Post your best from 2011-2014
Newfags get out.
Post your best from 2011-2014
Newfags get out.
Other urls found in this thread:
I’ll start
have some vintage 2008.
not Jow Forums but I've been on this shitty website since 2004, I'm still mad they removed the sidebar.
As you were
that's some fine premium grade autism
He's one day off?
Only 2 minutes off.
guys we seriously need to talk about unethical video games journalism.
the non-aggression principle dictates that it is impossible for us to be racist! We would only be working 3-days a week under a libertarian paradise!!!
Now is our chance to have our dissatisfaction with the establishment to be heard! We must march alongside our Occupy brothers and sisters in unity! Together we can stop big banks and big government!!!
Fuck go back go back the cringe hurts.
I miss fat hate fridays, we should make that a thing again
Outstanding idea.
I don't get it
The joke is some sperg set a four year timer and actually went through with it
and then screencapped it
He waited 4 years to larp as if hes from the future dumb fuck
fugg and me without a computer to dump my folder on my flash driveT_T
I'll do it this coming Friday, US time. Be here. It's on.
I will
Before Jow Forums, there was /new/...simpler times. None of that bbc spam.
>He waited 4 years
I get that but idk why that user said he's only 2 minutes off
Are you fucking with me?
we became too dangerous to allow us to go on unmolested
I’ll molest you
12 hours off
Bring your best, I'll need help
maybe we should recruit Jow Forums
t-that's lewd, user-sempai!
>Orange time portal:
08/19/07, Time: 5:54 AM
>Blue time portal:
08/17/11, Time: 5:47 PM
Look again retard they’re on the same day just 2 minutes off.
no one is AM and the other is PM so it's 12 hours off
one 5:45 AM and the other is 5:47 PM
>immigrant detected
Yeah so he's 12 hours, 2 minutes and 21 seconds off. Not 2 minutes off.
And a day
Daylight savings retards.
Why when it's on the same month just 4 years apart? Why would you need to account for daylight savings?
stop questioning it so much you fucking retard holy shit. An user took 4 fucking years for that
good idea
Leap year I mean
So is grug right? Grug judge time through sun and figures no need to account for "savings" when it is in the same month just 4 years apart
Why would anyone assume that the journey through 4 years of time would be instantaneous anyway?
>implying time portals arent subject to delays like everything else in the universe
digits confirm you're a mutt