Arnold Schwarzenegger kicked from behind by a Shortnegger at event in South Africa Lmwao

Arnold Schwarzenegger kicked from behind by a Shortnegger at event in South Africa Lmwao
Video shows former California governor being kicked in the back during children's sports competition.

More proof Africans revert to an uncivilized state without European influence to guide them to be civilized and have proper behaviour.

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Why do celebs still visit South Africa?

It is foolish for their SJW points and then they get killed, skinned raped, kidnapped etc, good on em.

>tries to sucker fly-kick a 71 year old in the back
>falls on his ass, Arnold shrugs it off and continues like it's nothing
At first I thought it was because he was taking creep shots of his girlfriend/sister, but then:
>"Help me I need a Lamborghini"
Now I don't know what to think

Dantes va got shot at too while filming a documentary.

fucking niggers

niggers gonna nig

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More proof Europeans should not go anywhere near Africa,ever for any reason. Too dangerous for any white person, even famous people with a security detail.

a million dollars says he gets the lamborghini.
they will do it just to send a message worldwide encouraging others to attack famous people.

we will experience a new wave of what we saw in the early 80s with john lennon and reagan getting shot by nobodies who just wanted attention/money.

also i have warned about this for ages now. no joke..

a third worlder will do JUST ABOUT ANYTHING for what they perceive as a 'cool and fast' car.

sudanese immigrants to my city have KILLED people so they can joyride in a BMW M3 for 20 minutes.

TPTB can basically get third worlder to do ANYTHING to us whites with the simple offer of a cheap used sports car.

Niggers gonna Nig!!!!!!

now imagine what type of "racists" didn't want to live among these animals...

they'll kill each other for a cigarette over here:

>goes to africa
>gets kicked by a monkey

This is why I don't understand diaspora lefty Jews who stand with the Palestinians against "aPaRtHeId"

Are you saying that around blacks, he actually did relax?
Absolute madman! But no worries.
He'll be back

Arnold lucky to get hit in the upper back and not lower.

Happens here all the time.

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arnie being paralyzed by a wild nigger would have been one huge redpill for the world.

>gets kicked IN THE BACK by a monkey
I know that's pretty much a given, but it should be stated anyway

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should the left ever take control of israel, the jews will lose their homeland. it's simply a fact.

that being said, for all their flaws, i truly wouldn't wish that. they were the only country that supported south africa to the end.

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I doubt it. They'd still blame
>socioeconomic factors
not the actual nog

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it is the same in melbourne, people are getting murdered for their BMW/mercedes/porsche EVERY NIGHT.. except 15 years for murder is unheard of here, he would be out in 5 years maximum.

letting them run amok, stealing and joyriding in sports cars will have a lasting effect for decades to come.

one day, they will crack down on it, or cars will just become harder to steal (the police will be able to deactivate them with a press of a button).

but tyrone and achmeds desire to drive fast cars they cant afford will not go away.
they will be in a position where a simple offer of a used porsche boxster or e36 M3 is enough for them to commit heinous crimes.

power will centralize entirely to muslim gangsters who will pay off their henchmen with used cars..

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Is there anywhere civilised left in Australia?

Wtf, is that actually what that nigger was saying? Who "needs" a Lamborghini?

bloomberg blocks that content to be displayed on this website. kek. i have seen it though.

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>Terminator 6: Dark Skin

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mark my words.

some faggot nigger loving 'charity' will give him a nice used gallardo or something.

it will drive thousands more to commit big 'news making' attacks on important/famous people, hoping to get their own sick lambo.

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the cities are full of muslim gangs and their african henchmen, and the suburbs/rural towns are full of meth heads..

i have not visited a 'nice australian town' in the last 20 years... everywhere is fucked now.

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pretty simple..

he knows he will make big news.
he knows millions will see and hear him.
he knows that to a lot of people watching, a used lambo is pocket change..

he took a chance, and i bet it works.


I know that feel
t. Jow Forums

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It's actually the reason Africans don't belong in Europe, idiot leaf.

because they actually live in literal apartheid, palestinian cities are pretty much divided into lettered areas and everything outside is free for settlers.
How deluded do you have to be to think they won't get payback for the shit they're pulling on a daily basis

Fuck these fucking niggers. Africa is a hellhole that only the jews try to make look like a decent place to live so they can suck out more money of this pit of niggerdom.

Niggers shall be niggers. The white man must leave niggers to their own devices and allow them to kill each other.

Is it true you guys don't stop at the red light because of car-jacking gangs?
Is it Rhodesia-tier bad over there?

That's fucked. Normal when an animal attacks a human we put it down.

has Jow Forums never (ironically) thought of this before?
i often wondered what would happen if i had a huge audience (not for committing a crime, but as a guest on fox news, or in a viral youtube video or something), and i just asked for $1 million dollars..

i bet SOMEONE would just give it to me... 1 million is POCKET CHANGE to a lot of people.

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not where i live, but it's not unheard of to not stop a red light late at night.

forgot pic.

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i have had to run a red a bunch of times because a gang of several hundred blacks/muslims were standing nearby.
its possible nothing was going to happen, but i don't want to take the risk.

Good comic. Who is this guy? From Hustler?

rather safe than sorry.

And you're not allowed to have guns or is it a grey area like here?

>Driving at red light
>Nigger cop tells you to pull over
>Gets hijacked

This is disgusting. In Poland, niggers are extremely rare. We have criminals, of course, but they aren't that stupid or desperate to attempt car jacking at red lights. Never heard of this happening in Poland.

This is the difference, I suppose. White criminals will carry out high-end crimes while the niggers jack cars at red lights. They are subhuman trash and cannot blame it on socioeconomic factors. They are allegedly poor and desparate but attack middle clas and/or poor people.

Fucking niggers

it's quite restricted. however, many people think laws are actually enforced. it's not that hard to own a firearm legally, and even easier to own one illegally.

there are multiple cases of criminals dressing as police to rob.

palestinians could even do something like this in israel.
even in australia i show extreme caution when getting pulled over by police.

if something feels 'off', instead of stopping i will drive to a large crowded area like a hospital, army base, large police station or something and beep my horn to get everyones attention.

the police even understand these days.

they prefer to target you as you stop at your gate.

Pow! That's for slavery

Do you really think he has a second thought about future events?
Some girl prob watched rap videos and now wont spread legs for some beta loser without a lambo ride. It's funny because he'll be in jail while she'll prob fuck some chad for a spare cig.

>People are getting murdered in Melbourne every night
What the fuck are you smoking, ya faggot? Australia is safe as fuck, even in the cities.

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seen this video before and it gives me the heebie jeebies.

anyone else here play beamng?
you can set up road ambush scenarios like this to practice on.

if you use a wheel and mod your own car in (or use a similar car with similar power/weight), you can realistically test how it will react in 'certain scenarios'.

i have about 1000 hours of practice on beamng (i try to play for about 30 minutes or so each day).
i would not want to be the guy who tries to ambush me like this..

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very quiet and peaceful here in western Australia

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he's either larping or mental

this guy has awesome videos.

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australia is not south africa yet.
but you are fucked in the head if you think melbourne is safe now.
my uncle had his car stolen by niggers with submachine guns at 3am.

i have lived in NY and L.A and felt much safer there compared to back in melbourne.

seen these before, fucking nice.

no stolen cars ever get returned in australia.
they are all burned to the ground or shipped to the middle east.

Jesus Christ man
I bet private security guys are making a killing (pun indented) right now. Do you plan to stay there or are you gonna move somewhere safer?

Agreed. Now if you whites could collect your fucking Boers from my continent everything would be great.

Schwarzenegger got schwärzerniggered

>>"Help me I need a Lamborghini"

And there are millions of these sub humans migrating to Europe, thinking they are going to get mansions, lambos and white women to rape.

To be fair, American zoomers kill each other over vape juice

i plan on staying. we separated from europe for a good reason. believe it or not, we're actually more "free" than in europe and their shit. i'd like to die in my country.

>sudanese immigrants to my city have KILLED people so they can joyride in a BMW M3 for 20 minutes.

Sounds like the Coconuts back in NZ. I had a few Mitsi EVO's in my early 20s, and constantly had Polys trying to open my doors to car jack me. It happened on at least 3 occasions I can remember, ever time they went to open the door only to find it was locked. They would start kicking and punching the door and window.

Girlfriend was so scared one night, she told me to sell the car and it wasn't worth the trouble from niggers.

Moving back to WA in a couple of months after 9 years in Melbourne. Looking back, I had 2 or 3 really great fun years and a couple of absolute stinkers.

Wife has a friend in Perth. Friend is mixed race. Married to an islander of some sort. They have a kid together. Every weekend they post pics of their kid at a different birthday party. Every week the crowd is overwhelmingly brown and black. No thanks. I’m trying to run away from niggerdom, not towards it.

fuck you. even zuma said afrikaners are africans.

now if you said the souties must fuck off, i can understand.

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Yeah, private security/armed response is where the money is at. We have security guards at the gate of our estate. I have panic buttons in every room in my house and even my 4yo is trained to use them.

But when you are paying kaffirs to protect you from kaffirs it’s nothing but extortion.

Time to go.

Sunshine Coast mate. Very white.

Who believes a fucking word that comes out of that kaffir’s mouth?

>Unironic afriKANG mudslime
Catch ebola.

For the life of me I don't understand why there can't be a middle ground between what Israel is doing where they actively screw themselves over for the future by trying to hold people in bondage which we know from experience never lasts, and what we are doing where we are screwing ourselves over right now

What the fuck happened to Free Soilers who were like "fuck slavery, this land belongs to the white man"?

I fully support Europe for Europeans and applaud any attempts to rid it of invaders. The races needn't hate each other but we do need to have our own homelands. Africa is for Africans and Europe is for Europeans. Go home buddy. It's not safe for you here.

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millions, sadly. fucking animals.

Stop recycling jokes, achmed

tough shit. this is my home.

Queensland? Went there for an LSD trip earlier this year. Dirty. Flies. Quite run down. More Africans than WA. But the wife likes that your casino is pink and lights up.

Why did the Dutch even settle down there? It's too hot and full of lions and shit, you're supposed to just send overseers and adventurers.

Based, the faggot deserved it.My only issue is that whoever did it should've shot him instead.

Sounds like you are talking about Brisbane. Im 2 hours North mate, around 400,000 people here.

Its quite modern and flash up here. Place is probably only 50 years old and was originally just a bunch of batches for people to holiday in.
But yeah Brisbane is a shit hole with too many people. Had to go to the hospital down there with my nephew last year and saw Hijabs and Africans everywhere.

>his girlfriend/sister,
Is that a normal combo down under?

Halfway post to facilitate trade with the east. They used to stock up on fresh produce so that they wouldn’t die of scurvy.

SA gets really cold doesn't it? I always assumed it had a climate similar to New Zealand.

I've been watching these videos on yt, pure entertainment:

Sadly for my job I need to be in a city.

I understand completely. I used to live in the West, and when the masses started howling in the streets, hungry for blood, my family came back to our homeland. And we haven't regretted it ever since.
>But when you are paying kaffirs to protect you from kaffirs
So that's the catch, huh?
Where can you go (other than Russia)? Could you ever imagine living in a Balkan country?
Just curious, because even though this place is miserable (from a liberal point of view), it's actually much more humane and friendly towards life in general than the West.
Just avoid big cities, as usual

>it will drive thousands more NIGGERS to commit big 'news making' REDPILLING attacks on important/famous people, hoping to get their own sick lambo.
Where do I donate?

Kek you are dumb as fuck

Well you are probably shit out luck then. Maybe try Adelaide? From what iv been told its full of old boomers.

Schwarzenegger = black nigger.
Why is black nigger not handing out lambos? He's a white supremacist, that's why, took away Italian cars from South African colored peace makers oppressed by whites.

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It was furthest point south used for resupplies on our way to the east.
There were no people there when we settled, not even niggers.

Looked at NZ too, so I can unequivocally answer hell no.

It is so hot here that we have a town called Hotazel.

We see 40°+ every summer.

Only gets cold here in winter, and even then it’s quite bearable.