Holy shit Jow Forums. What in the fuck is wrong with the Chinese? I'm scared guys...
Holy shit Jow Forums. What in the fuck is wrong with the Chinese? I'm scared guys...
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Been saying this forever but people are too stupid to realize that if it can happen there, it can happen here. Americans are so retarded that they think they're special, and therefore it can't happen here c -cause G -God's on our side.
I'm sick of those fucking retarded boomers. 65 million people voted for socialism in 2016, but it can't happen here gois! Fuck you.
Look up empty Chinese cities to see what Orwellina Nightmare looks like. Hillary was supposed to win and the global dystopia was supposed to start by now. The global Communism.
>What in the fuck is wrong with the Chinese? I
You are assuming that everyone in the world thinks, or should think the way you do
>threat to (((world order)))
Fuck off chink. You fucks are as bad as the kikes. Filthy little bugmen.
It would be smart of you to read the link I posted. Educate yourself
Social Credit Score (SCS) is nothing new. Pretty much all countries have variations. In the USA, your "Credit Score" is already used as a sort of social credit score by employers and apartments that check your score before they take you in.
Senseface is but one of the facial recognition and tracking systems in China. The SenseTime company is one among many of the Chinese artificial intelligence companies developing AI technology not just for tracking, but for analysis and prediction. The Minority Report movie has a number of practical ideas for use of technology even if you ignore the far-fetched parts of the movie.
Importantly, the gov't has mandatory requirements for banks, schools, corporations, and transportation services. They are required to use SCS. For example, banks are not allowed to give you a favorable loan rate if your SCS is not good and are required to deny loans if your SCS is bad. Schools are required to deny in some cases. Corporations are not allowed to have managers with bad SCS scores. Transportation services are required to be denied if your SCS is bad.
In the USA, people can lie about their credit score. So USA citizens posting might have a "who cares" attitude in their posts. But SCS is a gov't identification, so if you lie, that can be construed as falsifying a government identification product. No big deal in the USA as many illegal immigrants carry false gov't identification papers and hardly get penalized in most cases. But in China, falsifying gov't identification products is a severe crime. Thus, SCS will become widespread as an initial meetup or dating greeting.
One of the things the Chinese government has said is that Social Credit scoring will restore morality. Of course, that means negative pressure will be used to create evolution in the public morals culture across the country.
Of of the greatest defenses criminals have is solidarity among people similar to themselves. The USA has its famous "Snitches Get Stitches" saying in its black community. The Social Credit System heavily opposes accessories to the crime by also decreasing the SCS of those around someone who has a criminal SCS. So, for every week someone with bad SCS lives in your home, your score will be decreased. You are supporting or allowing an unmoral person to continue of course, so you deserve part of the blame as the Chinese government logic goes.
Before you jump onto China's gov't as being wrong, in their defense, they have done a great many studies. And they have allowed the system to evolve differently since 2014 in different provinces in order to study both beneficial and contradictory effects. By studying the data, the SCS can be used to create changes for the "better" even if it is harsh to the problem causers.
SCS is good to those with a good score though. They have in numerous published cases received positive benefits. In the USA, "No good deed is rewarded" is a cliche because it doesn't have an SCS system that rewards those who have a consistently good track record; rewards are done by individuals and not the system. But in China, perhaps consistent good samaritans will be rewarded as long as they don't help those with bad SCS.
There is a “Bad goy score" implemented in the west too, but it is well hidden.
Member when Chinese would post here more often?
>Fuck off chink. You fucks are as bad as the kikes.
You are from the USA. Ironically, those "chinks" in your population have the lowest crime-causing demographics in your country.
Also, not that other guy, but the USA has its own "SCS" already. That is the combination of criminal status, credit score, and background check combined together. But since there is no official singular existence, it is only used sporadically and has no effect in improving the crime rate or solving other society problems such as over-use of welfare. If american society had an SCS, things would be improved in many areas. But the blacks would declare SCS to be racist.
>Member when Chinese would post here more often?
It depends on your Chinese government online propaganda division. That department officially swallowed up a lot of the better "50 cent army" types when the gov't decreased funding for such unsupervised activities. The gov't found it was better to bring operations in-house where guidance and support would be provided for more effective activities such as becoming staff or moderators of volunteer-driven online resources that shape public perception such as reddit or wikipedia.
If you don't chase people because they did basic bitch shit like telling the truth or venting, but you keep an eye into real hardcore crimes, financial tricks and other SERIOUS stuff, it could work. But you know how shitty the government is...
>If you don't chase people because they did basic bitch shit like venting,
One of the common excuses given by blacks for initiating violent crimes is that the victim was making racial slurs, so the blacks just "vented" and "acted out" to beat the victim (and take their money and property). The use of racism seems to be a crutch the muggers and robbers use as an excuse to vent on the victims.
>What in the fuck is wrong with the Chinese?
Desginated replacers, see you in those history books you never read, faggot
I mean, decreasing the score because you wrote “nigger" in the Youtube comment section or other stupid SJW shit. Punching people is a crime except during self-defense. REAL crimes have REAL DIRECT consequences.
This video explains why they are fucked up. Our generation wants to be wants to be more Western thanks be to Allah.
He's right though. The old generation in China are the ones who are fucked up because basically Mao told them they could fuck up their teachers and parents and do whatever they want. The next generation is still a little fucked up because of that, but they mostly despise that attitude of their parents and grandparents.
China is the result when the Jew gets his wish. The west isn’t too far off
Exactly accurate. Same thing with Russia. Absolute economic ruin. We're trying our best to do the same here.
Printed money
Hordes of brown people
Printing more money for the brown people
Endless debt
Unable to produce anything of value (upcoming)
Total ruin (goal)
The Chinese were literally bred to be slaves. The Chinese have been raped and enslaved for more than 1000 years.
35 years too late
Have a good citation verifying your claim? Chan posts don't mean anything