He's got a good point lads

Wew lads. That's a good point. Why dont we just ignore abortions?

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don't like rape? just ignore it. Like you ignore all the niggers in the Europe.

Don't worry. Someone has an eye on the children in foster care.

Attached: hastert.jpg (590x421, 26K)

BASED leaf

Don't like guns? Just ignore them.

>if you don't give a hundred thousand dollars a month to every baby being born you might as well murder them as they come out the womb
why is every liberal a narcissistic sociopath Jow Forums?

Attached: The_Guardian.jpg (1456x3300, 1.07M)

>Why dont we just ignore abortions?
Why should we ignore the murder of unborn children you stupid faggot?

>inb4 you remain 1 post by this ID like the coward you are.

>why is every liberal a narcissistic sociopath Jow Forums?
No soul. No morals.

this and checked
how can they not realize how hypocritical they are?

Sounds like your run of the mill Jow Forumslack

>how can they not realize how hypocritical they are?
Because they're immoral, soulless bastards.

>Sounds like your run of the mill Jow Forumslack
Jow Forums wants to save the White race.
Liberals want to destroy the White race.

Yeah, totally sounds the same.

based canadiense

>Having a roof over your head and food on your plate.
>Being ignored.

>Jow Forums wants to save the White race
By destroying other races. No morals.

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It's not about the children or their well being, it's about preventing/punishing the gruesome act of abortion. Consider a homeless dude, imagine if he was murdered by another man. That man would be punished and tried not because the homeless man's life had (much) value, but because murder is an evil act and evil must be punished.

Just ban white women with white husband/partner/whatever from getting abortions.
Let the others have as much as they want.

>By destroying other races.
The Holocaust literally did not happen. And Jow Forums wants to deport non-Whites from White nations. Liberal faggot.

Does this mutt not realize white Christians adopt children at a rate far higher than any other religious or ethnic group?


Sigh. Do we really need 20 fuckin threads about the Alabama abortion laws? Good lord

Don't like not being able to get abortions in your state. Ignore it! just like you ignore most your peers