What the fuck Jow Forums?

You told me motorcycles were chick magnets because theyre alpha risk taking or some shit, but only dudes holler at me. Girls dont even notice

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Hehe scooter

Its awesome, mine has the 80cc big bore kit

Based OP making comfy bait threads.

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It’s not in women character to be a man and make the first move that’s your job as man. Women don’t chase after men well maybe sluts

You need to color coordinate and it'll work.

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Scooter cuck btfo!!

shoulda bought a mustang faggot girls wave at me all the time and I rev my coyote back at them and they swoon

Get a dual sport and connect with nature, anons. But yeah only dudes will come onto you riding a bike.

We never told you that. Riding a motorcycle is a primal experience. It's for men. Now go find a fat chick to ride on the back of that thing.

>he takes scooter instead of motorcycles
kys op

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My cock drives a scooter like that

That's a scooter.

Scooters are for fags. Chads ride mopeds.

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That thing is Chad af. Is that the Sons of Horus emblem?

And now you know the truth.
Get girls addicted to drugs for fukk.
They might even prostitute for you.

>*vroom vroom* biker gang! biker gang! *vroom vroom* I'm a risk taking guy going real real fast *vroom vroom* look at me I'm going so fast and making so much noise *vrooooooom*


I ride a dual sport and get chicks checking me out all the time, but what do you do stop and ask them to fuck? It's pointless if you're doing it for chicks not for fun.

Chads drive nondescript early 2000's beaters.

The kind of white trash girls who do that are also the ones who fuck tyrone

I had that exact model and it was a piece of shit

the only CHAD motorcycle

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>posts shit sport bike
Maybe if you want to look like a monkey fucking a football while riding

cope harder

Fuck you and your nigger tier bike

lol, at least post the better smaller bike of Yamaha's line up, the R3

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Motorcycles are deathtraps. I really wish this weren't the case, I'd love to ride one. But, my state has the highest rate of motorcyclist deaths in the US. Driving amongst these retards on a daily basis makes this readily apparent to me.

I wrecked mine, it was horrible. But i got right back on it when i was better. Quit being a pussy

>Nigs love the color white
>Whites love the color black
Race mixing was pre-ordained by the golden ratio... Or some shit. It seems.

I had one for a bit when I was younger but now I am sole provider for wife and 3 kids. Doesn't make sense to drive around retards who can barely avoid full size cars.

Its called contrast/counterbalance

This low iq post has more truth than the entire thread

80 cc's? Nice, bro. I just got a husqvarna yth24v48. Where you at? We should def go riding

Move it, winner coming through. The 90s for cylinder one not the new in line twin.

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If the husqy cant keep up with you ill bust out my 1300cc small bore

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By all means Chads... go ahead. Leave the ladies for the Beta's.

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I only ever see manlets on these things.. wonder why

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>no dirtfags
CRFag coming through suck upon it niggers
compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves

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tfw the cbr 600 i was supposed to buy on monday got sold today while I was at work

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If you're a beta cuck faggot, spending money on cool shit won't change the fact that you're a beta cuck faggot.

Such is life, unfortunately. There's no cure for shitty genes.

>Welcome to Jow Forums. You're here forever.

>all these baby bitch bikes
Pic fucking related
>1832cc engine inline 6
>0-60 in 3.3 seconds
>comfy as fuck seat
>single side swingarm
>shaft driven
>can corner really well because goldwings are classified as sport tourers not cruisers
>all the parts are high quality
Graduate to a real mans bike, but only for actual men that know how to ride. This is the endgame bike. VMAX or M102Rboss are also tanks with power

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Flat 6*

Nice girl bike bro

he has airpods in... he cant hear us
... fugg

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boomer tier motos

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>Quit being a pussy
There's a fine line between "being a pussy" and "valuing one's life". The fucking morons I deal with in this shithole are bad enough when I'm in a car, much less a motorcycle.

I wish I had lived in a non shit state when I was younger, when I was more inclined to buy something like a motorcycle.

> but now I am sole provider for wife and 3 kids
Good on ya, m8.


Is he going to be okay?

Jesus christ!

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Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

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Noice split moit

You are litteraly maxing out at 45km/h


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Chicks love soft fags like you,So you're in luck


That only works in Europe, got to fuck my first girl because i was one of the first guys in my year with a aprilia

congrats faggot

don't believe anything you read on Jow Forums about women. Go outside and see that all kinds of guys have girlfriends, effeminate, fat, balding, etc, everything that Jow Forums and redpillers try to tell you makes you unfuckable. A lot of them even have hot girlfriends. Pretty much any guy can get a girlfriend, if you can't get a girlfriend, there's a problem with your social skills and your personality, and no, PUA is not a way to improve your situation

you mean normie fags who will sleep for the rest o their worthless life

Where did this meme start from? I missed its birth.

it didn't,OP is a softy faggot

That's a fucking scooter dumbass, buy a Kawasaki Ninja

He survived so I don't see your point.

pop a wheelie

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Then fuck dat twink boi puss.