Operation Blockhead

So are we gonna let (((Joe Bernstein))) just keep getting away with it?

We should do something about him
>First they came for Sam Hyde
and you did nothing
>Then they came for Soph
and you did nothing

can we for once, stick up for our own and do something?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>off-topic eceleb spam
just report these threads if youre tired of seeing them

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>literally who
Fuck off leaf

What is the operation then?


Journalists are the enemy of the people and they all just so happen to be Jewish.

Lol look at this kike shill

Attached: Joe Bernstein Jewish Propaganda.png (1596x900, 1.15M)

Whatever Leaf

I think its time we return the favor to our friend Joe
Something along the lines of classic raids.

Harass the living shit out of this fucker

nice try moshe, try sliding harder

This pasta is stale already

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bump, fuck blockhead Bernstein

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Imagine being so butt-blasted by a comedy video made by a kid, that you come onto Jow Forums and rant and rave against her instead of just ignoring it like a reasonable adult.

Imagine being so pathetic and weak that you write articles about this kid and harass her boomer Hillary-supporting parents and slander them when they won't dignify your inane emails with a response.

Imagine being such a pathetic piece of subhuman failure that some smart-ass girl is more popular at age 14 than you'll ever be in your entire "career" as a "journalist".

The tree of liberty is looking pretty dried out these days...

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>forgetting that pedos from Jow Forums made her an e-celeb thereby putting her in harm's way

>leftists thinking their lame tactics are "effective"

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Now this is a kike

You'll be blogging and tweeting until you're dead

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in case you were wondering how much of a little worm this guy is

If they didn't think things that are broken "effective", they wouldn't be leftists, now would they?

Attached: Bernstein Dog.png (1281x1573, 798K)

Attached: Joe Bernstein Pizza.jpg (1024x1024, 154K)

What are his relatives names? Father? Mother? Brother/sister?

If left to his own devices Bernstein will implode himself. Why do anything? Kharma will take care of it.

he has an address, he walks to and from his car at the same time every day

do that math

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