What is wrong with her forehead in this picture?

What is wrong with her forehead in this picture?

Attached: B7AF7705-1778-433D-87A7-D11D19A49527.jpg (2547x3464, 1.16M)

It's black

Isn't she Poomakin?

It was buried in so many crotches that it stayed that way.

It doesnt have Willy Browns goo on it?

Is that what you call a half poo half nog?

Split in the middle?

She's a nigger

It's had Willy Brown's balls on it.

Doesnt have any jizz

Black man forehead too much endrochrome

Poo and Jamaican
She isn't black

She's so milf-y tho

that's a man

Facial Herpes from sucking so many cocks. Pic related is Kumalot without makeup.

Attached: 3987140_300.jpg (300x300, 21K)

it’s a tranny. don’t be a bigot

Missing Willie Brown’s nuts on it.

She’s not black at all! She pretends to be black! Look it the fuck up!

Attached: 95A6A212-DFFE-465E-8FB8-0F3FA60BC5EF.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Oh look. Black Hillary has arrived to slay us

It doesnt have a bullet hole in it

It's attached to a nigger.