We have to be replaced, but we have to be replaced LEGALLY

>We have to be replaced, but we have to be replaced LEGALLY

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what a fucking joke

3 years, no wall, more immigrants than king nigger, and unemployment at 24%

fuck zion don

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Remember when John Kelley was chief of staff and Kushner had no access? We weren't getting dumb shit like this two or three times a month back then.


Whities tricked and btfo yet again LOL

>merit based
>no more lottery
Oh no I'm so disappointed shucks I guess I'm voting for Biden now

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>merit based

That’s code for “another 5 million chinks and pajeets”

its actually brilliant. Most shitskins are so stoopid that they'll never qualify to come here.

>no no no it's how I! interpreted it

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i'll take them over spics. nigs and mudslimes

The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

Please tell me what Donny really meant, oh wise one.

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>we have to be replaced, but we have to be replaced by indians and chinks

>b-but he is owning the libtards! MIGA!

>Quietly, it seems, President Donald Trump reversed the usurper Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah's policies, which enabled illegal aliens to work far easier in America. The return of "no match" letters appear to be part of the administration's Buy American, Hire American policies.

>Bloomberg reported:

>The Social Security Administration has revived an old practice of notifying employers of mismatches between information on tax forms and the agency’s records.
So who are you voting for in 2020?
Quiet, junglenigger shitholer

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Remember when Jow Forums wasn't nothing but piss weak bait spammed day in and day out by seething libcucks?

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So where are these “merit based” applicants going to come from? Tell me what Donny really meant.

Who do you want to see as President in 2020

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At this point I don’t see what the difference is- every candidate, Republican and Democrat, wants to make America brown.

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i would like to be president

i would make it a month before getting jfk'd but i would at least fix some things

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No really what is the difference? I don’t want non white immigration to this country. Trump and Biden are ok with it. Neither party represents me.

Also where are those merit based workers going to come from?

lol what a fking shill thread this is.
Trump gonna get Europeans whites to emigrate to the USA.

>just fucking stop

Attached: juststopp.jpg (485x185, 35K)

The absolute state of ptg cope

Where are those workers coming from? Who should I vote for if I don’t want non whiter immigration to the US?

>Who should I vote for if I don’t want non whiter immigration to the US?
You tell me

>Bill Clinton is president
>goes to israel
>takes a bunch of photos wearing yamulkas and standing at the wailing wall
>talks about moving the capital to jerusalem but doesn't
>libcucks clap and praise him
>GHW Bush is president
>goes to israel
>takes a bunch of photos wearing yamulkas and standing at the wailing wall
>talks about moving the capital to jerusalem but doesn't
>libcucks don't even care
>Barack Obama is president
>goes to israel
>takes a bunch of photos wearing yamulkas and standing at the wailing wall
>talks about moving the capital to jerusalem but doesn't
>libcucks clap and praise him
>Donald Trump is president
>goes to israel
>takes a bunch of photos wearing yamulkas and standing at the wailing wall
>talks about moving the capital to jerusalem but actually moves the capital to jerusalem
>libcucks lose their fucking minds, clutch their vaginas and scream at the sky at the top of their lungs calling Trump a jewish puppet and various other things

Selective memory is a motherfucker, ain't it?

I’m asking you. I don’t know who to vote for because neither party supports ending non white immigration to the US.

How can you tell that Trump was telling the truth that time?

We’re talking about immigration, friend.

The DNC and GOP both work for Zionists because both parties are the exact same regarding (((foreign policies)))

Okay, so I'll be voting for the one that wants to make whatever immigration we do have merit based and english speaking rather than lottery and sanctuary cities

So a bunch of poos and chinks then

And the anons ITT and every other anti-Trump thread that are against him are paid kike shills LARPing like they hate Trump in order to sway voters away from voting for him in the coming election. Pay attention.

Who's the better mystery alternative you're recommending again?
>just anybody but fucking drumpf!

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>if you criticize trump you’re a shill

That’s cute Moishe. I see you remembered your proxy this time.

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Probably will vote third party desu.


So I should vote for someone that doesn’t represent me? I’m confused.

>That’s cute Moishe
Projection initiated. Tell me more why LEGAL immigration is somehow bad now for some reason and why we shouldn't vote for Trump. Also, post the bridge of your nose to prove me wrong, kike.

If your only opinion is just
>anybody but fucking drumpf, okay?
I've already addressed this, silly goose

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Immigration is bad in general because only nonwhite subhumans are the ones coming.

Little to no Europeans to be found, just spic mutts, chinks, and Pajeets.

It drives down wages and even the “merit based” system is just chinks and pajeets. If you’re still unironically pro immigration in 2019 there’s something wrong with you.

I really don’t see the difference between “merit based” chinks and illegal spics in the country d esu.

>As long as we’re replaced LEGALLY

Unironically Tulsi Gabbard. She’ll take down israel for us and we can do the rest.

People will continue to cross the border ilegally, tell how a law will solve anything

It's always been mostly brown people immigrating here, but now it's suddenly bad? You weren't causing a ruckus when Obummer was president, where were you? It's suddenly bad now because BLRUMPHF beat the best the libcucks could muster, so now everything Trump does now is suddenly bad.

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That's the saddest reply I've ever seen.
At this rate it doesn't matter who wins.
The leftest agenda matches forward.

Brown people immigrating here was always bad. Where have you been?

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"Brown people immigrating here was always bad" -est. 2016

Also that stat is meaningless because the government considers Arabs and other such people to be white

>t. Got here in 2016

Lurk more

>we love immigration now
Hi new fren
>trump sucks jews at every level
>calls other anti trump jews
I think this user od on cope pills.

This, so much this.
What the libtards don't understand is that we're not against immigration, we just want them to come here legally. I have nothing against BASED immigrants who are to help MAGA and pay taxes. Democrats are the real racists.

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>Conservatives have always been for LEGAL immigration
>"all" immigration suddenly a bad thing
You should really try a little harder, libcucks

And who are you voting for in 2020?

Cuckservatives have always been for “muh based none white immigrants”. Jow Forums was never for this.

Lurk more.

Let's see, I can either
>Vote for Trump, who's deporting illegals and building the wall as I type
>Vote for some spineless libcuck who would allow ALL illegals into the country and give them all the gibs they desire

Trump won, get over it and try harder.

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>more immigrants than king nigger
This is categorically false.

I don't know where you tards are getting your info from, hopefully not Discord trannies, but the truth is that all immigration (legal and illegal) took a 5-10% hit when Trump took office.

Perhaps the only exception is the H-2B visas.

You’re gonna have to enjoy their filthy smell, you’ll enjoy their islam and hinduism as well.

Wait Times for Citizenship Have Doubled in the Last Two Years

Fewer family visas approved as Trump toughens vetting of immigrants

Trump to Cap Refugees Allowed Into U.S. at 30,000, a Record Low

Visa approvals for tech workers are on the decline. That won’t just hurt Silicon Valley.

More than 5,000 asylum seekers have been returned under "Remain in Mexico" policy

Attached: H1B-Visa-Approval-Rate-Trends-2007-to-2017-by-USCIS.png (621x486, 34K)

>democrats, who allow any shitskins into the country

>trump, who allows only #Based #MAGA shitskins in

Yikes. Trump and congress had two years to get money for a wall FYI. We were lied to.

Woah so we’re getting replaced at a slower rate? Based.

Not goona work fag

This will be 'white australia' 2.0

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>Woah so we’re getting replaced at a slower rate? Based.

Yes. This game was already lost back in the 70s. The best you can hope for is simply a slow down unless either:

1) You elect a president that has no problem violating the constitution to get rid of non-whites
2) You miraculously step up your birthrate to 10 for a few decades

Looks like it doesn’t matter who I vote for then.

You're right, lets all vote Yang Gang

Trump is pretty much indistinguishable from Jeb Bush at this point so yeah, might be worth a shot.

Figured it's what you want. Lets all get on the Yang bandwagon, because surely he will give all of us $1000 a month. We all know that Biden isn't gonna defeat Trump, he has no support, his own party doesn't even want him. Everyone else on the Dem ticket isn't gonna go anywhere, it's literally the sequel to 2016. Yang on the other hand is different, because he's promising the impossible, and seeing as you libtards believe he can magically pull money out of his ass, I might as well join the gang. Yang surely wouldn't open up the border to the south and welcome all those brown people you claim to hate, and since they'll be automatic citizens, they'll get to get in on that cool $1000 a month!


if you bothered to read up on any of Yang's policies you would realize he advocates for a strong border because of the freedom dividend. He doesn't want people coming over solely to receive handouts. You fucking zionist cum drinkers crack me up man, you honestly think you can just spew your lies and no one will chin check you on your bullshit. Can't wait for 2020, you kikes are FUCKED.

I don't need to read it because anyone who claims he can give every adult citizen $1000 is an absolute fucking numbskull. Trump has already won, you libcucks literally handed the election to him with your bullshit russian peepee mattresses and collusion fairytale. Cope harder.

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I mean trump is all for letting the third world come here as long as they have a stem degree and can speak English, which I guess makes all the difference to a cuckservative like you.

I already told you that I'm #YangGang now, you've convinced me, Efrayim. You've earned those shekels.

You have to stop illegal immigration before you can even hope of reducing legal immigration, or they'll just go through the backdoor. Worry about legal immigration later.

>doesn’t even know how to reply

Ok boomer

That sounds possible. How do you know so much about the regions of the US? Also, what happens to whites/blacks who don’t want to live in new China or new New Mexico ??

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>worry about it later

The 1965 immigration act was an act of treason. It undermined the democratic rights of several states and now Texas is going to vote blue in 2020.

he is bringing in rich Europeans you stupid kike shill

>y'know I really don't like Trump. He's fucking us in the ass. We should do something... Our country won't last like this

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You realise that there a tons if smart Indians and chinks. Atleast with Mexicans they could only take low paying jobs, the asians and Indians are going to take all your jobs. Based drumpf there will be no unemployment for immigrants

How are amerifats this retarded

Mfw shills latch onto this as their only good meme

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Obama gave us bump stocks, binary triggers, pistol braces and actually made getting a NFA trust to own machine guns and suppressors easier

Trump made 500.000 gun owners felons and pushed red flag confiscation laws without due process

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LOL he's had a lot of plans, wake me when he DOES something

>now Texas is going to vote blue in 2020.
so is Florida

Trump sending ‘500 migrants a month’ to Florida

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>>libcucks lose their fucking minds, clutch their vaginas and scream at the sky at the top of their lungs calling Trump a jewish puppet and various other things

None of this happened you retard.

*blocks your path to a 2020 blue florida*
heh... nothing personnel...

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>blocks your path
I need him to block Trumps path

kek, true true

Your delusions should be illegal