Have you ever dated a guy shorter than you? What's it like? Is it that weird to be taller? Do you ever get used to it?

Have you ever dated a guy shorter than you? What's it like? Is it that weird to be taller? Do you ever get used to it?

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Short guy here who had dated taller girls. Nothing special about it.

Yeah, I'm really into it personally but the short men ive dated were usually submissive so it might be weird if you want someone more dominant

Yeah I’ve dated a short guy, didn’t matter at all ( he made it weird when I wanted to wear heels so that was kinda lame but otherwise good relationship)

But heels are the best footwear for women. Stupid manlets

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I Know!!! It sucked because he was already shorter and I clearly didn’t give a fuck but it made him uncomfortable that I became even taller

Most men are dominant. You probably just were seeking out submissive men.

Im 6'3 and Im not sure how I would feel with 6'5 woman

Tall girl here. When we first started dating he told me he didn't want me slouching around him or not wearing heels when I wanted to, out of some fear of offending him. I saw that this was a man confident in himself and we never even mentioned the subject again

How long have you been together?

Seven minutes

My girl is taller, but in bed it’s not that big of a difference.

What about when she bents over and leans on the desk, do you use a chair to stand on?

kek, just move her hips lower

I've been with shorter men, some were very dominant, but I found that only the ones who were very insecure had a need to comment on my height.

For me it's the reverse.

My girls a few centimeters taller and feels very uneasy about using heels. It's a shame because she'd look stunning in them.

I’ve been with shorter guys, it was never really weird or anything. My current boyfriend is about an inch shorter than me, and I wear heels daily. The only time it sucks is if we try to have shower sex, my hips sit too high for it.

A short guy with quiet confidence ‘big dick energy’ is hnnnngggg. Into it. Something is really hot about it.

If you don't see yourself doing it then don't do it. No hard feelings as long as you don't treat me any different for being an inch shorter than you.


I dated 2 guys shorter than me. One was around 15cm shorter, the other just a few. Both times were miserable, they expressed their displeasure when I wore heels, disliked cuddling and were extremely insecure about their height and weight (both were very skinny, I have normal bmi). Nowadays I am cautious about dating shorter men but I don't outright refuse going out due to their shorter statue, not every short guy is that insecure.

Bait or retard. You dated low quality men. You could just as easily have dated tall insecure low quality men.

171cm 5’7” tall and I always feel insecure about my height like I am a runt or something my sister is 5’6”.

Is there any hope I could be attractive to a woman if I am so short.

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You are literally looksmaxxing pussyslaying height. Any girl of any height is available for you.

It took me until about ... age 22-23 to realise I was attractive to women. Prior to that I thought I was just hideous with tons of negative attributes. Turns out being 6'2" and chubby is totally fine and once I started doing some exercise oh wow did girls start spilling spaghetti. I'd hate to be shorter. I work with younger guys, some of them short, some of them tall, quite a few of them fat or really skinny. I end up feeling like ... shit man you ALL think you are worthless right now, but this skeletal 5'5" guy is going to look back at his youth when older and this is going to be his absolute physical peak. Any of the guys fat or thin with average height or greater and a decent frame are going to absolutely slay over the next few years, they just don't realise it yet.

sounds like fantasies written by a kissless virgin 6'2" guy

Who cares, date the short guy, life is meaningless and we are all going to die anyways.

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Wanting a taller man is a social construct. Once you free yourself from society’s irrational standards life is better. I’ve been with guys shorter than me. It’s no big deal. It’s about the person, not physical appearance.

And shorter guys usually have better physical appearance.

top lad, that's how it should be

>It took me until about ... age 22-23 to realise I was attractive to women. Prior to that I thought I was just hideous with tons of negative attributes.
fuck man, I'm a 5'8 version of you


They usually are better for standing sex positions, super hot.