Lamo madlads

220 mil in ILS that's 61.5 mil US dollars

HAHAHAHA BASED. I wouldn't be surprised if they're ever allowed to visit again until Israel is wiped off the map.

Attached: 1557010726938.png (1200x2073, 329K)

Iceland should have won.

Netherlands is boring.


Attached: CB0A1073.jpg (3601x2401, 3.81M)

Fags and Jewish women crave Arab and Palestinian cock.

Attached: Bride-and-groom-celebrate.jpg (444x250, 25K)

Lmfao.. now go to Palestine and wave the Israeli flag ...


Well, I hope Iceland will welcome the new refugees from the Middle East with open arms.
Especially since Sharia law is so open and understanding about how to treat sexual deviants.

reading this is like the biggest redpill, fuck Israel and fuck jews.

Lmao jews can't control their own degenerates anymore and are being turned on

there's a parallel timeline in which these fuckers win and show this during his victory performance, resulting in an Israel BTFO of epic proportions