Why are you religious?

Why are you religious?

Personally, I cant bring myself to believe the bible.
I'm talking to the people with a triple digit iq, so if youre a faggot that talks about the virtues of faith please kys.

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>claims to be high IQ
>doesn't understand that basically everything is underpinned by faith
Science is inductive. It can't give you 100% answers, only say that something is likely. You can't be certain your perception of the world is accurate. It goes on and on. Faith does not mean believing in something without any evidence. It means believing in something despite the possibility that it's wrong. Believing in something without evidence, which is to say, BLIND faith, is only one type of faith.

Because culture, Op.
Religion, regardless of dogma, has an impact on society.
The Roman Catholic church was based on the old Roman Pagan values; they believed that faith and scientific and philosophical inquiry would never conflict for long. So, they not only allowed science, they funded it.
The Catholics got that money from sin money.
This made western civilization great in law and science.
Protestants? They fucked it up! Sure, the Catholic leadership were child fucking rapists, but... the Protestants threw down the bible as the absolute word of god... not to be questioned. So if it says 7 days,it's 7 days goddamnit. They obliterated the use of logic and reason, and that's why we're fucked today.

People need an easy way to find their purpose in life

I'm not religious but I think some people need Jesus.

The Bible is Jewish nonsense.

I’m not super religious, not like I was when I was little, but I do take some solace in believing that there’s a place after death.

Plot twist, you keep getting reincarnated into this hellhole.

>You can't be certain your perception of the world is accurate.

You dont know how much I hate you, you judeo-christian babylonian moon death cult morons.

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If you want a serious challenge to your beliefs thats coherent and will make you think i reccomend c.s. lewis work Mere Christianity which will present the adult spirituality that most dont achieve which the Christian faith should lead one towards if treated correctly. There was a recent print run its very nice check it out.

He's right tho, "Science says something" and everyone believes without questioning.
Remember when smoking was healthy or all this 1 gorillions genders bullshit? They're not different that religious people.

>You can't be certain your perception of the world is accurate.
This is the basis for modern physics, retard

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No you dumb black nigger, science says something and says why they believe it is like that, it observes and replicates. If somebody else shows up and manages to prove that it isnt like that, science agrees. Fucking get off your paint can huffing, you understand 0% of science.

The fuck is this shitty collection by randoms? Also
>bill nye


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God damn you're fucking stupid, shouldn't have even bothered with Turkish Gypsy retard

>calling me Turkish

Holy shit Ratko, Serbian hypocrisy knows no bounds

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You agree that the scientists on the right are contemptible, yes? Do you think anything of the fact that the scientists on the left still see a purpose for philosophy?

Also, not being certain that what you are perceiving is accurate is based on the fact that merely observing the world alters it.

I called you Turkish Gypsy

neckbeards pls go

Religion is a method to control the masses, but if you're smart enough to realize, then just leave it alone and don't try to make more atheists. The masses are a bunch of morally bankrupt retards who need the threat of a magic sky daddy's punishment in order to be decent. Religion is necessary for functional society because people are garbage.

Stop using my yurus, fag

Because science theorizes a big bang but has no clue where the intitial particle(s) or fundemental forces came from, so im open to anything that can explain it, not a bible thumper but not a materialist either, not sure what youd classify it

Not really all into that religious stuff like preaching,but I consider myself Roman Catholic regardless.

There are good themes in the Bible, and other texts I suppose. It has parables that can be instructive in raising ethical and moral kids.
As far as believing that sky Jew conceived a child who he let die to magic back for a few days vs a THOT making up a story after getting pregers...that’s just silly.

>Do you think anything of the fact that the scientists on the left still see a purpose for philosophy?

What does philosophy have to do with faith/religion you tripple nigger. Oh fuck USTASHE should have holocausted all of you.

Dont reply to me you retard.

>science hasnt explaint every single tiny bit of the universe therefore its wrong
>science is materialism

end yourself

I never said its wrong, just that it doesnt have the answers to prove other beliefs wrong

I essentially saying I give benefit of the doubt to there being something larger than ourselves, and that doesnt mean some sky daddy theory either, im just saying im not closed minded or dishonest about it like the plurality...like you appear to be so far

SandNigger Religions are degenerate.
Look into Tesla, Schauberger and Boscovich if you want to become more spiritual.

Wasted digits on that post.
When scientists say something it’s supposed to be questioned.
If you mean the masses should believe it - yeah you, we, probably lack the knowledge to question what the consensus is. But experts in those fields are continuing to test the consensus.

if you look at who came out with the big bang and who supported it you can see who the bad apples in science are.

Go on then, question why Einstein is allowed to divide by zero.

Well the answer surely isn't monotheism, especially abrahamic monotheism which is the norm for western society.

Burden of proof relies on the person making the claim.

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I have a question, am I religious if I have a belief system and faith in god, but dont subscribe to any particular organized religion?

I am not a PhD in physics.
You? What school, when did you graduate? Please post your thesis.

How do you explain existence? The conditions for a universe to exist and conditions for life just happened to be met?

Have you ever thought about complex interconnected ecosystems and animals with traits so specific to survive that if evolution happened as they say then most shit just would not exist given how slowly favorable changes are made.

Nothing can answer any real questions. Once you understand that fact you will start asking questions and if you are respectful and lucky enough you will receive responses if you pay attention.

not going to spoonfeed, look Ein Stein and his settled science up yourself.

>triple digit IQ
user thats half the population, I think you want smarter people

arguing with these people is pointless, it’s like explaining Vermeer to a blind person. I’ve been there, you’ll get there.

The world is governed by morons and it’s only gonna get worse.

norons you elect

>Personally, I cant bring myself to believe the bible.
man, seems like you lost and won

>triple digit IQ

Pick only 1

I'm not religious, I'm spiritual.
The Bible, like all religions, has been corrupted by the Jews.
You should just know that this world is a way to "power level" your soul.
You set your challenges before you came here, and you have a helper that tries to push you in the direction of the goal you set for yourself.
You are playing in an open world RPG.
Have fun!

Ahhh, so you don’t have a doctorate in math or physics.
Yet you have opinions? Cool.
You want me to go watch pseudo science jewtube videos by hacks who similarly lack understanding of basic concepts? Naw thanks tho fren.

morons elect morons.

The question was 'why are you religious' so yes, your answer would make no sense at all

And it also ignore my clealry stated "that doesnt mean some sky daddy theory"

read and try again

ok moron :-)

You dont even comprehend what we were discussing, abrahamic religion were not the subject, hes just sticking to what he knows

to clarify, I’m on his side.


"There are 56 genders! Science has spoken!"

:D you don't know me, I don't know you and it is good that way. If numerology is your anchor of hope don't look into the relation of Henri Poincaré and Einstein the plagiarist. You might loose your faith.
I am not advocating for a false dichotomy, mainstream science being fucked doesn't mean Bible is right.

Evola talks about the absolute masculine and absolute feminine. The masculine principle can be seen at its zenith in the ascetic priest and the warrior. The feminine on the other hand is at her zenith when she is in a role like that of a mother and in alignment with the masculine, the feminine is after all too chaotic and requires the masculine. Men are solar and women are lunar, get it?
Anyways the point is that the to embody what it means to really be a man is to aim for transcendence. Both the priest and the warrior, in their different ways, transcend the every day wold and make their way to the divine.
To be a man, really be a man, one must transcend, and for that to happen a divine must exist. Without it we are all just faggy chaotic women.

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Well, what's your religion, habibi? In context, OP is clearly referring to christianity.

Science has never stated that. No paper has been published. Science is not reflective to your world views. Get used to it, dogmatic tard.

Exactly. This place is like a cesspool of the intellectually homeless.

Get that nastzi symbol off that anime girl.

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You can be cultural christian instead.
Because the alternative is far worse.

When you have the Church as a foundation, you will have priests decide morality in your society. While not ideal, it's at least not malicious.

So when you weaken the church, the (((journalists))) take over and control what is morality in your society.
That's the nightmare clown world the west is in today.

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I did comprehend what you two were discussing, and was, as per usual, flabbergasted by the basic bitchness of your argument.

by your logic, just because there is no scientific consensus on the reason why gravity exists, we should not discard the possibillity that there is a fat american in the middle of every galaxy pulling things closer together.

the answer to a lack of scientific understanding is more science, not god of the gaps, you fucking idiot.

Do you even know what the term “numerology” means? Based on the context of your post, no you don’t.
If you do then your opinions are valueless. And no, random jewtube videos do not have a big influence on how I view the world.

>Ahhh, so you don’t have a doctorate in math or physics.
Is disappointing I am not spoon feeding him from an Position of Authority but give him something to look up himself.
>Do you even know what the term “numerology” means?
Doesn't understand basic humor.

>I don’t want to be spoon fed or go look up your random bullshit.
>I was making a joke
Ha, right. But glad you know what it means now. Learning something new every day is a good goal.

"100 Autoren gegen Einstein"

>he doesn’t care about my baseless opinion
Get some sleep user.

stay asleep user.

Was a Cucktholic due to childhood brainwashing. Dropped it because it was too hypocritical.

Oh, I am awake user. This shit is easy.

I wonder how much of Christianity's decline in the west is because of youth culture and popular culture being influenced by the fat, alcoholic, nihilistic Christopher Hitchens types of the 90s and 2000s who were just talented speakers that were generally just angry at the status quo and took it out on Christianity.

>Why are you religious?
everything that is created has a cause.
the universe is created - the universe has a cause.
Jesus is the cause because I know based on personal experience, testimonies, scripture and theological argumentation


>1 post by this ID


it seems that you faggots simply cannot think outside the box; with you its either jew religion or no religion at all,

>without religion we're all a bunch of tranny faggots
Never thought of it that way.