Redpill me on "climate change"

Googling climate change just gives me a bunch of graphs, some of which only date back to the 1880s. I wanna see the graphs over thousands of years. Stuff like greenhouse gas emmisions, total human contribution, methane layers in the soil and shit.
Hit me with your best redpills.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Polar bears can swim for over 200miles (350km) the the guy in your OP pic isn’t in danger at all.

Vostok ice core samples. Just google it.

Global warming is a scam designed for people to vote for their own enslavement.

CO2 and climate change run on a 100,000 year cycle.

You know the only thing that bear is thinking is "can i eat that guy over there?".

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>I wanna see the graphs over thousands of years. Stuff like greenhouse gas emmisions, total human contribution, methane layers in the soil and shit.
Nobody was recording it before the 19th century.

The truth is nobody knows jackshit about how the climate works.
During the first gulf war some climatologists said the if the Iraqis set the oil wells on fire it would trigger an ice age. These people don't want to admit how little they understand.

Umm, Vostok ice core samples.

Fake and gay

>up to 0.4 Ma
wow, you're telling me CO2 never got this high during the fucking ice age?

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Those don't tell us much, and certainly don't give us the ability to predict the climate, brainlet. Anyone who has done computer modeling of this kind of shit knows what bunk it is. Take a class in dynamical systems.

Sure sure.

Less than half a million years, a eye blink in geologic scale.

My scepticism of anything pushed by progressive faggots makes me want to question man made climate change a lot more than I do, but the science is generally quite sound. So far I've found skeptic arguments to be always rebutted by proponents of climate change. My issue, however, with these people is that they seem to think non-whites will ever pacify their own economies for something as silly as the common good. Whites are the only ones who will ever organise to take action for something like this, so as long as we continue down our liberal path nothing will actually happen. Also the effects of non greenhouse gas pollutants are understated.

I remember in college noticing a weird trend, that many graphs showing global warming temps over the centuries started around 1700 on ward....Why did they pick that year? The Industrial Revolution hadn't even happened yet.

Well, they did because they don't like mentioning that Earth had just gone through 500+ years of global cooling...The mini European Ice Age...The most valuable violins in the world are from 1700 because the wood was so cold that it somehow changed the tone and resonance of the instruments. Earth goes through cycles of cooling and heating that are usually in 500 year shifts. So yes, the earth would be getting warmer even if humans didn't exist. Ask any leftist scientist or Bill Nye faggot how much human behavior contributes to global warming, and none of them can tell you..They also don't like mentioning that increase Co2 production from the warming, is amazingly beneficial to trees, plants, and coral. Growth of all three is increasing due to global warming, which leads to less pollution in the air and water because plants are filters....

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>they can't even tell you the temperature for next month
>we went from ice age to melting earth in 25 years
>they add "in the next ten years" every now and then, when it doesn't go as planned, they say "it's because our actions it didn't happen"
>"earth" itself has shown its climate cycles
>eastern countries are never brought into discussion when it comes to their impact on anything
that should sum the bullshit

Climate change is real. But human industry has a minor impact on it. Also climate change isn't necessarily a bad thing.

As a matter of fact it might end up being good as it will make formerly uninhabitable and unfarmable useful (for example Antarctica).
It will be the landlords who will lode big time, while pioneers and settlers will become rich overnight.

>climate change
>thousands of years
L0Lno fgt pls

>warming is amazingly beneficial coral.
im sure the racist coral love it

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read this.

Thanks lads, just at the gym atm
I'll look at this stuff when I'm done

This is a denial free zone people

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>Assuming it's not injured


the world is gonna end in 12 years because a pre-teen and a beautiful idiot told us so

that's all you need to know

Seems like a natural phenomenon that globalists use for mindshare and to get their subjects to give up power. Everybody goes on about the greenhouse effect and i guess that is the leading scientific theory. But just a theory. I have yet to properly delve into the hard science and look for myself. It is as real as they say we are all fucked anyways. My country taxing CO2 emmissions wont do fuck all except ruin the economy. You release CO2 when you breath....fuck off with this alarmist shit.

Globalist lie to kill western manufacturing and allow the east to take over the west.

Do retards who see this think all the ice melted around it while it was asleep? It jumped up there for a better hunting vantage point.
The sad part is the photographer probably saw them do it and took the photo anyway for propaganda purposes.


Try and work out which ones i made up

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there is a climate change but it's natural.
also the "muh 97%" is fake and should be like 33%.

Where do they get the 97 from?
Ive learned over the years from my studies about evidence and how much it opens your eyes about what people consider EVIDENCE and how fucking misinformed people are not to make myself sound like im better than anyone but its amazing how shit can br teisted and what are 'facts' and 'experts'

>NEW evidence supports my agenda!

To be fair, anyone who eats meat that they didn't raise and butcher themselves is fucked

Fake as Facebook.

Wake up NPC


over the past fifteen years:
>its not happening moron
>its happening but humans aren't causing it
>its happening but humans aren't causing it and its neutral
>its happening but humans aren't causing it and its actually a good thing
>but its also not actually happening
I just LOVE the boomers in this thread

did alex jones make that?

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Stop for a minute and just think that what you said might be wrong

If there are any boomers here there is probably ONE

You forgot to include one about eating insects because meat isn't sustainable.

>Planet been though multiple ice ages before our industrial revolution
>We are now responsible for every change in climate

ok. guess we better start eating basedbugs and stop using all energy and breeding. meanwhile shithole nations that pollute 3x what we do will be shitting out babies and waste into the ocean with the force of an unmanned firehose.

OOOH YES i forgot to add the fucking BUGS fornthe goyim


pic unrelated

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Id bet real emone that 'meat zero' will be like diet coke with lab grown meat, advertised as more eco friendly and lower taxed

Theyll start with 50% real meat

This is the future we are heading for its not even a slippery slope fallacy

Was been, go back further in time. Earth was warmer. Evolution will take care of it.

My breakdown continues

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>Stop for a minute and just think that what you said might be wrong
EVERY SINGE THREAD about climate change has ALL of those opinions in it, and they're ALWAYS infested with facebook boomers. its incredibly obvious.

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FWIW, polar bears are fucking cannibalistic assholes that will kill anything they can get their teeth into, and not even just because they're hungry. They're neither cute nor precious.

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You just percieve it as boomeresque, itd be like me saying youre a legitimate hippy living on a camp or something, we're on Jow Forums and both are unlikely, in reality boomers dont really use Jow Forums
But based on ur choice reaction image and tone ive decided ur a spice boy

>methane layers in the soil
LMAO, that's one of the newers memes. It's total shit. They call it permafrost because it's almost always below freezing temperatures. Snow just evaporates after a while, just like water. It's a fucking desert up here.
>muh Greenland is huge and would release a ton of methane if the ice melted
The ice sheet here is 2 miles thick. It's not going to melt. It's been growing too.

Assuming you aren't using a proxy, since it's growing do you have trouble keeping ice from creeping into cities/towns?

Here's your red pill... One super volcano eruption will cool the earth by a minimum of 10 degrees and a large meteorite potentially much more. Plus CO2 was much higher in the distant past and everything turned out perfectly. Not by fire but by ice...

it's explained in the wikipedia link i added, basically they took 12000 papers about climate change, then they took a third from that and out of these 4000, 97% agree it's caused by humans

And assume it doesnt have AIDS


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I was under the impression that the subset they took from didn't even mostly agree it was caused by humans, they simply mentioned humans being a possible factor.

There's no proxies here, the internet is too slow and expensive. The 'cities' are down south, below the Arctic circle. The ice sheet is like a huge frozen lake, surrounded by 'mountains'. Think of it like a huge crater, filled with ice.
The parts where it is growing is the parts where it spills into the ocean, the areas they always show on documentaries when they want to show ice falling into the water to make it look like the thing is crumbling apart. If it's daylight, then it's the 4 months of summer when we have daylight 24/7 here, like it is now. It's still below freezing, snowed yesterday and the day before. It rarely gets above freezing temperature. In the winter it is -50s.

>in reality boomers dont really use Jow Forums
you literally just outed yourself as one, or at least a top reddit newfag

>using words like ur outside of texting or ironic shitposting
>not only are you a namefag, you just SWITCHED your name, most likely to make it look like there are more people in the thread than there actually are
>being completely unaware of the Q infestation, the user base of the Trump general, and the Lady Magapede facebook picture
>making generalizations based on reaction images when they can and do come from everywhere
>seeing these threads over a period of months will show you that some obvious (and or kekistani flag) boomers come out of the woodwork purely to find memes to repost on facebook, and will tell you so to your face, for the purpose of "triggering libs"

in conclusion you suck and should lurk moar

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co2 is a GHG.

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Fuck up you didnt even argue anything i think my points were reasonable

Stoo calling people shit because you end up misidentifying and it gets out of control
Im 26 and never used reddit in my life i remember /bew/ so get the hell out of my platoon better reaction image but shitter vibe post

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Lmao sry i didnt actually read the greentext cos i saw ur ur ur and thought it was a direct quite from mine ok lmao

I made my name bbc news cus i was immitatin b b c news

Then i thought bettter get rid of tht i gues but decided to change it to drunk forgetter because im on the wine and im a forgetter

Whats your problet
Why am i trying to justify myself to a pleb online smdh

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>my points
what points all you did was say boomers aren't on Jow Forums and called me a hippy

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I didnt call you a hippy if you look closely

Im sayin nigga you callin niggas boomers who aint boomers

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And assume the Nuclear Icebreaker Apктикa won't mince it with it's propellers in about 5 minutes.

>I wanna see the graphs over thousands of years.

Also id rather the world gets destroyed than becomes a big fucking jewish vegan androgynous prison



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So they sre refferring only to ones who said they believe climate change is man made (or whatever) AMONG those who responded?

Earth's tempature fluctuates naturally and always has.

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Jet aircraft are the main cause, dumping visible carbon into the upper atmosphere where it just hangs out unable to be processed by plants until a weather event pushes it down. No one wants to talk about this though, not the gov't since its a industry worth billions. Definitely not the liberals who are absolutely unwilling to give up the travel meme and want everyone else to change. Compare those climate change graphs with the rise of jet travel. A study was done on 9/12/01 that showed a 4% drop in CO2 in one day but that study has since been scrubbed off the internet.

The study was so shit, a load of skeptic scientists were included in the list of those who made up the 97%

namefag I was in a climate change thread like two weeks ago where one boomer was making gotcha boomer-tier text images in real time of their dumb ramblings, and another with a kekistani flag admitted to saving them to trigger libs on facebook
they ARE here, and the problem is getting worse, because they don't know how to lurk or use the internet

Simple and to the point. It's nothing more than a glorified tax scam.

"The '97% consensus' article is poorly conceived, poorly designed and poorly executed. It obscures the complexities of the climate issue and it is a sign of the desperately poor level of public and policy debate in this country [UK] that the energy minister should cite it."

- Mike Hulme, Ph.D. Professor of Climate Change, University of East Anglia (UEA)

thats what it always comes down to with you people. instead of the thread EVER staying on topic, you just lump climate change in with everything else that gets posted on Jow Forums constantly. it always goes, like you posted yourself:
>they'll make gas $10 a gallon or make you eat less meat or normalize homos or promote diversity if we believe its true, so it can't be true

The second greatest hoax of the last 200 years.

I just read bits of that wiki page
>they based it on 12,000 ABSRRACTS of peer reviewed science studies
How can 1200 all be similar enough to just lump together and also reading JUST abstracts ? The fuck

To me compiling them all and saying it proves a bigger picture is like taking various pixels from a massive image and trying to put them in one place, even if there ks an over all trend isnt this like feeling in the fucking dark? The fuck is this how they do it?

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Summary: Cook et al. (2013) attempted to categorize 11,944 abstracts [brief summaries] of papers (not entire papers) to their level of endorsement of AGW and found 7930 (66%) held no position on AGW. While only 64 papers (0.5%) explicitly endorsed and quantified AGW as +50% (humans are the primary cause). A later analysis by Legates et al. (2013) found there to be only 41 papers (0.3%) that supported this definition. Cook et al.'s methodology was so fatally flawed that they falsely classified skeptic papers as endorsing the 97% consensus, apparently believing to know more about the papers than their authors. The second part of Cook et al. (2013), the author self-ratings simply confirmed the worthlessness of their methodology, as they were not representative of the sample since only 4% of the authors (1189 of 29,083) rated their own papers and of these 63% disagreed with the abstract ratings.

Polar bear farts are melting the ice

Looks like a kim

I know what you mean, however look at it from my experience in the uk

Ive seen every but of free speech and liberty get eaten away and it always starts with this shit, its used in ads, excuses to DO MORE TO TAX DRIVERS and these opinion pieces on eating bugs, and BAM the economist is saying its the future

I HATE you

Diane is what i got

Its like looking at the code that all the numales and vegans and insane climate activists in london run on

Is this it in terms if their justificstion claiming science is totally behind it?
Once an article says SCIENCE *opinion stated as fact* AND HERES WHY...
Front 9age reddit, science is amazin omg flat earthers retardz ur just like them

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>There's no proxies here, the internet is too slow and expensive
I distinctly remember seeing on an internet speed chart that Greenland had better internet than Australia.

>It rarely gets above freezing temperature. In the winter it is -50s.
Sounds great. It rarely even rains here, when it does it's either at night or causes massive floods, and in summer it reaches mid 40c most summers.

>every but of free speech and liberty get eaten away
it always starts with climate change? are you fucking joking? the excuse for that shit is always racism or whatever. no country anywhere is actually curtailing civil rights because of climate change, because no country has actually DONE anything about climate change yet. well, california banned plastic bags i guess, but tell me three (3) things that supposed green freaks in britain have actually done that directly impacts you

>I distinctly remember seeing on an internet speed chart that Greenland had better internet than Australia.
LOL, that can't be true. We don't have a fiber connection, just satellite. My connection is like 30-40kbps (slower than dialup in the 90s) and the latency is anywhere from 600-3000ms.

>Sounds great. It rarely even rains here, when it does it's either at night or causes massive floods, and in summer it reaches mid 40c most summers.
Where the fuck are you, Alice Springs?

Oil companies fund pro climate change research, that's all you need to know.

They shut down london, over tax car users and as i said, wr can ll see the way the media works and modern "journalism" with these fucking "movements" its the same flavour of shit from the left you know EXACTLY what i mean and if not youre on the erong wrbsite kike

But listen i didnt say it started with climate change idk if youre misunderstanding me onpurpose
We can all see the agrnda and how the government wants to become our controlling mother AS THEY DID WITH FREE SPEECH, AIR GUNS IN SCOTLAND, SUGSR TAX ET CETERA

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Svante arrhenius predicted global warming circa 1900, there was a ice age coming and he thought it would help offset the ice age

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Brisbane. It's reached low to mid 40s almost every year since I've been here (10 years).
And it was a while ago, maybe it was just my internet at the time compared to global averages (I had satellite for a bit too).

>they shut down london
really, seems like its a functioning center of the global economy
>over tax car users
taxes were high over there even before anyone cared about climate change
>I didn't say it started with climate change
you're doing that non sequitur thing i was talking about, the thread topic is literally climate change, don't change the subject
>free speech, air guns, sugar tax
wow, more completely irrelevant shit to the discussion

still waiting on those three things that impact you personally. tick tock fag

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ignore that shit, it's a distraction from the real problem, chemical pollutants, new bill in congress on chemicals including PBB coming out so they blew up that chlorine plant in NJ yesterday

>They shut down london
what about Merck chemical when the factory exploded?

i am correct

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Good background book, talks about calculation svante arrhenius did in 1900

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way to go champ

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>Everyone who is paid by the government is honest and above reproach, and would never be subject to peer-pressure or groupthink, would be uninfluenced by any concerns about personal prestige, power, influence, financial security or career advancement. Everyone who works for the private sector, on the other hand, is untrustworthy, dishonest and harbours a burning desire to see the planet burn and all life go extinct.

You seem to like hyperbole. It barely reaches 40 here. Its hotter in most other paets of Oz. I get 5-10mbps, which is still atrocious.

I've found that arguing facts is mostly pointless unless you're very well versed in them since there's "facts" for both sides of the argument (it's a big money earner or potential money loser after all, gotta buy some facts) and you can easily be blind-sided by skewed, misrepresented or otherwise fake bullshit.
The best proof against "climate change" is the reaction towards it from its own advocates.
Let's assume climate change is as dangerous as they say, why are the solutions always so shit? They always involve crippling a western nation or giving some company a billion dollar subsidy to sell technologies that aren't very efficient (and are in some cases unsafe) but are being shoved into the market anyway. The "solution" never involves nuclear energy or ass fucking China/India/Africa until they step in line with lowering emissions, so I can only assume they don't believe their own ideas and are pushing it for some alternate reason.