Is Jow Forums done with Jordan Peterson? What happened?
Is Jow Forums done with Jordan Peterson? What happened?
Just another shabbos goy eceleb.
The memes are far from finished.
>off-topic eceleb spam
just report these threads if youre tired of seeing them
>Is Jow Forums done with Jordan Peterson? What happened?
Anti-Peterson activists devised a campaign to discredit him on the grounds that he "refuses to address the JQ". Of course, his job was never to name the jew, but rather, to inspire young men to better themselves and cast off the chains of neo-Marxist ideology. Some of the more gullible members of Jow Forums may have bought into it, but ultimately it has not diminished support for Peterson in any measurable way, as young men worldwide continue to better themselves and turn away from leftist ideology.
Also, pic related explains why the unhyphenated non-word "eceleb" is constantly being bandied about the site recently in a flaccid, useless attempt to somehow discredit people with interesting or entertaining ideas.
this happened
>ever started
Oh, and finally that faggot comic-book collector who larps as a theologian, Cox Gay, tried to cash in on the trend by writing an anti-JBP book which nobody actually wants to read.
> Some of the more gullible members of Jow Forums
So like 70-90%?
if he was an american maybe he'd hit the mark. He gets close but is still internally weak
He went full boomer
Never go full boomer
White people can drink cider.
>Some of the more gullible members of Jow Forums may have bought into it
I would say this is my reason for hating him. Have had him as a prof at UofT and he was definitely one of the more well liked profs with great classes, but it became about the money for him. Not saying that there's anything wrong with that, but felt disingenuous to me.
You hate Peterson because gullible members of Jow Forums bought into the anti-JBP shill campaign?
lol Peterson offers nothing of value
he is a story teller, a fabulator he has his conclusions and waves a narrative from there
Look at the UK what muh individualism causes you will be picked up one by one.
>not saying anything wrong with it
>there is something wrong with it
Go back to your discord server shill faggot.
To be fair, gullibility here diminishes over time, as Jow Forumsthe_donald users are gently and other plebbit refugees come to learn what it means to swim in an ocean of piss.
And the video is abhorrently wrong within the first minute, exclaiming JP has only been at this for a few years.
I remember seeing him on Youtube as far back as 2007 debating gaytheist campaigns for advertising atheism.
People are watching Jordan Peterson Dismantled.
Personally, I still like his old classroom videos and the occasional interview. Its just that less of them are getting posted.
Thats because you are a low iq pussy
He got dad dicked
Juden Peterstein is the epitome of a mental midget. The ideas he has put forward to his gullible followers just don't water when subjected to serious scrutiny. It's like he's some kind of cult leader whose mission is to deradicalize his followers (mostly young impressionable white males). Truly bizzare mindfuck territory. Oh and buy my rugs goyim.
>So what your saying
He hasn't done anything meme-able in a while.
hOw Do YoU dEfInE wHiTe
More like how the fuck do people still pay attention to this moron?
White is: anyone that doesn't benefit from affirmative action.
White is: the opposite of your "people of color" that you seem to have no trouble pointing out.
>2 year old screen cap
empty criticism and insults without any regard for what he actually says
I used to like him until i realized he didnt say anything of substance at all. Pure sophistry.
this guy has the demeanor of an eternally whining libtard boomer. lighten up ffs. he's like a dementor.
Naming his true name, Juden Pederast, stripped him of his power
Maybe Redd it went home finally
destroyed by Zizek
His heart is in the right place but he's a complete sellout as far as being objective goes.
If he was truly objective he wouldn't constantly feign ignorance and shield from the public the truth regarding many topics. The jewish question, the "nig gonna nog" question, the third world shithole question, etc etc.
He has stated that his utmost purpose is to deradicalize white men from the right in the interest of preserving the status quo despite the fact that the current status quo is going to end up with a civil war anyways where whites including himself are just going to be genocided out of existence and the human race will continue to devolve into a feral state.
Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Proud boys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist
Pewdiepie - Zionist
Jesse Lee Peterson - Zionist
Brenton Tarrant - Zionist
Too reasonable, not radicalised.
What's wrong with being a zionist?
It's bloody complicated. He quotes the bible selective to confirm and source his morality in scripture.
His entire capitalist bullcrap goes against the bible by that standard banks are immoral and Matthew 19:24 goes against his materialist argument for making bank.
He argues against tribalism and group action but doesn't mention that it is a prisoners dillema you got no chance but you unite if nobody else gives up their tribal identity.
He should go to the blacks, the jewish people and so forth and demand I REPEAT demand that they give up their identity as well because he attacks the people with the least group ethnic identity and dismantles what little they have left.
So to speak he disarms the only faction that is fighting back in the culture wars full well knowing that the other side only respect strnegth in numbers.
He never sources the chinese culture revolution for the shit that goes on in the universities instead he jumps to the soviet union which is not the equivalent of what we face today.
>Donate to my patreon
Jordan Peterson should probably make room for a less divisive figure.
That's a shitty definition, good luck with your PhD you fucking retard.
I love when smart people bicker over semantics, it shows the pettiness of their ego
Mr. Peterson what happened to your rule "9. Assume the person you are listening to knows something you don’t "?Pretty dismissive of your own standards....
He says the ingroup is defined by the outgroup. Like with the one drop rule.
Without contrast there can not be cohesive a group identity as it's defined by the boundary not necessary the shared values.
>defending Juden Peterstein
His ideas are neither interesting nor entertaining.
>a Canadian university professor with wall-sizes murals of Lenin in his home is totally one of you, goy!
Your parents tell you to clean your room to look nice for guests whereas JBP tells you to clean it to start being in control of yourself
Is there a problem with wanting jews out of your country? 109 countries didn’t exterminate jews, just expelled them.
Peterson is really funny, in his own understanding of truth, he makes it contingent upon survival (see podcast with him and Sam Harris). HOWEVER, he is against postmodernism which in his estimation leads to "cultural Marxism". The postmodernists he so loves to attack, epistemologically depart from a similar point of view upon reality, i.e. the dominant position is only ever interested in justifying it's own power and continued existence (i.e. survival).
This and many other reasons was why he came across as a wet blanket when discussing Zizek. As for the first time, he wasn't conversing with someone who is only a foot solider of the "enemies" ideas, but someone who actually understands them and knows their weaknesses as well. In such a situation, he just comes across as a traditionalist he is.
TL:DR Peterson is a mixed back
He tells people to clean their room to stop them from political action and he is not broadcasting that to the left who are the problem.
What if the left refuses to clean their room first and marches in the street? Will Jordan Peterson continue to unilaterly disarm their opposition?
wash your benis too, you don't want someone else controlling your life do you?
How are you supposed to be able to control yourself and other people if you can't even control your immediate surroundings?
By group action you nigger. Do you think atifa washes their penis? Do you think a million russian serfs did?
You don't fix systemic imbalances at the individual level only migitate them. Perterson is a hack fraud profiteer.
>Do you think atifa washes their penis?
No and Antifa isn't achieving shit user, if anything it pushes people to the opposite directions when people see degenerates support one ideology sane people are pushed away from said ideology
>No and Antifa isn't achieving shit user
They get their way and subvert state authority. Make billion dollar corporations cave, get people fired at will.
Peterson if he would truely want to stop the marxist he would tell white people to unite conditionally if the other sides don't disarm.
You move first we gave you all the benefit of the doubt and welcomed you with open arms yet you stabbed us in the back.
This. We are now witnessing in real-time these same shills making their move to character assassinate a little girl by the name of Soph. That's how sick they are.
He denounced kavanaugh he broke the golden rule.
Nothing wrong with denouncing an Irish drunk.
the people who were paid to shitpost about him are now being paid to shitpost about someone else i guess?
>White is: anyone that doesn't benefit from affirmative action.
i'm asian and whites benefit more from affirmative action than i do.
i'm not white.
>wash your dick bucko
For someone who gives people life advice he seems profoundly unhappy.
Whatever he's doing clearly isn't fucking working and it's immoral at best for him to be cashing in on his obviously broken philosophy.
>They get their way and subvert state authority. Make billion dollar corporations cave, get people fired at will.
Lol, that isn't Antifa it's liberal employees who hate conservatives
I don’t care if Jews want their own state I just don’t want to fight or pay for it
I tried reading his gay self help book since you fags were shilling him so much. It was so horribly written. He starts rambling about lobsters to make total nonsequitors, and doesn't even do the species justice because he doesn't seem to understand much about biology and evolution. Really smart guy.
If he addressed the JQ, he would immediately lose a large portion of his following and many would dismiss him as hateful (from the Left and the Right). By not addressing it, he's doing a better job at fighting the Jews by giving us practical ways to fight against their tricks while reaching a wider audience
Sometimes kids revolt against their parents, if your kids go to a shitty public school they can pick up behaviours from children with bad parents. This can take shape in different ways, my parents are hoarders and I retreated to video games when I was growing up. Actually I didn't even have my own room. Life isn't as simple for everyone, chaos can insert itself and make people forget themselves.
I want to see a debate between Peterson and Jared Taylor on this subject.
we need a babby's first red pill
you can't just go ranting about jews at the outset
That could be interesting.
What are the odds that Peterstein would accept the challenge though?
>Is Jow Forums done with Jordan Peterson?
Done with? He's a kike puppet, only commies were with Peterstien to begin with
to be fair i had been saying his since 2012.
plus everyone was going individualism is THE WAY FORWARD like there is nothing else.
the main problem with individualism is that what happends when YOU or your loved falls in the shit? what are you gonna do?
hey son
hey dad
hey umm listen a tornado hit my house all my electric has shorted i need new white goods and we were already in the hole before this happend can you lend us some money?
well dad you really should take some self responablity. i mean the fact you bought a house where this happend means you need to revaulate your own life choices
But son i brought you life
well dad it depends what you mean by that.
lets be honest if you heard of such a story you would automatically think that guy is a dick i mean i does sound like a (((conveient idology))) that said my cousin has fucked off to america and he is never coming back, (after reading the book) i am the only one in the family who knows this he spent all 24 years in this country. he was america 2 weeks landed a $74k job. best he could get here was £24k.
THAT SAID. i called him for the first time in 4 month last night and he fixed my laptop, my relationship with my uncle (his father) and recovered my bitcoin as well as sent me $500 just to keep me going until i get back into the workforce. (2 interviews this week wish me luck)
even if he himself would call HIMSELF a JP fan boy i think he gets it. in all honesty, based on the threads you guys posted, it seems like you guys were the former.
he's not a dumb guy but not the all knowing god he pretends to be. he loses in arguments against feminists from time to time because he gets too flustered. He baits people in by pretending he's a redpiller then drones on with blue pill nonsense.
>the main problem with individualism
[x] liberty
[x] equality
[ ] fraternity
2/3 don't make a whole. We are currently living 2 out of three values of the French Revolution, however our own failure to fulfill the last value is why it becomes a problem. These three values are in conflict, deciding to help your brother s a DUTY that infringes on your RIGHT to freedom. Here equality represents a wonderful rationalization mechanism. In the sense that you do not have to feel bad for people who are worse off than you, because in principle they had the same life chances, so it must be their character that is lacking.
some people have great potential
look at Steven hawking?
Ford himself had dyslexia
Enough people got over the idea of a white man being a public figure and not a complete embarrassment (Spencer) and started paying attention to what he was saying.
He literally was a Harvard professor, he knows exactly how overrepresented Jewish graduates are (70% graduate while only like 15% whites do, despite same scores).
He's as pozzed as it gets.
>you will never be that coke
why would Jow Forums give a shit about him
Jordan Peterson is for blue pilled Joe rogan listening normies
>Steven hawking
So how long do you think he would have survived to create his contribution to society if nobody would have helped him? That's the thing, even the greatest minds of our time are always standing on the shoulders of giants. The big "giant" that allows them all to live, is society a.k.a. God. If God/society/individuals decides that such generosity is not needed because of whatever reason, poor individual Steven dies, regardless of his innate talent.
Our current material success has created the illusion that you do not need to care about your fellow brother in the purist of your OWN happiness. However, we are playing with social norms at our own peril, once a critical threshold is reached, as clockwork:
>And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
>When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
>As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
>The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
Yes we've been done with judein Peterstein for awhile now fuck this guy
I would say hes a net positive, even if youre on the so-called far right. The shilling against right wing figureheads on this site is insane. Commie discords and paid shills do this for sure.
He can’t defeat Jews, he’s just a philosopher
thats some commie tier propaganda, i love to lick boots!
i would have to say racial preferences are genetic is this untrue?
yup, it's the intolerant minority who imposes their ideas on the majority
The trick is being vigilante of how your own language represents a battle ground for much larger forces. Using the words of other demagogues, without awareness will create a prison in your mind.
Nice Dubz
>Standing on the shoulder of gaints
Yes you are right. i honestly never noticed that you call god, what i say is because our soceity has gone way way past what it was we can keep people alive otherwise who would have died or otherwise just not survived or most importantly never fulfilled their own potential. and because of that (in the case of Steven hawking never mind anyone like him) has delivered us so many discoveries about black holes and interstellar travel. which in the middle ages or before (which would be around the age where he just wouldn't have survived and died in the street before he was 20) wouldn't have been thier top priority.
another way of saying thing this is because we allowed people with down syndrome to live we learned 500+ things about the heart we never knew PLUS we can catch it and even stop in gestation. Amazing Discovery.
>Our current material success has created the illusion that you do not need to care about your fellow brother in the purist of your OWN happiness.
Exactly you honestly didn't need to add anything else. if everyone is just init for themselves means nothing really matters which actually leads us all into the whole "do as thou wilt" crap. Granted there are a finite amount of resources and we should keep an eye on them.
i am just saying if we DRAMATICALLY re-organised resources and Immigration. they wouldn't be going towards EVERY idiot
would you believe me if i said at one or another i met all of them?
TL:DR following Christianity creates a stable in-group that is able to adjust to changes in the environment, and prosper collectively. Without succumbing to internal fragmentation and infighting due to intra-group conflicts.*
>because we allowed people with down syndrome to live we learned 500+ things about the heart we never knew PLUS we can catch it and even stop in gestation
compare this to:
>Genesis 9:8-10
>All life is sacred. Human life is especially so. Protecting it is of utmost importance to God. He takes this so seriously and personally because He made humanity to reflect Him. We are His earthly representatives, made in His image. To murder another person is to mount an attack on the One who created him.
Here is where Jesus comes in, he represents a role model of Logos, i.e. the ability of the vision of reality to update itself.
>32 And now, my children, listen to me: happy are those who keep my ways.
>33 Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it.
>34 Happy is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors.
>35 For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord;
>36 but those who miss me injure themselves; all who hate me love death.”
**How this old role model from a Bronze Age context works with AI, intercontinental travel and birth control pills... I am less sure
>1 post by this ID, still on page 1
1 post by this ID, still on page 1
>1 post by this ID, still on page 1
1 post by this ID, still on page 1
gas all newfags
Jesus this list is stupid. There is a difference between being a zionist in the literal sense that there should be a jewish homeland somewhere and supporting THE Israel, or the Jewish people in general. Would you rather them be more of a diaspora (i.e. in your country)?
i hope your methodology isn't pic related
mine is
fair argument. i dont entirely agree with this list my self. i think Jow Forums should ask the question " what doesn't make a public figure a Zionist without being cynical"
nah, it's more understanding the sociological and psychological necessities of why religion exist.
pic related
As an individual maxim; "forgive all the sins of the past, and ruthlessly punish the sins of the present" has worked as a very good maxim for myself. As it allows you to create your own tally of the social moral economy, allowing you to scope for yourself of who is trustworthy and who isn't.
pic was cut.... it continued:
Your heirs, the generations to come, and the legacy you leave behind to them. Your nation.
>Holy Spirit
Your inner good, truth, and creativity. Your God