Why did we invade Iraq?

What was the REAL reason behind the Iraq War?
I hear OIL a lot but it's not like we took oil from them in the end. After 16 years, I can't find a conclusive answer behind the reason we invaded Iraq in 2003. If you're going to say Israel, please elaborate at least.

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To destabilize the middle east and give future generations a reason to kill more sandniggers

We didn’t get any oil out of it but our corporations did. Iraq is the second biggest oil exporter and our oil companies own it all. In the US it’s cheaper to send it by pipeline from Canada.

Israel and the Republican party demanded it. Why do you question your masters, little boy?

because Saudi Arabia runs the show baby and they want Syria and Iran dead.

Israel goyim
Iran is Israel's enemies
And filthy mutts duty is to die for Israel's sake

Check out Christopher Hitchens' book "A Long Short War." I was very confused myself and bought into the memes like "no WMD's" and "no blood for oil." Hitchens laid out all the real arguments for the war, whereas Bush just relied on cheap rhetoric to sell the war. His articles online (which you can find) are a great resource

the oil part is normie level , you have to go deep into the politics of the middle east but you will have a headache

It was supposed to be the next stage after Afghanistan in preparation of a war with Iran. The Afghan war put US assets on Iran's eastern border, and Iraq put them on the west. The original plan was Afghanistan --> Iraq --> Lebanon/Hezbollah --> Syria/Yemen --> Iran.

The plan went to hell after Iraq's insurgency popped up in summer 2003, and Israel tried to carry out the Lebanese prong of the plan by itself in 2006, with dismal results.

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Iran was supported by Israel during the Iran-Iraq war. Iraq was supported by the US.

There were a few reasons


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at least guide me to a good source senpai, even if you think I'm a brainlet

most information out there is pushed by establishment/legacy media so I don't know who to trust to begin with

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Saddam made Israel nervous.

Neocons wanted to make the world safer for Israel, and they got the liberal internationalists, oil people like Cheney and pychopaths like Bolton to go along with it.

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This explains most of it. Written by leading geopolitics scholars:

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Saddam was going to start selling Iraqi oil in Euros

>oil dollar meme.
Whats your evidence?

It's the Goldfinger (movie) plan. You don't need to steal the product. Just prevent it from being used to increase the value of it elsewhere.

thanks for that and the image drops, got anything on libya/gaddafi? lots of smoke and mirrors there too

Don’t forget, central banks


Sadam wanted off the petrodollar so we gave him a lethal dose of freedom.

It’s actually israel, saudi arabia is only a puppet for israel


Because they hate muslims and want jews to live safely in the middle east

Israel wants to control the middle east. As it is right now almost everyone in the middle east wants them dead, and rightfully so. Israel's plan is to use the USA to start wars with them so that people there can't rise up against Israel.

Basically the Jews are using the Jewnited States Army to do their bidding since Israel can't fight for themselves because Jews are cowards and cum guzzling baby raping faggots who deserve genocide.

yes your oil corporations are currently sponsoring environmental protestors to block pipeline development to keep it cheap, there was a brief point last december when we actually paid you to take it

Actually yeah, Libya was a little different situation, but pretty interesting. American necons didn't start the ball rolling about the war, but a French neocon/philosopher guy did. He was well bros with Sarkozy and even set up meetings between the west and the rebels. Basically a one-man French PNAC.

No images unforuntately:


oc Levy is a huge zionist too

Dont read any of the garbage besides this
This right here is why and this right here is why we are going to war again and again
Going into the navy soon so hopefully wont die for fucking Israel

1. Oil (the most rational reason, imo)
2. WMDs
3. To prove we would
4. An attempt to create another pressure point in the ME
5. Dick Cheney jacks off to explosions

With that said, it wasn't worth it.

The US invading Iraq really didn't help Israel all that much. They would've been better off if we would've invaded Iran or even Egypt and the political will at the time was there to do either one.

No you don't.

The reason america invaded Iraq is pic related. Saddam was an existential threat to israel

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Carlyle sold a lot of weapons to the US.
"Reconstruction contracts" like crazy on American companies
Including for the oil.
Some complementary ancient art black market.

8 very special ancient artifacts...

Iraq posed a threat to Israeli geopolitical dominance in the region.

It was an accident.

After Gaddafi was ousted, Israel set up a military base in Libya, and a central bank was established. I imagine Iraq was for similar reasons. This is also likely why intervention is being pushed for in Syria and Iran. Assad is the only source of stability in the Levant.

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The keys to unlock Moloch are not corny ancient art.
Wonder why child trafficking and all this uber dark pedo pizza shit has been going on so much lately?
No shit the Deep State Invaded Iraq to gain a few specific artifacts to awaken Moloch.
Wonder why women are so determined to kill babies now?

This. OP, research Greater Israel and the Clean Break Doctrine. Basically, elite WASPs, elite globalist Joos, and elite Israeli Zionists have united, pun intended, to both expand US hegemony and totally shift would power dynamics from the US to Greater Israel once Syria and Iran are toppled and Putin is fully isolated.

Promise of this hegemony for (((them))) aligns with their prophecy of a One World Government overseen by the chosen people. If you doubt this, research David Ben-Gurion's prediction for Israel's future given to LOOK Magazine in 1962, he was the founding father PM of modern Israel.

This is why Trump and the Clintons married their daughters (and Trump's sons) into Jooish families. So did Mike Huckabee. John Kerry is also Jooish but only "learned about it" this decade. This is why Cheney, Murdoch and Rothschild own an oil company together in the Golan Heights called Genie Energy, along with ex CIA goons.

9/11 was how this entire, long festering planned was kicked into high gear reality. The surveillance state that resulted, the illegal treasonous wars built on lies about WMDs and misinfo like muh oil, and the trillion dollar bailouts to Lehman and Goldman Sachs, which permanently crippled the white middle class, this is how all that shit occurred.

Basically, elite whites decided to become a breakaway civilization, not in the /x/ connotation, but to leave behind any middle class or lower class whites as plebes. When Greater Israel is fully arisen by 2030, using automation, robotics, drone surveillance, and slave labor, elites plan to live like pharoahs, basically like the Saudi royals already do. They'll be untouchable. Any rebellion from America will be called AntiSemitism, and controlled opposition by Fox News will satiate the plebes. The Internet will be 80% more controlled and regulated than now. What's eerie is that they believe it's prophecy to create a Utopia where goyim are benevolently enslaved in debt, a global serfdom.

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To hand it over to Iran on a silver platter

Now Iran is in a more powerful strategic position than it started

Bookmarking this just for this post.

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>US invading Iraq didn't actually help Israel much
Disinformation or misinformation. Saddam was considered a major enemy of Israel, and Netanyahu's testimony about WMDs and Mossad's fake Intel linking Saddam's regime to post-9/11 terrorist anthrax, deliberately pulled us into war.

I recommend reading all of Andrew Killgore's essays and articles from that period, a man who knew about it firsthand in gov:

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Netanyahu told us to
(I'm not joking)

I know this will sound ridiculous. But the US invaded Iraq because of a machine able to create a special electromagnetic gravitational field able to bend tachyons and show images of the future...

Still makes more sense than WMDs

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Both sides were supported by the US.

We wanted to test out our new military hardware and use the experience to develop even better toys.

Thanks for the link. I'll study up.

The Greater Israel Plan is nearly impossible to reverse from reaching its conclusion. It will be messy, of course, just like the rest of Israel's history. It doesn't matter that some Israelis have gay pride parades or write screeds in Haaretz about Palestinian rights.

Palestinians are basically viewed as modern Indians and blacks, to be steamrolled and coddled. Those who play ball, like black rappers and actors, will lead/leave comfy lives and legacies in the Zio NWO. And this coming NWO, with Greater Israel as the center, and all goyim sitting around it, like peasants and sub-plantation owners to a fire, is why you see the hyper-coordinated multi-culti propaganda and accelerated LGBT propaganda sloshing across Netflix, MSM, BuzzFeed, and Hollywood.

By getting people to breed outside their race and allegiances, you lower nationalist loyalties and lower nostalgia for racial homogeny of previous America decades. You add incentives in the meantime, by curving SAT scores for minorities and forcing corporations to meet racial quotas, with bonsues for re-education programs disguised as HR sensitivity training. This is called stirring the pot, and middle class whites are a boiled frog whose only lifeline is the Internet, so that too must go, and Assange and Alex Jones are kicked around the tele like Ren and Stimpy, to set a subconscious example for youth.

The LGBT shit is pushed, pun intended, not so much for mass acceptance but to help reframe the context of sex in mass culture as not for breeding, but for non-reproductive non-family-building pleasure. This is population control. This is Brave New World. And sex drives are plummeting. Many say plastics and birth control in the water supply is to blame. And internet porn. There seems to be an x-factor here too. Elite Israelis likely have the master list.

To quicken pop control, you enforce "vaccinations" of the young, NWO taking authority from parents, you get actors/celebs to promote these agendas.

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Look at its geographic position.

knockin off israel's geopolitical foes, what else?

and that's a good thing. don't want anyone to challenge us, imagine if they developed nukes. goodbye mad doctrine.

To preserve the petrodollar. Saddam was selling oil for euros.

Except the chinks have the same doctrine and are way more equipped at executing, maintaining it, and have a cohesive collective of 3 billion people where as the jews and their Diaspora have kikery...


It figures that uncultured christ cucks with their heads up kike asses are seemingly unaware of this... This is what happens when you believe in some foreign tribes fairy tales and are surrogates of their end game.

> Kikes : One world government ran by us
> Chinks : Cool story faggots

It will be comedic watching people vie for and attempt world takeover. For some reason, lay people think elites are highly intelligent. They're not. They're short sighted niggers with power/money. When they make mistakes as we all do it is orders of magnitude greater in failure.

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Good posts, thanks for the redpills (or blackpills I should say)

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>don't want anyone to challenge us, imagine if they developed nukes
Israel has over 400 nukes. And they still lie about it. Israel even had a man named Shapiro create a nuclear facility called NUMEC in Pennsylvania, in order for him to divert large amounts of nuclear material to Israel to accelerate their program. Think about the chutzpah involved. NUMEC was busted after the fact. The US gov spent $250 million covertly to clean up NUMEC after Shapiro was busted. And he went on trial. And lied out of his ass like a true sayanim. And then in 2009, his fucking daughter asks the President to give him the highest award in science in existence. He didn't win.

You judge a man by the quality of his enemies. Israel has blackmailed and spied and entrapped US presidents, namely Bill Clinton, using Jooish intern Monica Lewinsky, whose phones Mossad tapped. Many believe David Ben-Gurion ordered JFK's assassination. The JFK Memorial in Israel is a monument of...a chopped down tree. Hmmm. Jack Ruby aka Jacob Rubenstein was in the Jooish mob when he shot Oswald to quiet him. Why did he shoot Oswald? Well, Ruby's own lawyer, the most famous Jooish lawyer except for Alan Dershowitz, William Kuntsler, wrote that Ruby shot Oswald to protect the Joos from America learning that the Jooish mob and Israel were behind the hit. And Kuntsler admits Ruby said this in his own autobiography titled Radical Lawyer.

But go ahead plebe, worry about Brown Men Who Stared at Goats (as they jerked off in the desert sands). That's the priority enemy.

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Christopher Hitchens is a colossal faggot and so are you. Absolute tranny


Re-reading both posts.. it's hilariously arrogant how china nor any other super power is mentioned in it. I can't say this enough : this is the broad based delusion that comes about from having your head up kike's asses. Sure america is being kiked for stated reasons and pea brain elites are marrying off their kids to kikes.. But chinks don't give a flying fuck about that and it has null effect. While America is being lowered in standards, chinks are gaining exponentially.. With no kikery, bullshit media, race mixing, or anything of the sort. In the end, you loose, which is expected if you have to destroy in order to get to where you're going. So everything sounds great but it seems like its 100-200 years too old. The time has unfortunately passed on this opportunity. All america is doing is dumbing down its populous and destroying nationalism making itself vulnerable to takeover like all of the historically failed empires. Jews really don't give a shit. They made up a fairy tell so the mountain hill tribes wouldn't get crumbled by neighboring empires 1000s of years ago. The buck stops there. No one can plan and execute on such a long time horizon w/o failure. In this age, there's nothing but failure surrounding jews and their taint of a country. America sadly looks like utter jackasses on the world's stage. Ironically, it was literally at the start of 9/11 that America sold its soul to the devil it seems. Nothing of greatness has come since then. Meanwhile, the chinks are on an exponential rise.

I guess the "high IQ" kikes didn't see this 1000s of years ago.. Who could. All you got are LARPs at this point, brain dead boomers, and shit brain liberals (thanks kikes)... while China is breeding a generation of intellects.

White people are true idiots to have sold their whole country out for some kike dream and shekels

China is basically what Joos want as the prophecy endgame: a mass population of identical-looking atheist consumers who have one child a piece, and who obey to social scores and never touch a semi-auto.

China or America will be the bull that horns the world, and right now, Israel bets on America. No one knows how the China Question plays out. How do you see it playing out?

Bush wanted revenge for Saddam's plot to kill his father.
and Cheney wanted to help Halliburton to reverse the damage done when he ran the company into the ground.

Everybody that matters has nukes. Anyone who uses one will get nuked back. Isreal's land mass reflects it wont take much. So, their nukes are pretty much useless against anyone who matters. Iran wouldn't need any to take them out. So, like many things, it's all one big side show of saber rattling and spoopy bullshit. Nukes are useless. Anyone got anymore kike supremacy bullshit to spread?

>If you're going to say Israel, please elaborate at least.
Project for a new (((American))) Century.


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Sorry it was the Iranian time machine (mild dislexya). So yeah, no idea why the US invaded Iraq...just another proxy war to make a profit with and steer the narrative.

Bush family war.

>China is basically what Joos want as the prophecy endgame: a mass population of identical-looking atheist consumers who have one child a piece, and who obey to social scores and never touch a semi-auto.
Too bad chinks beat them to the "heavenly mandate" then because there's only one show in town. China managed to do it without dumbing down its populous and pouring kike bullshit into their brains :
> time.com/5112061/china-hip-hop-ban-tattoos-television/

Guess who wins?
> China or America will be the bull that horns the world, and right now, Israel bets on America.
I don't see it this way.. One or multiple super powers (military or economic) will have an accidental conflict that will spiral out of control as you can already see the framing of... This is going to occur as various countries try to cement a global economic foothold on world trade. US is behind the curve. China is ahead.

Isreal is all over the fucking place. They're idiots IMO.

Their religion was to unify hill tribes. It spiraled out of control and turned into Christianity. Christians are tethered to this meat head philosophy and kikes at this point wish they'd tone it down. Chinks plays no favors nor give a shit about their make believe religious fairy tail. All they care about is economic progress and more open access to commodities.

> No one knows how the China Question plays out.
It's already played out. Dumb short sighted white boomers sold America up shit's creek because the banking elite and kikes convinced dumbass America that it will be a no form of profitable slavery. Chinks as they historically have been trained to do played the long term game. They sucked up all the IP/know how of production/tech, all of the manufacturing plants, commodities, and supply chain. The only question is : can these super powers co-exist. No one will dominate w/o massive bloodshed.

Don't forget about the Pentagon.

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This. Supported by the fact the US ass-rapes every government that starts selling oil in non-dollars.

Also, nice, contained wars make money for the monied class.

And it was a good way to kill off some of those damned white people that make up 90% of US casualties.

China needs a navy if it has any ambition of taking over the world. China also needs to fix its oil game. If Trump wins again China is finished. I think Japan has a much better shot of turning into a super power or South Korea. The one thing all these Far East Asians lack is navy and oil. Everyone is dependent on USA navy and USA security in transporting oil globally.

USA looks to be the #1 power in the world for at least the next 10-20. Literally the only thing that could prevent American dominance is someone other than Trump winning in 2020.

to be in better position to fuck up iran dummy

For isreal


Pffft, as if we'd ever nuke Israel, even if they were dropping megatons on every major city in the US.

Our leadership would never authorize retaliation. It takes more than just POTUS to authorize nuke use and at least one person in the chain will be a boomer-con-zionist or Jew that refuses.

>For some reason, lay people think elites are highly intelligent. They're not. They're short sighted niggers with power/money. When they make mistakes as we all do it is orders of magnitude greater in failure.
Yes, and Joos call this The Story of the Golem. They create a big dumb beast to steamroll their enemies, and it turns on them. The Golom or Golem is actually the first horror film ever made. And Frankenstein's Monster was simply a copy of its promethian myth. So, I give Joos credit, they're fluent in epic failure but they're masters at surviving and moving "forward" using Tikkun Olam guises to get their NWO.

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Israel said they were giving chemical weapons to AlQaeeda and also fuded the 9/11 attacks

>it was all bullshit

America destroyed Iraq for Israel

Plot Twist:
Israel actually did 9/11


they arent yours dumb goy

you might because they've been fucking your country for nearly 90 years

what if Israel did JFK
>they did

what if Israel did the USS Liberty and tried to blame Egypt to get Cairo nuked
>they did

what if Israel did 9/11
>they did

> China needs a navy if it has any ambition of taking over the world.
Old doctorines are obsolete. It's all about tech/economics at this point. You don't need a navy to take over the world's trade. China did it without one. Once a country becomes developed, it's easy to invade and take them over via their technological infrastructure. Only a moron attempting to impress other morons dumps money heavily in fucking boats and planes in this day and age. take a country's electrical grid out and it will be a wasteland in a month or two.
> China also needs to fix its oil game.
> bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-08/chinese-oil-imports-surge-to-record-as-iranian-crude-stockpiled
Negotiation failure :
> bourseandbazaar.com/articles/2019/5/17/china-restarts-purchases-of-iranian-oil-bucking-trumps-sanctions

> I think Japan has a much better shot of turning into a super power or South Korea
Don't have the numbers, scalable manufacturing base, labor, or supply chain for it.
> The one thing all these Far East Asians lack is navy and oil.
Don't need it in 2019. LNG is the new oil. Navy is just for show and does fuck all. If a major war breaks out, expect the major targets to be :
> Electrical grid
> internet
> computer systems
This can be taken down w/o an army/military. Developed countries will collapse from within.

> Everyone is dependent on USA navy and USA security in transporting oil globally.
70% of crude oil and petroleum products are shipped by pipeline
> USA looks to be the #1 power in the world for at least the next 10-20.
China already matches the US on economics. Money is the only thing that matters. Militaries exist for when economics fail.
> Literally the only thing that could prevent American dominance is someone other than Trump winning in 2020.
Time to wake up.. China/US were neck and neck some years ago. China has already surpased the US economically.. Which is why the war drums are beating...

I never said the US. I said anyone who matters/super power. No one will ever use a nuke unless they want to get nuked in retaliation. So, stating that the jews have nukes is literally pointless. Anyone who matters has nukes and Iran doesn't need any to destroy them which is why, against all the media bonanza, the US isn't going to do shit to Iran but try to apply pressure. Iran even realized this after they spazzed out on TV.. Now they calmly state : the US and Iran wont go to war.. because they know its just theater to cover for the coming economic crash that's about to occur.

>Tikkun Olam
You think chinks give a shit about this? Or their Golem. My bigger point is that there are other cultures/religions and super powers in the world that don't give a flying fuck about Christianity or jews. They have their own manifest destiny. Ultimately, it's hilarious though that jews have the story of golem because when you undermine and stupify your one big ally, you end up creating a reckless monster who could ultimately end up attacking you indeed.

I don't see this trifecta of abrahamic idiocy going anywhere good tbqh. I don't think after thousands of years, it has managed to keep pace with the world outside of the middle-east. The chinks are back on top (yes they used to be the biggest super power in the world 1000s of years ago)... and nothing really is gonna change that. War is not on the menu unless a good portion of the world is set to die... which is why after roaming the world trying to pick fights or pretend like it can fight, the US is centered on economic talks/deals.. for which you can see the chinks are playing hardball. Boomers sold America's soul to the chinks because the kikes convinced them too. America then blew trillions on pointless wars because the kikes told them to. On top of that, they let kikes undermined and stupify generations. America fucked itself out of #1 position. The only question is if America will handle it like a grown adult and get its internal house back in order or will it idiotically start fights it can't win around the globe. Kikes are literal nobodies outside of christ cuck countries. Go through asia and ask people if they know about jews.. Most wont even know who you're referring to.


I addressed the China Question. And I agree, China is the major wild card that decides if a ZioWhite NWO comes to be. Joos aren't unaware of this. Look at Zuckerberg's wife. Yet he failed to zog China with FB. It backfired. Hilarious. But look at Rupert Murdoch. He married and divorced the most cutthroat vag Chink in American history, and she's best friends with Ivanka and introduced her to Jared Kushner, Murdoch's Jooish protege.

Personally I don't see China and America fully on a crash collision. America has been sold out. It's becoming Neo-Mexico accented with Muslims and pride flags. America arguably already is a serf state. Trump's role is to calm the Boomers and divide millennials as the shift goes overdrive.

Whereas, China, I foresee being used as an NWO army. If you've read Man in the High Castle, instead of Nazi Germany and Imperalist Japan diving the entire Earth realm, I think China will be like Nazi Germany in size and reach, but ZioWhite NWO will be like Japan if it had the core control to match the stealth and brilliance.

When David Ben-Gurion predicted in 1962 that Israel's then-unbuilt Supreme Court would oversee global law and that Israel would use a global police force to enforce, he didn't mention China either. Or Japan. But he certainly could extrapolate.

I can forsee a world where China rules with Joos, but I can't foresee a world where China rules and Israel doesn't exist. Although I wish Philip K Dick was here to write that alt-history.

Thread started..
Posts made.
Conclusion : the world is bigger than kikes and christcucks. While these two were jerking off to the middle east and oil, chinks took over the world.

Have seen no rebuttals to this reality.. Just old-dog yapping about nukes and military power... neither of which are relevant when 1st world countries can be brought to their knees without firing a single bullet (tech infrastructure attack).

what do you think AI and automation will do to China? I see many of those repetitive slave labor jobs we've shipped there returning to the US, and those automated factories will still need some humans which will benefit us. No doubt China will also get into automation but costs of running a robot are roughly the same regardless of where you're located. You want something made in the West or made in China when they both cost about the same with shipping taken into account?
China still has almost a billion people yet to transition to middle class life, and whose to say the ant people won't rise against their authoritarian government? Xi is basically a set to be a pseudodictator for life at this point.
China was shit, is shit and will be shit for the foreseeable future.

China needs to export cheap shit to even have a chance. We're going to weather the upcoming economic shitstorm automation will bring much better than they will.

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>Joos aren't unaware of this.
They have nothing they can do to stop it. I'm sure they are aware but they have null effect or influence on china. Chinese likely mark them as an enemy for the clear connection they have on pulling the strings on the U.S
> Yet he failed to zog China with FB. It backfired. Hilarious.
Yeah this is a perfect example. I think that dumb kike asked if Xi would name their child and Xi flat out laughed at them.
> But look at Rupert Murdoch. He married and divorced the most cutthroat vag Chink in American history, and she's best friends with Ivanka and introduced her to Jared Kushner, Murdoch's Jooish protege.
Chinks use their women as tools of domination. Give me a story about a chinese man of power/wealth tied to chinese power bases and we can talk. It will forever be women unfortunately. Chinks understand and know their history. They farm them out for power grabs and they remain loyal to their home country.
> Personally I don't see China and America fully on a crash collision. America has been sold out.
China got what they wanted.. Manufacturing, commodities, supply chains, IP, and know-how. There's nothing for them collide with or win in a collision. They already won and America was indeed sold up shit's creek. The war is already over. The only thing that is left is sore-loser antics.
> America arguably already is a serf state. Trump's role is to calm the Boomers and divide millennials as the shift goes overdrive.
Agreed. This leads nowhere good.
> China as NWO carvers of the world.
Fitting of the cyber-punk genre. I could see this and have no issue.
The Abrahamic trifecta has lots its way. Still though, I don't see kikes or whites sitting in positions of power in this scheme. More like well paid vassal states.
> Ben-Gurion and his plan
Lots of people have plans. Doesn't mean they come to fruition especially when other cultures, languages, people, theology, religion and conflicting doctrines come into play.

Jesus, you drank the MAD koolaide by the gallon.

MAD isn't a law of nature and has not applied to nuclear strategy since the 1990s. Deterrence, not MAD, is the cornerstone of American nuclear strategy, and has been for decades. Tge sheinking of nuclear forces after the Cold War took MAD off the table as a viable strategic position.

Seeiously, read a few fucking books on the subject and stop being a TV-educated nigger.

And all organized use of weapons of mass destruction depends on the human element, which will fail in many circumstances. Ask yourself why Hitler did not order the use of the massive German chemical weapon stockpile against the allies, even when the Soviet horde was barreling towards Berlin. There are several possible answers to this, and we will never actually know why. But it proves that depending on a stockpile of doomsday weapons and dusty armageddon strike plans is a delusion.

>ignoring fact that China is still full of wageslaves under government propaganda
>ignoring China's demographic ticking time bomb (largest male:female ratio in the world due to abortion of female babies during One Child Policy)
>ignoring China's irrelevance to culture, entertainment, anything that spreads globally
>ignoring China's economic instability despite intense, interwoven government manipulation of data
>ignoring China's inability to compete once manufacturing jobs are fully phased out as automation becomes the norm

The Chinks will have plenty of their own problems to deal with.

Besides, they have no true nationalism. MAO fucked up the Chinese people, Chinks always hated their emporer but sucking his dick was still better than being the concubine of 5 colonial powers at the same time. When Japs, people who looked like them, came and raped them, they thought it was better to be ruled by own people than letting foreigners decide their fate.

China becomes independent, chinks had hope that they will finally live happily, MAO ends up killing more Chinks than all foreign invaders combined, chinks feel like they aren't safe from even their own people.

Chinks become the emotional degenerates who will cook their children to feed themselves. They won't take over the world.

>I can forsee a world where China rules with Joos, but I can't foresee a world where China rules and Israel doesn't exist. Although I wish Philip K Dick was here to write that alt-history.
I forsee the opposite. I could never see a future where China rules with Joos. I have no clue where people feel this affinity lies but its present nowhere in China's culture. Rivals are rivals (period). Isreal will exist but they won't have power. Isreal rules by proxy through america utilizing conflict and destruction. Chinks would never allow that and it runs contrary to their whole ethos.

Why do you feel this is a possibility? Because some kike wrote a book?

>their nukes are pretty much useless against anyone who matters.
Rare to encounter a poaster here who is a fucking cunt but v well informed and insightful. Israel created an ethno bioweapon to target Arabs in the 90s, and this was leaked to Wired Magazine. They also created Pegasus, which they are dick-waving around the world via limited hangout "news stories" on 60 Minutes and in the NYT.

Everyone has nukes, yes, but Israel might be the first country since the US to launch one. Because they can. First off, you nuke Israel back, the US is glassing you. But also 8/10 white Christians around the world will go apeshit in favor of Israel. Whites didn't give a shit that Notre Dame was torched under the guise of an accident by Joos (probably), but glassing Israel is something I can't foresee even China doing. Soros, Adelson's Estate, Wynn, Ellison, Rothschild, Zuck, every Jooish billionaire would set the Earth on fire.

Where China knocks everything off balance is in eugenics and experimentation with gene editing. I truly believe we'll see a chimera hybrid creature via Chinese Science, by 2030. They will create horrific beasts of burden. And the question is, does the world play catch up? Or is America's black money ops already running parallel to counter Chink chimeras?

Attached: Von_Braun_1952_Space_Station_Concept_9132079_original.jpg (1920x1338, 444K)

>t. 2002anon

>what do you think AI and automation will do to China?
AI and automation are on their own path and mandate. I don't think there's a country in the world who maintains power/influence or will determine its ultimate outcome. I could name just about every country who wished they could but zero that ultimately will have sway. Practically speaking, AI/automation are already being embrassed in china and with a top-down rule of communism, they'd handle it more gracefully than others as they already have the social distribution/share sorted out.
> I see many of those repetitive slave labor jobs we've shipped there returning to the US
No data supports this. Nothing is coming back to the US even w/ the latest tarrifs. There's more to production that factories. Tech factories costs 100s of millions and into the billions and take years to complete. Then there's the supply chain which takes decades to cement. None of that is coming back. You live in fantasy land if you believe this. I can source sauce this completely.
> No doubt China will also get into automation but costs of running a robot are roughly the same regardless of where you're located.
Supply chain/raw materials.. you're missing the biggest puzzle. China dominates trade because of this not because of the manuf plants.

> China is shit
> youtube.com/watch?v=SGJ5cZnoodY
> youtube.com/watch?v=ljOoGyCso8s
Also, you understand why Taiwan has become a hot 'item'.
Literally fuck all is made in the US or can be because there simply aren't any supply chain channels to feed the factory.

You seem incapable of admitting any of China's problems. Not sure why you're jacking them off so much unless you have an agenda.

Ok the real reason is, now don't laugh , some ancient technology was buried there. That's the real reason and any other answer is subterfuge. Fact

This guy knows what’s up