To Jow Forums white nationalist:

To Jow Forums white nationalist:
Are there black people that you like?
Not even Terry Crews?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nope. Fuck niggers

Fuck Jews too

Terry #Metoo Crews

I like one pic related

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Will Smith. He is a good role model for black fathers and fatherlessness is the biggest issue plaguing the black community

The ones I like all want segregation and don't want to be around me either. But you are all disgusting.

You mean mexicans? why?

This desu.
I have a mixed respect and utter derision for Malcolm X. Mostly because he'd chimp out and call me a white devil, but still had a love for his people and wanted them to have their own society and civilization.

>amerimutts will be allowed within 10 miles from the ethnostate

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James harden and Chris paul
Basketball niggers made me some dolla

good comedian and "gas all the jews" was a big hit. solid.

Oh shit it's Adolf Murphy? Eddie Hitler?

Your mother might be the only one sadly

Lurk more

No, he wouldnt. He was friends with George Lincoln Rockwell. He had an alliance with white separatists.

Being a White Nationalist doesn't require you to hate anyone.
It only means that you want your own nation to be one exclusively for White people.
White Nationalists are perfectly fine with niggers, spics, chinks, and poos existing, so long as they are in their own nations.

You don't understand, faggot. The dislike is caused by their statistical likelihood to be fucked up. Those that break the statistics are okay and if their race as a whole came up to our level, we'd stop disliking them. If they became better than us we'd be the niggers. Even white ethno-nationalists recognize that certain shitskins perform better than whites. That's not white supremacy, that's race realism. Jews are disgusting, degenerate, and subversive without any regard whatsoever to the good people who try to help them. Niggers are disgusting, degenerate, stupid, and their cultures across the world are absolute shit. Whites are pretty intelligent but far too compassionate today, easily swayed by propaganda, and unwilling to stand up for themselves.

None of that is to say that specific people of those races can't break the mold in a positive way without betraying their race. But they DO have to betray their cultural norms and be hated by those within those norms.

I like the ones that, you know, don't act like entitles fucks that want gibs, reparations, and hate white people just for being successful. Oh, and i hate the ones that just vote for leftists just because being even so much as center-left, center, or center-right, or even moderate is somehow anti-black and loving 'uncle sam' - as if that's a fucking bad thing, to support one of the greatest nations that ever existed - they hate them because 'muh salvery' as if America was the only country on the fucking planet that had slaves.

Literally every nation has had slaves, that includes every shithole in Africa, and they had slaves long before America was even a country.

I like blacks that kill other blacks

Addie Murphy is based.

By being in a beard marriage and having absolutely demented kids?

Thomas Sowell is based af.
I think Mike Tyson is a good guy, misunderstood.
There’s a couple guys I work with I like who are black.
I’m sure I could name a couple more. My problem with niggers is their culture and their shitty attitudes. And that they tend to be retarded.

Malcolm X was a decent black man. On a side i can't always agree with as to the cause of hatred on whichever side, but he was decent. If he'd have been given another 10 years seeing what black people were becoming and who was subverting them and that those people weren't actually white, but jewish, he'd have been a real hero. They .murdered him before he could fully realize that it wasn't whites that were the enemy, rather government as a whole and jews most specifically.

>run out on unfamous wife and son
>enter into loveless celebrity marriage
>raise two fucked up faggots who are a constant embarrassment
>stop taking good roles that propelled into superstardom of the 90s and exclusively take shit roles for quick cash

You guys don't understand. We shouldn't like role model niggers, we should like niggers who get abortions, gay niggers, and niggers who die young before having children. The negro birth rate is too goddamn high.

We should promote role model whites and degenerate niggers to lower the nigger birth rate while strenghtening white morality.

True dat white boy

Terry crews exposed his weaknesses, he is a beta male
Jesse lee peterson is one of the few great black men

>muh based latino
>so hardworking
>muh toilet cleaners
In America, the niggers are American. Stay TF out Paco because the Non-LARPers are kicking your ass first

I like this one

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White nationalist =/= hating blacks
It only means wanting a White Nation, free of people of other races.
You know you want it too. After all, why be around all that toxic whiteness?
Blacks who stay in their numerous black nations are peachy keen with white nationalists.

Spell it right next time

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Anyone who doesn't like Charles Barkley is fucked in the head

ok that looked better in the typing box. i meant to have each of the three lines to come down with 45 degrees between them.

dave chappelle, Chris rock, Jesse lee Peterson, and Terry are pretty decent.

I like them all, just not living near me. That's not too much to ask.

No nigger is a good nigger. Anyone who defends any blackie is a dumb nigger lover and will be killed on the day of the rope.

Lightskins are subhuman. Fuck mutts. Worse than full on nigz

I wish no harm on anyone, but there is a place for everyone too.

Very nice. One of the few I would.

I like lots of black people. That doesn't mean I want them in my country. Look up "regression to the mean." No matter how exceptional any given black person is, their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren won't be. By accepting "le based black man," I condemn my descendants to living with a pack of shiftless niggers.

This too. I don't even usually call myself a white nationalist, just a nationalist, because I think every race should have its own nation.

You can be a white nationalists and like people of other races you fucking tard.

Pussy. You should want global race war to stop Overpopulation.

You can like persons of another race and still be a white nationalist and still want a global race war.

I fucking love Terry Crews.
He's such a likeable guy.

Remember, the original plan in Rhodesia was not extermination, but a (multi)generational uplift through education and cultural encouragement, and this was agreed upon by the whites and the top-tier blacks.
This didn't fit with (((their))) plans, so Rhodesia had to go.

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Rhodesia was a mistake. Niggers were better as savages. Just let savage people be ooga boogas, why civilize them?

They don't want toilets, roads, hospitals, modern laws. They want to be free to rape and kill each other and butcher each other. Just let them fucking do that.

Civilization only made Africa a shithole, it was a paradise before introducing niggers to civilization. Niggers and civilization don't mix very well.

it's just like the Germans, except Germans have higher IQs, but they were also savages and once the Romans forced civilization and Christiainty on them the newly civilized Christian Germanic people had a mental breakdown, sacked Rome 4 times, sacked Constantinople, and waged endless wars and colonized Celtic, Baltic, Finnish, and Latin countries.

TL:DR; let oogas be boogas.

only good nigger was Malcolm X, JQ redpilled and miscegenation. Terry Crews is based normie tier

Lots of em. I don't like hang culture, but black people can be very good.

>Liking niggers

Ayy lmao! Bet you like hondurans and give them food

Steve Harvey seems pretty based

You mean the guy who was all "men need to do better" in the Gillette commercial?

¿Y yo cuándo dije que me gustaban los negros? kek.

I harbour no malice towards the negro. I wish he would raise his people on high. I wish he would educate himself. I wish he would garner wealth and prosperity. I wish him all these things, outside of a white ethnostate.

Imagine a highly nationalist, proud, prosperous black ethnostate, militarily and politically allied with a white ethnostate. A man can dream...

t. Fanatic white nationalist/ Best friend is a fanatic black nationalist

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Is it worth it to lose the few actually intelligent of these blacks if we also lose the multitudes of retards and chimps? Yes, but if that is on the table, it is not the most optimal outcome. I'm sure the actually sentient blacks will understand if we were to just cut around them.

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Queer jews fondled his dick and he did nothing but cry about it later.
What a fag.

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Uncle tom

No matter how many times I look it up, that's still not what the phrase means. Besides, I thought the whole point of genetics is that it is inherited, and doesn't vanish in the next generations for no reason. Unless you're implying that I'm keeping all the shitty niggers around to help the stand-out one lower his genetics back down to nothings-ville.

I like that economics black dude.

I don't consider myself white nationalist but I've been unironically called it enough times to just run with it sense people know my character when it comes down to shit hitting the fan and slander is a legal issue you can profit off of. I believe a nigger is no one tone or race, but a behavior and I really fucking hate niggers be them trailer trash, welfare leeches, criminals or any flavor of scumbag. I believe most people who are some level of genuine racist which I'd say short of being mentally ill and a shut-in Jow Forums makes you less predisposed to, have simply people of certain idpol in broad strokes and made their judgement.


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That file name though.

TC is a boss.

I'm a pretty hardcore white nationalist who is also, if you can genuinely call him this, best friends with a black dude who genuinely believes the we wuz kangs shit. We both agree to the same thing and this is how we can be friends. We both believe that humans are subverted by controlling interests personified primarily by jews and that the only way to reach the higher spiritual plane is to recognize, accept, humble ourselves before our primary natures, and work to become better despite our genetic weaknesses through our genetic strength, together. Against the eternal jew. We argue a lot about shit going on today but we always agree that when it comes down to it, we need to recognize that it's almost always a jew seeking to divide us against each other as a people.

I'd say we were best friends seeking the same goal of spiritual enlightenment in spite of the constant worldly struggle of defining what's genuinely against us and what's told to us that something is against us when it's not really so.

i too base real life around fighting a boogey man. Jeff Bezos is cucking the us economy but you think the scary joooo is coming for you. grow up.

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This has some shaky ideas about the way genetics works. It seems to say that the total genealogy of a smart black person evens out to a regular black person. Yet is he not a smart black person because his smart-person genes are overrepresented compared to average- and stupid-person genes? His offspring can regress, the genes are often going to still be there even if he gets a smart black woman and his mate, but compared to stupid blacks, his offspring will be smart far more often.
If we're going to do anything worthwhile with these niggers, we need to raise their IQ. There's a fast way of doing this (supporting high-IQ ones) and a slow way (letting the rigors of civilization remove the low-IQ ones until the average shifts), and you're suggesting that the fast way is too slow.

There are some cool black guys but as a whole we can't coexist. It would cause a lot less suffering for both our races if black americans had their own ethnostate, so both of us can pursue our own ethnic interests and develop our nations peacefully.

yes, if they hate socialists and feminists I like them

Sorry for your ignorance and lack of compassion mixed with intellectual strength and fortitude.

nigs as individuals can be fine even dare I say it based but as a group they are trash

I like the black people that are in Africa that I never have to encounter in any portion of my life without actively seeking them out.

And by like I mean I don’t want to exterminate them.

A high IQ doesn’t fix ugly. Smart niggers have even worse grievance-complexes than dumb hood niggers. COEXISTENCE IS IMPOSSIBLE, GET IT THROUGH YOUR SKULL.

It's true. Hitler did really show the way in this regard, if nothing else. Strength recognizes strength. Why else would he ally himself with Japs, Italians, most muzzies, and some specific Africans and why was he so vociferously supported by many, many Americans? I still say he was a jewish puppet who only accomplished many whites killing many whites when he should have actually united decent people against degenerates, but who the fuck am i?

Sure thing, Chaim. It's why you get walls and no one else does. Why do jews get a jew ethno-nationalist state and no one else should?

That's cool. Commander Rockwell got along well with Elijah Muhammad because he had more respect for a black man that had pride in his race than a white man who didn't.

I think you underestimate how woke he was on the JQ can’t se it on youtube anymore because they axed those speech’s particularly but no one noticed the only one that’s still up where he mentions jews is the blue eyed devils

Can't be that smart if all he got was even more of an axe to grind over non-issues that don't affect him. Onto the pile of not-around-anymore he goes.

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Samuel L Jackson.

No, I'm suggesting that it's neither my nor my descendants' responsibility to babysit these people while the long, slow process of raising their IQ proceeds. I'm also suggesting that the only way to ensure that it would happen at all would be to expel the low-IQ outliers from the breeding population each generation, and I find that to be unethical.

>TL:DR; let oogas be boogas.
It's too late for that. They're here, they're not going anywhere.

Waking up is not the same as woken.

It's uncertain whether you're talking about mass-murder of mass-deportation, so don't talk about "ethics".

Samuel L. Jackson is a behind the scenes porn actor who fucks children for money and takes it in the ass for fame

>good role model

Sure Will, sure.

>Terry Crews is based normie tier
>President Camacho addresses white people:
>Stop worrying about trees and whales and shit going extinct and start worrying about white people going extinct.
>You need to be making white babies or there won't be any white people left in five hundred years.

>pick one

I hate niggers. I don’t hate black people. Granted, most of them act like niggers. But, there are a small number of people in the shine community who actually don’t want gibs, have a real normal job, etc. The black that actually contribute to society by working real jobs, and aren’t out on the streets protesting for nothing.....I’m ok with them.

Big Willie is a complete psychopath, even Aunt Viv hated him

You mean the guy who pretends to get all shocked and appalled every time somebody says something obscene on his family show and then it turns out to be a real answer?

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I'm sure he meant Eddie.

Fuck this tier 1 n00b nigger vs blacks bullshit

I like Chappelle, Hotep Jesus and unironically Kanye (not cuz he's a MAGA shill lol). Irl, i know great nigz too

I’ve never been on Reddit in my life. Only shit I’ve seen from Reddit is the shit posted here. So as I said, I hate niggers. But I do believe that the 1% of the 13% aren’t the typical American nigger beast.

>Terry Crews

he ruined crackdown 3