At what point do people take action?

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>At what point do people take action?
FISA declass will fuck you mossad faggots up forever

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Usually when it doesn’t matter

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So never

I'm waiting for the Lord to return ... those of you left behind are going to get fried.

>At what point do people take action
when they are hungry

the people are too demoralized to organise themselves in any meaningful capacity. only small pockets of isolated prepper communities and the Amish stand any chance in a SHTF scenario

When food becomes unavailable or unavoidable so late this year or next

Because of the current midwest disaster

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Also we are entering a new iceage in the current solor minimum, YOU will have to grow food indoors get ready

You whites and other ethno-nationalist are my compatriots do not die for lack of knowledge and preparing

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why is this not in the news?

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They don't, they rationalize and rationalize some more.

next economic collapse. nothing ever happens unless the economy is bad. just enjoy this life until then user. it will be over soon enough. The economy can't stay high forever.

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When they're hungy.

People are too fat and happy to revolt, it will only be when the system breaks down, when people get hungry and desperate, that any change is possible.

when half of the population is affected. Everything has a critical mass

After it's too late.

This. As long as the stupid mob has their bread and circuses, they couldn't fucking care less about their rights or anything else. As soon all the pampered upper-middle class white college students suddenly are starving and have no home, don't expect them to say or do anything sane.

im ready

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the amish are pacifists so they're probably fucked too

this. when a violent mob of niggers shows up to my door, it’s on

The best food to satisfy the appetite of revolution is starvation.

Take down cable TV
Take down satellite TV
Take down the Internet

Then people will take action because they'll look up from their phones and televisions and come to reality.

we need 2 more seals to break
>GOP needs collapse
>Economic depression

Why do you believe in a pre tribulation raputre?

what "midwest disaster"? i live in the midwest, and if there was some apocalyptic event happening i'd know about it.

>I'm waiting for the Lord to return ... those of you left behind are going to get fried.
am here
ask your questions.

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never, not any more
the masses been given all the pacifiers and distractions they need
>plastic pussies and dildos
>smart phones
>minimum wage jobs
>rat race living

When the high ranking leftists are brought to justice for their attempted coup d'etat of this country, the leftist population will become so inflamed that they begin openly attacking conservatives and centrists in the streets. When this happens, the initiative will be ours to crush them.
This. Leftists on this board have been ridiculing the "trust the plan" meme so hard recently, because there unironically has been a plan in the making since Trump's inauguration, and we're now just starting to see it come to fruition.

There are two raptures, one is pretrib for the church (like Noah - entered Ark 7 days before the flood), one at the end of the tribulation for the saints (like Lot - saved the morning of the day when the fire fell down).

First one:
>" Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." Revelation 3:10

Second one:
>" While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps." Matthew 25:5-7

The historic Mississippi flooding that has screwed half the planting season and killed off over 2 million calfs

Sht the fuck up boomer.

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Kill yourself, kike. I'm an elder zoomer. You're not closing Pandora's box this time. The public is learning of your crimes.

The flooding in Nebraska and Iowa is literally the biggest economic story of this year and non of the fucking MSM said a word about it because they're hyperfocused on Orange Man. Tons of acreage were lost. Crop yields are going to suffer. Now, I don't think it will be disastrous, but food prices will go up significantly near the end of this year. It will be noticeable.

Because the job of the news is to keep you distracted

This current abortion non sense is a political show to distract you from Venezuela and Iran empire building as well as the Mexican border crisis

Again the news is supposed to be an opiate for the masses in the current paradigm

You don't here about the Fukushima disaster killing the entire north pacific either, do you?

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You dont know how deep this shit goes bud'
I wont take your hope from you however

centrists are an enemy along with the left and conservatives are neutral at best when the bullets start flying. You're not on our side.

ur in rapture right now
people are choosing to kill themselves with addictions: sex addiction, drug addiction, video game, social media, money (greed), and abortion
people are choosing to weed their DNA our of existence
you survive rapture by becoming a well adjusted citizen and finding yourself a good wife, ya i know--impossible, and out reproducing all the degenerates

I see now that you're not even a kike. Kikes have a far higher verbal intelligence than what your post suggests. You're either a bot or a shitskin, nothing more.

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fat yes, happy no.

Centrists are merely those of our countrymen who haven't woken up yet but aren't completely lost. I must conclude that you are the enemy of my people, not them.

go back to the nursing home grandpa, this isn't MAGA country. We beleieve in far right principles not boomer faggots who love israel and low black unemployment.

>this isn't MAGA country

Yes it is. Donald Trump is president.

The only thing you believe in is hatred for this country, because you are either a shitskin or a bot. Take your leftist pro-balkanization principles and blow them out your ass.

>" For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

Donald Trump has jews hands up his ass he's a puppet and a good goy.

As soon as they sell their soul to the future course of their lives.

Oh boy get a load of the low black unemployment! Dog bless Israel my fellow Judeo-Christian!

And who exactly are your people? Have you woken up yet and realized that identity politics are the only things that make a country stable? No one cares about a cloth or a piece of paper signed by long dead men. It's the (unfortunate) truth. People want to be with people who share the same identity from them and as long as there's no american identity there can be no america. Immigrants of any kind destroy that identity and so do people of too diverse of family backgrounds.

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You will never take action

Repeat after me:
"The United States is the greatest nation to have ever graced this Earth since Rome itself. Jews are the root of nearly all the evil which has befallen this country in the last century. The Jew's main goal in North America is to destroy the United states and destroy its White population. The Democrat party is guilty of unforgivable crimes against the American People in its collusion with the semitic menace."
Say it, or we will know you for what you are.

Israel is not a reason to shit on white america retard. Kys

Shut the fuck up goy


>. Immigrants of any kind
the trick with immigrants is simple
do you want to have sex with these people? do you want your kids to have sex
simply put, your people is your gene pool.

most of us would be fine with big titied blond hair blue eyed german women immigrating into USA
our problem with getting nasty shit skins/

>"The United States is the greatest nation to have ever graced this Earth since Rome itself. Jews are the root of nearly all the evil which has befallen this country in the last century. The Jew's main goal in North America is to destroy the United states and destroy its White population. The Democrat party is guilty of unforgivable crimes against the American People in its collusion with the semitic menace."
this is brainlet shit
make no mistake, jews are a huge issue
but the core problem is not jews but christians like Lincoln and LBJ.

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The French seem to be leading the way as far as taking action. That could set a world wide spark

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Does everyone here see how they can't bring themselves to agree with it? Now we know you for what you are, kikel.

None of that matters when the people get hungry.
When people need food bad enough that even normies think of looting, and everyone is in their local supermarkets clawing each other's faces off over cans of Chef Boyardee. That's when the shit circus kicks off. If you think otherwise, you're kidding yourself.


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The United States is the greatest nation to have ever graced this Earth since Rome itself. Jews are the root of nearly all the evil which has befallen this country in the last century. The Jew's main goal in North America is to destroy the United states and destroy its White population. The Democrat party is guilty of unforgivable crimes against the American People in its collusion with the semitic menace.

I agree but the general populace is not on our side. Nonwhites have to be deported, they simply dont share the same identity as us and don't help our nation. American culture is completely fucked right now too. Even whites might have to be reeducated.


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When the first 155mm shell lands outside their house.

Also, it is well known that your agent John Wilkes Booth was the one who murdered President Lincoln. How dare you compare his name with Lyndon Johnson, a man who participated in the assassination of another one of our Presidents who stood up to you.

LBJ and Lincoln were both civic nat cucks because they believed we're all the same under god.

>American culture is completely fucked right now too. Even whites might have to be reeducated.
The first step towards doing that, realistically, is by destroying the leftist political and cultural apparatus embedded within our nation. That process begins with the exposure of their crimes, which is occurring right now thanks to President Trump.

When the welfare state becomes unsustainable by drying up all the resources which is ALWAYS the case. Welfare states must always be in continuous wars because they have no self control/balance of resources and MUST forever be gaining more wealth/land, as soon as it stops growing and starts shrinking collapse comes very quickly.

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Lincoln would have sent the shitskins back to Africa if he hadn't been assassinated by a jewish agent and replaced by his incompetent successors.

>Lincoln would have sent the shitskins back to Africa if he hadn't been assassinated by a jewish agent and replaced by his incompetent successors.
Lincoln was a liberal
If he seriously wanted to send the niggers back to Africa he would have created a plan
Its obvious the end goal of niggers was legalization
no different than the liberals wanting amnesty for spics now.

it can't be destroyed without bloodshed.

Post the evidence that he didn't actually intend to, then.
That is up to the left, which radicalizes itself more every month as the walls close in.

Join an amish community and all of your troubles will fade. This is unironically my backup plan if life gets too shit. They need the genes and I don’t see any hope for our society.

How do you re educate an entire populace and root out evil-sympathizers without use of force?

>Post the evidence that he didn't actually intend to, then.
Lincoln was a liberal and liberals always move the goal post to boil us alive
that is all the proof i need.

It does does unlikely, doesn't it? The Left will likely force us into a state of major civil unrest before we are able to fix the country. That is a given.
No evidence, then.

dumb libs keeping owning traitors to the union. the confederate states and all who supported them were and still are traitors to the USA

> big titied blond hair blue eyed german women immigrating into USA

mummy pls

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>dumb libs keeping owning traitors to the union. the confederate states and all who supported them were and still are traitors to the USA
california spreads its homosexual, open borders, race mixing, gun hating culture to the rest of america and the world is a direct result of the north winning the war

and slavery was 100% moral. it was nigger culture and niggers love abusing other niggers, look at the gang culture today.

There is no point in taking action because the majority of the people want things keep going the way they are going now. Just accept that there is nothing that can be done and preserve your life. Don't waste your life trying to stop something which cannot be stopped. Nothing is going to change it, it's like a gigantic tidal wave. Just go along with the flow.

Is that guy German? Looks like goebbels

Pick your own cotton, you lazy kike. It wasn't okay to keep shitskins as work animals back then, and it's not okay to keep them here now as "illegal immigrants."

defeatist jew detected

>Pick your own cotton, you lazy kike. It wasn't okay to keep shitskins as work animals back then, and it's not okay to keep them here now as "illegal immigrants."
slavery was multiculturalism, it was black west African culture. if you don't like slavery than you are ethnocentric and you need to check your privilege.

You sound insolent, haughty, and useless. Bet you're a protestant that believes in faith without deeds. Bet you're a low-iq loser from some shitheap like Wisconsin too. I bet God is disgusted by you.

This kikel's brain is clearly short circuiting. You are on a pro-white, pro-United States board, not reddit.

>misinfo narrative pushing glowniggers shilling against datamining honeypot glowniggers

They're evolving guys.

too late, men are low testosterone, high on all sorts of drugs and anti-depressants, won't give up first world comforts, and are demographically impaired from joining up into any unified successful group

time to act was 20-30 years ago, too late

The first time one of my daughters comes home from elementary school and tells me they learned about trannies and masturbating there will be a school shooting the next day. At the county school board. In Minecraft.

>You are on a pro-white, pro-United States board
WTF is (((United States)))?
Jow Forums is 4th Reich, not USA, board

Lincoln was a traitor
all our current problems can be traced to him
we need to tear down the Lincoln memorial and remove the face of Lincoln off our money because he is oppressive to white people and replace Lincoln with a statue of Hitler


>>>>fisa declass

This LARP is getting pathetic

>The first time one of my daughters comes home from elementary school and tells me they learned about trannies and masturbating there will be a school shooting the next day. At the county school board. In Minecraft.
doesnt even matter
they teach ur kids sex ed before middle school to sexualize ur children and turn them into whores
ur a total brainlet if you let ur kids attend public education period.

the next economic crash will probably be the last chance