Why suicide rate is so high in north europe?

why suicide rate is so high in north europe?

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shouldn't they be the happiest countries in the world?

to keep niggers out

Their government is attacking them openly


Their crazy society when you need to be perfect in everything.

That fucking brow

Black pills a plenty up here

Because of too dark and bad weather most of the year. It makes people depressive.

This. Always suicidal in winter times

We live so high up north there's basically no people this high anywhere else in the world. Too fucking dark for most people.

pretty good

gray, wet, and dark

gray, wet, slushy, cold, and dark

gray, wet, and dark

hard exercise, ice swimming, and sauna helps keep your spirits up.

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if those two are your parents you might as well hang yourself with the umbilical cord as you come out the womb

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why are germanic women so ugly and manly looking?
>inb4 i'm a faggot

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I have no idea but i remember a teacher from high school she had to take medicines in wintertime because she got so depressed from the darkness and cold.

Its dark and cold from august to may, i feel like 100% now that the light and warm has returned.

gee.. i wonder

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White people always brag about how they can handle the snow, but I found that it's just depressing, regardless of how white you are. In the city I live in, Pittsburgh, the weather totally fucking sucks for like 9 months a year, it's snowy, cold and miserable. As soon as spring comes, it's like your attitude changes, things feel alive again and you actually enjoy walking outside. The problem with bad, cold weather is that you never want to be outside for long, which is just really depressing itself. It's hard to be happy if the prospect of walking outside for a few minutes feels miserable.

Snow rocks. It makes everything very bright, even if the sky is gray as it often is. The worst part is having a winter with no snow.

name one thing wrong with this
