I am fucking mad. A guy led me on the entire time, saying sexually suggestive things towards me...

I am fucking mad. A guy led me on the entire time, saying sexually suggestive things towards me, ERPing with me through text, considering himself to be my boyfriend, for 2+ months... then he tells me he is a volcel and that he "thought he told me that already" when he didn't. He knew the entire time that I wanted a relationship with him and sex with him. What the fuck did he do this for?

Attached: apu mad.jpg (250x182, 5K)

Get dabbed on, whore
That man is based and redpilled for teaching you a lesson.

Oh my God are you a fag?
You gotta be a fag. Prolly one o them fags that ERPs as anime femboys like Astolfo.

Look. Cut and dry. No debate.
>ERP does not equate to, or to having, sex.

I'm a virgin. I'm an incel. What lesson was there to be learned here? It's more like he is the whore.

>You gotta be a fag. Prolly one o them fags that ERPs as anime femboys like Astolfo.
Absolutely fucking not. He is the "trap LARPer" of the relationship.

accuse him of rape for not committing. is the new thing women are doing now.

Then my answer is even doubled down. They're always loose holes, you know it, I know it, that's the only reason you should be ERPing with femboys.
The ones you want are those quiet brooding men, the tall dark handsome stranger in the corner. You dig? ERP is its whole own community, you can't just go in guns blazing and expect to come out with some sort of mega-relationship.

Enjoy it for what it is and get to know people and maybe you'll land someone.

Are you just on a Discord? The-Lair? F-List?


>Are you just on a Discord? The-Lair? F-List?
I added him from another Jow Forums board to Discord and Steam.

>I'm an incel
Ergo, you are a degenerate. The only thing keeping you from being a whore in deed is circumstance, by definition. Otherwise your virginity wouldn't be "involuntary".
The other guy was doing some questionable stuff to be sure, but it appears he didn't mean it--meanwhile you were entirely serious and would have readily gone further if given the chance. So I repeat, get dabbed on.

I wanted a marriage and a family with him. I only want to have sex with one person in my whole entire life.


>discord trap bfs

Fucking hell

>I only want to have sex with one person in my whole entire life.

>ERPing with me
>I wanted sex with him
>I am an incel
What kind of a moron do you take me for? That's not the kind of behavior conducive to your supposed goal.

>you found a fag on Jow Forums and expected A N Y quality of character whatsoever
Okay. Look. I *get* believing that you couldn't POSSIBLY end up with the one (/s) rude, self-serving asshat on Jow Forums.
Except for I don't. What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't ever expect good things from Jow Forums...
I forgot THAT'S why you're carousing Jow Forums for ERP!

How is it not? He clearly isn't interested in having sex with me, he only played along for God knows what reason.

Bless your heart

>I forgot THAT'S why you're carousing Jow Forums for ERP!
Well, he was the one who started the ERP. I asked about him being my boyfriend and such before that.

I talked to him about moving him out to my country, where he agrees he would have a better life. I talked to him about our future household and our future together.

Jow Forums guys are cancer, as in don't have sex with them for keepsies.
This plan was not a good one from the start, girly.

Because ERP is the junk food of online socializing. Online socializing is already the junk food of socializing, but you went a step further; if socializing is a supermarket or any other sort of food store like a bakery, then online socializing is a dollar store.
Whatever the fuck you're doing is just buying unlabelled shit from the back of a Chinese man's van for literal cents at a time because you're not even sure it's real food.

The shit I could tell you about ERP communities. Don't pretend this isn't exactly the dumb prize for the dumb game you played.

I was desperate. There's no way any desirable man would want me so of course I have to look for other desperate men. Considering that he was on Jow Forums and he was willing to do this, and how I saw it he was willing to be my boyfriend and come to my more-developed country (he lied about this all), I thought I had a chance. I thought I could also convince him to stop taking the femboy shit too far, as well.

I wasn't on an ERP community, by the way. I added him from a blue board without any mention of it being for ERP. He started the ERP shit and it made me think that he was actually interested in me.

>already it's about tugging his arm
Come on. You know for a patent fucking fact that's not how relationships work. It shouldn't be 'convincing,' it should be 'mutually agreeing upon.'
>I wasn't on an ERP community
Blue boards are deadass worse for being sexually-parched circlejerks to the point that most feminization seems to be rooted pretty much just in completing a chain of give + receive attention. It's probably fair to say both sides are coping with/escaping from the fact that they don't want to do this.

>There's no way any desirable man would want me
That's a self-fulfilling prophecy when you act like a degenerate

He's the one who started the flirting and ERP stuff. He made me think that he wanted a relationship with me and I was quite happy about it and went along with it, thinking that I actually had found a boyfriend. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I've never had sex, I never masturbate, I eat well, I exercise, I don't play video games all day, etc. He knows all this.

And yet you still say you wanted sex with him, while going along with what he was doing. I don't give a shit how you rationalize it. You made a terrible mistake and it blew up in your face, thankfully before you had the chance to make that mistake irreversible. Hence why I said he was based. He could have taken advantage of you, but he didn't--he just made an ass out of you and gave you a chance to correct your actions before they got worse.

You're not going to find a bf on Jow Forums, and you shouldn't try. Have some sense of self-worth and ground it in good behavior, and you will be much more attractive to the kinds of guys who wouldn't do degenerate crap like ERP.

Regardless I don't think he planned this from the start as some sort of lesson. It's more likely he changed his mind on wanting to be with me and made up an excuse for it. I told him that he should stop saying sexually suggestive stuff towards me and stop calling me affectionate names etc. because I took it the wrong way, and I'm not comfortable with someone who is just a friend saying sexual and affectionate stuff to me. He went offline without warning in the middle of conversation so I won't be getting a fast response.