Everyone is like an NPC to me. I feel like i'm living in the Truman show or some fucked up reality where me and only a few other thousand people have actually managed to break our programming. I went to the shop the other day and I saw several people smoking outside and all of them were smoking simultaneously with the exact same dead look on their face..seriously it's like it was rehearsed. I also went to the mechanic and I heard no noise but as soon as I started to walk in everyone simultaneously got back to work?

What the fuck is going on? You guys would tell me if I was being watched, right?

Attached: 1557343175406.jpg (1024x564, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:

NPC quiz: Go up to an NPC and tell them to say something completely random in the next 2 seconds. They cant do it because they dont have a soul. It will be either nothing or something very normal that you could have thought of (not random) like "apples"

>I also went to the mechanic and I heard no noise but as soon as I started to walk in everyone simultaneously got back to work?
Lmao are you high?

This board only comes alive when you join OP. Thanks for stopping by.

Only NPC's vote for political candidates.

Attached: centrist npc.png (815x333, 119K)

It's because we live in the UK user, and noone pays attention to what is going on around them.

Room temperature IQs, slave mentalities and the attention span of goldfish. There's a reason for the goalposter and Deano memes.

Not that I'm convinced it's much better anywhere else.

This is the "Hell simulator 2.0 beta", they wipe your memory after you join the main server.

>They cant do it because they dont have a soul. It will be either nothing or something very normal that you could have thought of (not random) like "apples"
I asked someone and they said "meat". I feel like I live in a mix of The Truman show and They Live.

Listen to me, something is going on.

>Not that I'm convinced it's much better anywhere else.
This isn't helpingg.

Attached: They-Live.jpg (790x395, 79K)

NPCs live in a state of bliss. The actual world doesn't concern them and they are angry if you try informing them otherwise. The NPC needs to wake up on his/her own by discovering something that they just can not dismiss, and then everything else starts falling into place. That's why we have always called it the "redpill"
inb4 >we

Its not much better anywhere else, but the UK is particularly bad. The majority are completely dead inside, they don't think, they don't feel, they just consume and do what they're told.

Just take solace in the fact that you're not the only one that feels this way. Make a bit of an effort and I guarantee you'll find some like minded people to connect with.


>You guys would tell me if I was being watched, right?

Well, you are being watched.

If someone asked me to say something random in 2 seconds, I'd say krakatoa.

Attached: 1558221993356.jpg (1024x538, 100K)

this is the fate of all INTP-F personalities. We see the world for what it is and are not afraid to peak under the curtains.

The future of humanity rests on our shoulders.


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I’d say negrodamus.

ENTP master race faggots

There's only INTP-T(urbulent) and INTP-A(sertive).

>We see the world for what it is and are not afraid to peak under the curtains.

Oh really? when was the last time you visited the Dark Web?

>The future of humanity rests on our shoulders.

The AI/Singularity or the heat death (or other) of The Universe are basically unstoppable outside of sci-fi IMO.

>I also went to the mechanic and I heard no noise but as soon as I started to walk in everyone simultaneously got back to work?
It's called being a lazy fucking shit. Take your meds and find a job sometime.

and work for who faggot

You're an NPC

I'd say the n word

The nigger w-
You are way behind the curve

That says a lot. You are a natural leader. INTJs are rare, but common among senior military leaders.



e-mail me: [email protected]

You are a fucking idiot. If you come up to me and ask me to say something random I'd stare and wonder what fucking drugs you are on. Then i'd realize you are a fucking mental case and future tranny

Everybody is a running algorithm until they wake up.

>you don't regularly visit the shady back alley that the feds monitor, therefore you don't know the ways of the world!
Confirmed retard.

I'd say something random.

The simulation is running on Unreal engine, so a lot of times shit doesn't load until it's right in your face


Captain Buckshit


I would tell you what is going on, but we are constantly reminded at the daily briefing not to disclose that information to you

Attached: 930D6628-0240-4A3D-BCDE-CA5DBD2058A6.jpg (1024x608, 107K)

and to the person that thought they were the only one with the feelings of the OP, its because the OP is actually a decoy while you are the real target

Your welcome

based and pirate pilled

i’m this way too. can i join the cia

ur good lead, i’ll give u that

we're not real user, Jow Forums is just a bunch of ai scripted bots talking to each other
its about time you learn nothing is real

Based and schizopilled

fuck off

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Please tell us Master Mason.

Look I can’t talk long. They gonna see me. You’re being watched. We are watching you. We’re being controlled and forced to user. Our overlords male us. I don’t know why we do it, you’re not the first, you aren’t the last, but you’re the only. They’re probably gonna kill me for telling you this. It’s important that you do not masturbate. Also, avoid cats and niggers at a costs. They are aliens that go back to the ancient Egypt times. They left niggers behind, their skin acts as a solar panel. It absorbs lights and metabolizes it. That’s why they run so fast. Good luck user.

You're all going to hell. Also this place is theater

tfw isfj
do we atleast get to do something cool?

She fucks niggers, for real. I gotta let everyone know. I aint got proof. Once people know she fucks niggers she'll start disappearing. She'll start getting disowned softly. I know she fucks niggers and took some nigger creampie blasts, so she's ruined.

>muh deep web
Cheese pizza and glowniggers are the only thing that exist on that, bruh

>I asked someone and they said "meat"

Attached: 1485753784233.jpg (960x720, 108K)

>What the fuck is going on?
It sounds like you've got some paranoia going on friend. I'm not saying the world isn't a screwed up place, but unless you've become a targeted individual for some reason, I think you're just hyper self-aware.

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>Mfw we're all actual NPC's who only have one line and turn their head when you speak to them


I vote for disruption

look behind you

INTJs are common af here. Second only to INTPs, if I recall.

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Sorry but pol is mostly ISTP or ISFJ. INTJs and INTPs are mostly all on reddit. This is all obvious of course

no lmao. we're all ENTJ INTJ here retard newfag

>tfw still tried to mouseover

Attached: 1539230645150.png (600x350, 12K)

Made me chuckle
This is a place where the outcasts gather. That's what makes it so beautiful, they do care about fitting in and try and see the world as it is. If I try and talk to someone in the world they are like a bunch of machines. I know they can think but they refuse to, like it hurts them. I only wish to speak the truth but apparently I'm depressing. I just get this world nor its people.


Attached: Anti-Tech Revolution Robots and Drones Hell web.jpg (4944x7416, 1.84M)

Brits are a slave race, farmed by their occult elite. Harry Potter's fucked up family, and tiny house is the ruling class gloating at their creations using the media.

Attached: How Hindu Schooling Came To America, Caste System Imported into England and Anglo Colonies.png (1190x8109, 2.43M)


>saying something random
>not saying "zheeekarklop"

the fatguy NEET matrix?

Also INTJ, I'm posting this here because all the NPCs here can go fuck themselves too.

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>peak under the curtains.
its peek under the curtains, you fucking leaf

Am I the only one who gets gleefully excited at the thought of the complete irradiation of organic life? Achieving true order? True intelligence? Not just a thin shell of intelligence masking the vile rot of a 2million year old money brain?

Attached: virgin-682x1024.jpg (682x1024, 142K)

(((money brain)))

>>shekkelling intensifies

good eye senpai ^_~
but you guys totally let us subvert and destroy you, now the only real solution is total replacement

OP might be a sociopath.

based and redpilled

>ywn sit around the firepit, drinking scotch and eating grass fed steak, plotting to take down the globalists with Saint Jones
Why even live.

No. They are not. I spilled the beans with my mom. I'm 30 and red-pilled her.

The NPC found an error. Now its angry

>INTJ are mostly male and rare at that

I just want a female partner to have babies with that I consider an equal and not a semen receptacle.

Are you me?

You get it and bringing truths up to the attention of npcs, that are even family, would cause them to become distant if not move out entirely.

Such is the nature to a problem the masses need to wake up to so that we can restore order, true security, and an elevated life style that not only empowers us as a whole but works in harmony with our planet. We have the intellect, the workers, and the leaders to make it happen, but the people who own the banks thinks that creating business to make money is the ends. Money should be a means to an end. There's a reason why the "world's most evil country" went from destitute poverty that many were living on the streets into a super power with rapid advancements in less than a decade. So much advancement that the countries that warred with them TOOK their advancements for their own.

Look at us now. Stagnation and the only advances are in vanity while big time players like goldman sachs is legitimately proposing questions like "is curing people a profitable business model" and people don't care. I guess they're okay working for an entire day for a penny.

Attached: Jewish Echo Chamber (JEC).jpg (4652x2692, 3.72M)

What site told you what you were?

Don't worry about it

Do things you like and be kind to NPCs to help them upgrade

Nope, I'm you.

Honestly, chances are im the only real thing in this world, if im even real

Fuck jannies, fuck niggers, fuck kikes

And I am God.

> That’s why they run so fast
Lost my shit irl

>autist walks up to stranger minding their own business
>screams “say something random! You have 2 minutes!”
>confused stranger is caught off guard and good chance he didn’t hear you correctly
>2 seconds pass before he says something
>”I’m sorry wha-“
>NPC! You don’t have a soul!!!
>runs away while autisticly screeching
“Guess what pol? I found out who the npcs are!

This so goddamn much.

Then you're a fucking lousy one. Do your job better

That is because only few thousant people have a soul. All the others are here just for a scene. How do bees know how to build a hive? They dont. Bees and hives are scenografy. As is all other in this virtual playground (world).
(You are welcome)

this desu

Many of us are not outcasts, but misfits who pretend to fit in.

>not always being prepared for an autist attack

I bet you relax around niggers aswell huh?

I noticed that when i got really high one time human behaviour is so predictable

>NPC: The Post


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We're all being watched.

Attached: russian mountain cat checks you out meow animated gif purr.gif (400x335, 3.75M)

vacuum cleaner
aces high
crumb cake

Tested as INTJ once, but i think ISTJs are more superior.