dongs

>1000-1500 years after we converted to Christianity we did big things in the world
this is your mind on Christianity

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Did you read it? He's a self professed Zionist

The most cucked nation on earth is also the most atheist nation in Europe, what a shocking development...

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But the most atheist country is Czech Republic or Estonia... You know the two countries that have the same immigration policies as Poland and Hungary(another atheist country).

Why the lies?

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>actual christianity
not at all the same thing. Luckily due to the lindy effect the strict moral fabric advocated by the church creates beautiful powerful civilization but the anti-morals advocated by the demon worshippers and kike creeps will only destroy. So we can expect christianity to experience a Resurrection.

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Zionist in a sense that he wants all Jews deported to Israel yeah.


You all make things way too complicated. Become Gottgläubig, (God believer), instead of believing in fantasy novel stories such as the Bible, Quran, Talmud etc. I only believe in a God or some sort of higher power that has brought us our world and our nature.


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Dude, you practically have Muslim jizz running out of your gaping anus as we speak and you think the problem is Christianity. Enjoy your misery.

>A Jew is no enemy of mine
>harms nobody except the right

Why do you dress up a pagan as a Christian? You have to steal the accomplishments of others because your retarded shooter had the gun jam on him.

Absolutely false. The most atheist naton in Europe is the Czech republic and they are ethnonationalists. The based part of Germany is also the atheist East.

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>having a problem with a jew containment zone

Fuck off , Mudslime

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They occupy our holy land, you dipshit. Christians don't visit Israel to hang out with jews, they go there to visit Christian holy sites.

>Christkike goes on "crusade" for the Jews in Iraq
>imports mudslimes into Europe and the USA
>embraces Islam as fellow Abrahmic religion
>overwhelmingly pro open borders

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Who old were you when the rabbi sucked you off?

>Christians are the enemy

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Stop being edgy. Leave this place

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>Jews love Christianity though

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Lol, all this cope. You guys constantly talk about how they're chosen people and the US's biggest allies.

>They occupy our holy land
You mean when the Christcuck Anglos GAVE it to the Jews? So the Rothschilds could get the (((USA))) to fight against Germany in WW1. Right, I member.

And the only holy land a white man should have is Europe. Not a Middle Eastern country.

Christian here. Would rather my daughter to have premarital sex with a white atheist than even shaking the hand of a nigger.

You wish, Shlomo

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>You guys
What fucking website do you think you're on faggot? In any case, it's time for you to go.

I just read acts and all i can say is : Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!

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I wish i was raised to be a Christian by my parents but noooooo. They just had to raise me without instilling any superstition in my head. Christianity, budhism, judaism, hinduism, even islam would be better than to suffer the anxiety of nothingness after death

Catholics dont like Jews. Jews killed Jesus. If anything , you Atheists love the Jews and you listen to what they say.

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I really like this image

It was never good user. muh decay of the church is a meme
>"For if indeed Julian had caused all those that were under his dominion to be richer than Midas, and each of the cities greater than Babylon once was, and had also surrounded each of them with a golden wall, but had corrected none of the existing errors respecting divinity, he would have acted in a manner similar to a physician, who receiving a body full of evils in each of its parts, should cure all of them except the eyes."
Your God made a huge mistake placing your holy land in the same spot as where he gave the Jews their homeland.

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Well, then you have the wrong religion, mate. It's all so sad, because Pierce laid it out for you, point by point and in detail over two decades ago.


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Never forget Jews are responsible for the downfall of the west and degradation of it's people.

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Lmao@your 'life'

The new generations of Christians stand against the Jew as their most ardent enemy.

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When you cringe

Pierce was still Christian

>It was never good user.
>being this stupid
Lurk moar. Ask for the redpill.

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Me too, its fairly accurate since frogs are unclean beasts and we're sinners the analogy is striking.
But don't worry we'll be cleansed in the time of refreshment that are to come.

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It can't be redpilled. It's a rat.

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>Projecting again

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Protestants are the problem

We must return to their Catholic/Orthodox roots

He absolutely wasn't. The absolute state of (((pol)))


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That argument makes no sense

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Start praying and you might be surprised at the results. I was like you not long ago. now I have hope to balance out the anxiety of death


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>to suffer the anxiety of nothingness after death
I used to be just like you user but now I have found peace. I've never met a christian in my life. No grandparent, no cousin, no cousin of a cousin, no uncle, no friend, no friend of friend etc etc

You need to seek that which is Eternal. Your thoughts and your personality and your anxieties are mere objects of the Eternal Subject that sits behind the mind. You were never born, nor will you ever die. So find peace user
>Spears cannot pierce It, nor can fire burn It; water cannot wet It, nor can wind dry It.

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christianity is the white mans religion

Mutt christians are not chirtians but jewish slaves, and that's what they are trying to push on legit christians.

Catholics also hate yanks, anglos, saxons and other satanic races

It must be hard for atheist kikes on this board, when the thing they try and discredit explicitly refutes their claims.

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oh yeah you're right, I confused him for Lincoln Rockwell for some reason

oh well he worships his race as a god, Tower of Babel going to hell etc

Should all Christians be crucified? Let’s find out.

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>there is no jew nor gentile but salvation is through the jews
What did Jeshua Shekelstein mean by this?

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After EVERY SERMON, you have to donate to charity, which is unicef, red cross etc etc
You're literally funding niggers by going to church.

That argument really doesnt work. If us Catholics hate Yanks , Anglos , and Saxons , explain White and Catholic nations. Ireland , your country of France , as well as (Its not a country I know) but the Northeast of the United States.

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Not only that but every Sunday you will be forced to listen to your local SJW in a robe tell you about how not "opening up your hearts" is a sin.

Christianity is basically a social justice brainwashing scheme.

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I know its hard for brainlet swedes who subsist off of nigger cum, but its very simple. The jews were chosen to preserve Gods word until God came in person. God then fulfilled his promise which extends to everyone. I suppose I could say, "good job" at your attempt at cherry picking a quote out of context, but my post had already refuted this angle.

it's cool. here's a gif just for the two of you

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>go away I don't have arguments
LOL, back to plebbit, faggot.

Lol what a clueless fucking retard.

>we are the chosen people goy!!!

That is beautiful. Thank God for giving the Jews such an honor!

The Christian God of Aristotelian physics and divine simplicity truly is a good schemer.

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Thank Thor Christianity will die in Europe. Even Pisslam is more desirable, and that says a lot.

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>no argument

Seething, amazing how the scripture is inerrant and drives unbelievers into incandescent, incoherent rage. Jesus loves you, even though you hate him. Repent.

Ouch! Oof! Ow! You got me!

Come up with a better insult , you moron.

Your deception was exposed, now all you can do is whine in the face of God's truth.

lel i am perfectly aware that every sect of Christianity have an explanation for everything in the bible.

Now give me your explanation for why Jesus saw goyim as nothing but dirty dogs that deserve to have their bowels slit open unless they prostrate themselves before the Jew and accept their dog status. And yes... I've heard them all before.

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You are essentially gnostic then?

the bible bitch is still a whore

>dr nigger pierce
Fuck that goy.

jews hijacked paganism and turned it into roman-catholicism. the only answer is to either create or revive european ethnocentric religion that includes race selective altruism. fuck globohomo christianity

I don't need an argument to mock how pro-Jewish you are. You are my argument.


but wait, there's more

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Yeah ok schumo shekelberg

More deception? You are of course using every atheists go-to, the interaction of the canaanite woman with Jesus and his disciples. The disciples asked Jesus to ignore her, yet he healed the womans daughter of her demonic possession. Furthermore, the word in greek which was used is "kunarion" not "kuon". Kuon means wild cur, whereas kunarion means the lapdog, or family pet, which would eat the scraps of the table. Jesus ministry was first and foremost to correct the Jews, who, given the word to pass on to the gentiles, instead took a racial superiority because of their chosen status, in direct opposition to the instruction of God.


fuck off christcuck

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>Making spirituality an institution to sell out for everybody.
Christianity Inc. is a symptom of the constant downfall of man from his spiritual heights of Aryan knowledge.

Back then there was no institution - it was literally just the ethnic groups, and the race in general, with their spirituality.
Their name was also their spiritual connection; their "religion".
Aryans -> Ar is Light, Sun, God. Teutons -> Teut, Tiu, Ziu, Tyr.
Tribalism was fundamental before Christianity Inc. appeared. Race and spirit (religion) is related, one and the same - you can not divide it. A specific ethnic group has also a specific spiritual connection! Race is root is religion is righteousness is reality!

Jews have their JEWISH religions. See, they don't separate these things, they understand that, but they certainly don't want the goyim to know this basic truth. For the stupid goyim they created their subsidiaries, bringing their merchant "religion", their company's motto to them.

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Thats because you cant form a cohesive argument, as Jesus rebukes and takes the chosen status from the jews, who had him executed. Of course we already know youre a kike because of your memeflag

You've already called Jewish people chosen in this thread, I don't need to add anything. It's obvious for all to see.

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Once we've purged non-natives from Europe, we are coming for the Christfag traitors.

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