Hey guys, want to get a piece of advice. I'm from Russia, 26 yo male...

Hey guys, want to get a piece of advice. I'm from Russia, 26 yo male, making pretty decent money in London (150k pounds). The problem is, I hate it here. The women are disgusting, shit ton of negroes/filthy arabs, everything is hella expensive and every single person I meet (including women) is so self-centered and shallow that it's just ridiculous.

I feel like I'm wasting my youth, all I want to do is bang girls and have meaningful relationships/conversations. Every single day I think about leaving this place, but the MONEY and CAREER PERSPECTIVES are keeping me here. What do I do? I feel like I got in a jew money trap, but my thoughts are "AIGHT, ONE MORE YEAR, SAVE EXTRA CASH AND GTFO" and this one more year keeps going.

Cheers lads

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Based pig


Move to Ottawa or Chicago. Lots of Russians, and opportunities, in both places.

Lots of Russians in Oregon, but that place is full of retarded nigger loving progressives.

Man people taking pictures of the police is getting out of control

Can you work remote? Portugal is similar time zone with way less cunty self absorbed activist people.

>that'll do pig

Assuming you're in finance, ask for relocation to another location. You're a native Russian speaker, all the banks have major presences in Moscow


Canadian salaries are 1/3 of US, esp in finance. Finance pays shit in Canada, all jobs pay shit.

Let us dive a little deeper. Where would you move to OP? Give me your top three locations and why.

I live in the LA area and i think about moving everyday as well.

A хyли ты хoтeл, oт oбщecтвa индивидyaлиcтoв? B Гepмaнии люди бoлee cплoчeнныe, нo тaм c иммигpaнтaми eщe бoльший пиздeц.

I'd move to Russia/Ukraine another slavic country. Beautiful women (still not spoiled with western money degeneracy), cheap, good food. One problem is money, if you have 2k/ month stable, you can leave a great life. My goal is to save 250-300k to live off 10% a year trading stock/etf/shorting vix

Create your own in group in the mean time. You are not the only White male who notices the invasion by any stretch in London.

Baши гepмaнcкиe 3к eвpo пocлe нaлoгoв я мoгy и в мcк пoлyчaть, нe пoнимaю дeгeнepaтoв живyщих тaм

>And how did you want from the community of individuals? In Germany, people are more addicted, but with immigrants there is still a big pussy.
yo what

NYC too has a lot of russians if you can stand jew yorkers and all the vibrant diversity. rich russian enclaves popping up north of philly, but you'd need to make 3x what you are now to afford that shit

>bang girls and have meaningful relationships/conversations
what a pleb tier desire. embrace hermitdom, go to Siberia and grow beets and potato in self imposed exile

Russians with skills need to get to the USA. You guys are the most based at my US company and bust ass.

I have no other guidance

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The biggest problem is women. I've lived in a lot of countries in my short lifespan (and had relationships) and I can assure you, there is nothing worse than a western woman (especially a white one). I feel extremely bad for native americans/brits for having this kind of situation (at least I have a safe place to run to). No wonder England colonised half of the world back in the day trying to escape their women

Interesting, and you speak the langauge or would be use to being around slavic languages. I think you are in i a good spot now with your job. Work, save a bit more money and take off. If you can buy property out there then do it.

I played your work visa lottery 3 times and got rejected. Your country's policy is to let all the 3rd worlders in and not skilled people, nothing I can do here

user, give me your adress and I will throw an acid to your face so you will appreciate your current situation more

Бpaтcкe cepдцe, a зa чтo тeбe 150к фyнтoв бaшляют? Hy, чиcтo paди интepeca

Just use tinder

Well it's your own fucking fault for moving to London.
That place is a fucking shithole, I avoid London at all costs, not been there in at least 10 years.

>shorting vix

kek, any investment banker would laugh their ass off, stupidest trade you can ever make

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Пoгpoмиcт в хэдж фoндe

m8, try it in London, 80% are trannies/whales/black whales

Everywhere else is just as fucked, at least you have money and career perspectives.

What makes you think that you are any better than arabs or blacks?

>still not spoiled with western money degeneracy

This isn't /b

Have patience. This is getting fixed under Trump

thanks bro.
most of us go for poles and chinks now anyway.

Fucking nice. Idk mate ecли cepдцe нe лeжит - caм знaeшь. I was living in NYC, masking decent kopecks as well but I couldn't bear everything plastic around me:food, people, attitudes. Choose for yourself though Mr. Herack (тaк в apмии y нac cтapшинa твoeгo бpaтa нaзывaл)

We don't want to let the illegals in but our southern border is a sea of people crossing like the scene in world war Z movie

What a fuck doest that even have to do with colour, debil?

Cъeбaлcя? Кaк poдинa вcтpeтилa?

What would happen if a london prankster let out a truck load of pigs on the streets while a mosque was getting out?
What kind of charge would that be?


Bloody hell lad you could be a millionaire if you saved some

can't you earn enough to get by working in moscow? you're around the age where you should find a woman to have children with and you can't do that here

tax is 45% m8

fteen years were past and gone, and the babe was now grown to be a tall lad and a sailor, and went many voyages after merchandise to the islands round. His mother called him Perseus; but all the people in Seriphos said that he was not the son of mortal man, and called him the son of Zeus, the king of the Immortals. For though he was but fifteen, he was taller by a head than any man in the island; and he was the most skilful of all in running and wrestling and boxing, and in throwing the quoit and the javelin, and in rowing with the oar, and in playing on the harp, and in all which befits a man. And he was brave and truthful, gentle and courteous, for good old Dictys had trained him well; and well it was for Perseus that he had done so. For now Danae and her son fell into great danger, and Perseus had need of all his wit to defend his mother and himself.

I said that Dictys’ brother was Polydectes, king of the island. He was not a righteous man, like Dictys; but greedy, and cunning, and cruel. And when he saw fair Danae, he wanted to marry her. But she would not; for she did not love him, and cared for no one but her boy, and her boy’s father, whom she never hoped to see again. At last Polydectes became furious; and while Perseus was away at sea he took poor Danae away from Dictys, saying, “If you will not be my wife, you shall be my slave.” So Danae was made a slave, and had to fetch water from the well, and grind in the mill, and perhaps was beaten, and wore a heavy chain, because she would not marry that cruel king. But Perseus was far away over the seas in the isle of Samos, little thinking how his mother was languishing in grief.

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Move back to Russia, outwardly support Putin, live like a Tsar.

Now one day at Samos, while the ship was lading, Perseus wandered into a pleasant wood to get out of the sun, and sat down on the turf and fell asleep. And as he slept a strange dream came to him; the strangest dream which he had ever had in his life.

There came a lady to him through the wood, taller than he, or any mortal man: but beautiful exceedingly, with great gray eyes, clear and piercing, but strangely soft and mild. On her head was a helmet, and in her hand a spear. And over her shoulder, above her long blue robes, hung a goatskin, which bore up a mighty shield of brass, polished like a mirror. She stood and looked at him with her clear gray eyes; and Perseus saw that her eyelids never moved, nor her eyeballs, but looked straight through and through him, and into his very heart, as if she could see all the secrets of his soul, and knew all that he had ever thought or longed for since the day that he was born. And Perseus dropped his eyes, trembling and blushing, as the wonderful lady spoke.

“Perseus, you must do an errand for me.”

“Who are you, lady? And how do you know my name?”

“I am Pallas Athené and I know the thoughts of all men’s hearts, and discern their manhood or their baseness. And from the souls of clay I turn away; and they are blest, but not by me. They fatten at ease, like sheep in the pasture, and eat what they did not sow, like oxen in the stall. They grow and spread, like the gourd along the ground: but, like the gourd, they give no shade to the traveller; and when they are ripe death gathers them, and they go down unloved into hell, and their name vanishes out of the land.

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Mate, I haven't even passed the stage where I want to bang as many chicks as I can before settling (I've been in the west since 20), let alone having children/starting family

i know what you mean. you can tell the ones raised on the electric jew from the rest. i live and work in the sticks. such a difference between the blue hairs and the normal girls. the one secretary where i work piped up in conversation "well i'm sorry, but a bullet is less expensive than 30 years alive. those people dont deserve to live"

“But to the souls of fire I give more fire, and to those who are manful I give a might more than man’s. These are the heroes, the sons of the Immortals, who are blest, but not like the souls of clay. For I drive them forth by strange paths, Perseus, that they may fight the Titans and the monsters, the enemies of Gods and men. Through doubt and need, danger and battle, I drive them; and some of them are slain in the flower of youth, no man knows when or where; and some of them win noble names, and a fair and green old age; but what will be their latter end I know not, and none, save Zeus, the father of Gods and men. Tell me now, Perseus, which of these two sorts of men seem to you more blest?”

Then Perseus answered boldly: “Better to die in the flower of youth, on the chance of winning a noble name, than to live at ease like the sheep, and die unloved and unrenowned.”

Then that strange lady laughed, and held up her brazen shield, and cried: “See here, Perseus; dare you face such a monster as this, and slay it, that I may place its head upon this shield?”

And in the mirror of the shield there appeared a face, and as Perseus looked on it his blood ran cold. It was the face of a beautiful woman; but her cheeks were pale as death, and her brows were knit with everlasting pain, and her lips were thin and bitter like a snake’s; and instead of hair, vipers wreathed about her temples, and shot out their forked tongues; while round her head were folded wings like an eagle’s, and upon her bosom claws of brass.

And Perseus then said: “If there is anything so fierce and foul on earth, it were a noble deed to kill it. Where can I find the monster?”
Then she smiled and said: “Not yet; you are too young, and too unskilled; for this is Medusa the Gorgon, the mother of a monstrous brood. Return to your home, and do the work which waits there for you. You must play the man in that before I can think you worthy to go in search of the Gorgon.”

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How are you still going lad?

>I feel like I'm wasting my youth, all I want to do is bang girls and have meaningful relationships/conversations.

Its because your path is not the path of the common man. You must accept the fact that you are cut from different cloth, molded from different metal. The things you have been taught to seek are not the things that will satisfy you, it will grow a hunger within you that will never be sated.

Grow your wealth and leave an empire in seed and deed as other anons have said. Topple Bezsos, supplant Koch, strangle Derpiska in his halls of false wealth.

You seek the answer to what is best in life:
"Crush you enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women" -Chinngus Khan. (or ghengis)

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Save up a healthy amount and take a break if need be. Maybe take a break and move to a place for a while where the currency is weaker than the British pound so your money multiplies. Then when you get tired of that and if you have the desire to move back to the UK and make money if you can do so.

Just don't waste your life away for money. Life is also meant to be lived. Or maybe find somewhere to move where the currency is strong, and if you're happy in working in the same field etc try that option. Maybe a new environment will help. Or perhaps if you don't want to leave the UK but get out of London try that.

But yea like I said life is too short and is meant to be lived. Rather than going for an extreme change try getting a transfer to somewhere in the UK that's more chilled out than London.

Just make sure you're financially secure before any drastic changes. But London has that reputation of course.

Find a good girl in Russia. With this kind of money it should be easy.

Haha mate I'm in literally exactly the same situation minus the being Russian part. Thinking of moving to Australia desu or if not just traveling for a couple of years

Aнoн, пoлнocтью тeбя пoддepживaю и пoнимaю. Ho ты тaк нe пeчaльcя, a из этoй cтpaны нaдo вaлить, я дyмaю ты пoнимaeшь, чтo мы pyssкиe и этo нaвceгдa. Я caм c 19 лeт шapoeбюcь пo Baлинopy, ceйчac 23, a тaк c твoими cкилaми и языкoм (чтo вaжнee) бyдeшь кaк cыp в мacлe кaтaтьcя. Taк чтo пepeкaтывaйcя в Лeнингpaд. Удaчи мyжик!! (Aнoн из пepдeй ЮК)

boards.Jow Forums.org/pol/thread/213502481#bottom

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There are no good girls in russia.

tell me more

Go back to Russia then.

Look at this butthurt Britshit.
We are where we want.

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Plenty of gorgeous posh white girls in London, you just aren't getting matched with them because they're not interested in you


> still not spoiled with western money degeneracy


Leave now, you have little time to start a family, you wait too much and it‘s over

what happened to that pig? I don't see how it's legs aren't broken god damn

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You need to accept the fact that you are part of a select few of people. You just think differently. Act differently. Know different things. Seek different things of value. Like the random thot who thinks that diamonds are more valuable rather than emeralds, jade, or sapphire.

I don't blame you. I used to be like you (though not as in an advantageous position like you financially). Being screwed over financially led me to question basically everything that was taught to me by my peers, society, and parents. You have to understand that for the first 20+ years of your life the people and society responsible for your upbringing were basically garbage that didn't know anything about how to do it properly. You were molded in a certain way that does not truly befit your nature and now you are cast adrift not knowing what to do.

What you need to do now, with the education and experience is to basically re-teach and parent yourself so you can grow in the direction you were meant to. It took me years to do, but once you do you will most likely come to the same realizations that I have.

1.) that you are who you choose to be, and most people have chosen poorly.
2.) That there are things that make you better, and make you worse, and it is not wrong to treat people as they treat themselves.
3.) What are people and how you define humanity
4.) what is good and evil and how you define them.

You want deep and meaningful conversations? How long did it take you to learn the skill necessary to make that much in London? How hard did you have to suffer? Do you honestly believe that a person can convey all that they are in one conversation, an hour, a day? How deep can the conversation go except their hopes and dreams that they never fulfill, of sufferings borne in silence, of great deeds never achieved?

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All the deep meaningful conversations you will ever hear are the cries of people never acting toward their desires or purpose. You will either go mad or callous after hearing # 40056 talking about how he wants to connect with his son but not know how.

The people you want to have deep meaningful conversations with, the people of quality build and solve and strive, and do not have the time to do so and if they do only rarely. You seek gold among claypits and never define, truly, the substance of the thing you desire.

You desire quality and a life worth having, not the accouterments that accompany it.

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the more thots you bang the harder it will be for you to connect with a woman when you want to get married. nothing in this country is worth fucking anyway, our women are pigs, get out while you still can

what's different in australia?

This is true.

t. larper

What do you want?

Ask yourself that

>trying to escape their women
stop stealing my theories

If you're under 30 get yourself a working visa and go man.

>bang girls
>have meaningful relationships/conversations
Choose one you fucking (((russian))) faggot

Move back to Russia and surround yourself with virgin white nationalist Russian girls.


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You are wasting your youth because you have no Medusa to slay or no Grendel to disembowel, nothing to strive for, nothing to yearn for, nothing to grasp with both hands and win with song and steel and battle.

Women, wine and song will not solve it. You need a goal, a real goal. You feel like you wasted your life because you never found anything to sacrifice your life for. A lineage that lasts thousands of years. Creating a modern Feudal empire. Anything great.

>Through doubt and need, danger and battle, I drive them; and some of them are slain in the flower of youth, no man knows when or where; and some of them win noble names, and a fair and green old age; but what will be their latter end I know not, and none, save Zeus, the father of Gods and men. Tell me now, Perseus, which of these two sorts of men seem to you more blest?”

You may fail. Hell, you probably will. And you will have a regret in life. But will it be, when the Harvester of Souls comes to claim you like ripened wheat whether it be regret of failure or regret of never truly having used the life given to you to achieve something worth sacrificing for, and in success or failure knowing that it was a battle that if failed at least never found you weak.

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>>>Work Visa lotto

Lmao at you britbro

Get on my level and marry a yank

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uk slags baka

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Self-hating-whitey-please-accept-me niggers are entertaining to watch

are you that britbong who moved to texas? what's it like there? what are some pros and cons of living in the states?

London is hell, and its a hell created by greedy cunts that want to suckle on Satans proverbial teet for his shekels. Everyone there hates it, hates themselves, and hates everyone else, for getting in that rat race. You can not criticise others and be part of it yourself. You're all totally shit.

work lottery is for people they don't have to pay top $$$

Based , i have family making millions there and i want to kill them all.

> The women are disgusting, shit ton of negroes/filthy arabs, everything is hella expensive and every single person I meet (including women) is so self-centered and shallow that it's just ridiculous

That should like everywhere

Yep. It's basically a given that you make your bucks there in that bubble of higher everything including wages then GTFO to the country while you still have your senses relatively about you.

What is the battle worth fighting?

Its something you pick user. Its your Medusa, your Minotaur, its the Grail you find in the darkest part of your forest.


Western women aren’t bad. A lot are simply misunderstood.

They’ve been brainwashed by decades of feminism and racemixing propaganda. They’re basically all under some degree of Stockholm syndrome. Once you “break them in” so to speak, you’d be surprised how amenable they are to the idea of raising kids and being housewives. Deep down most white women want the same all other races of women.

That’s provided you can find one who hasn’t already lost her pairbonding ability through years of degenerate sex and degradation by foreign men, which in these times is becoming increasingly difficult.

Go Japan, they worship Russians like Aryan idols. London will always have money and pigs for women, that will never change. I blame the fucking Swedish Vikings for that.

you're right about western women, but english women are something else

this one also can give you some insights.


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Europe sucks, living in western Europe sounds great but in reality you’ll be begging to go back home after a week. Eastern Europe is poor and full of commie blocks but at least it isn’t full of insufferable leftists with superiority complexes

I'm in the same position...I don't enjoy my job and I want to move to a different city but I make too much money...Need to stay for about 2 years.

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No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both yourself and money.

I’m from England m8, I left that shithole a few months ago. It’s a lost cause.

Still some decent women left at the universities, but I agree it’s getting quite desperate. I wanted nothing more than to help my people survive and prosper, but the Jews wouldn’t allow it.

2000 years of British history and culture destroyed in a single generation. Tragic.

Al the best fellow bongs.

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Russians in London say hella?
I thought we only said hella in California.

money is cope. I'm a NEET living in Lithuania with a hot gf. I literally just watch youtube all day (or anime) and then meet up with my gf a few times a week.