Discount Change My Mind

Convince me of our superiority over niggers and kikes.

I actually want to hear your points and ideas.

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Daily reminder Hitler has Muslim divisions of the SS and there were black people in the population who weren't vilified. He went to the Olympics and cheered on Jesse Owens, Google him.

One day. For no reason at all.. people voted for Hitler..

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Already knew about the Muslim SS divisions.

>and cheered on Jesse Owens
Incorrect. He had his own people to cheer for, though he did properly congratulate Jesse Owens after he won.

No one is superior to anyone only in their actions. Race does not define you. It is how you treat other people. Kikes are bad because they deceive and corrupt. Some niggers are bad because they are niggers. But it is not because of their race.

Everyone wants to live white majority countries.

I'm assuming you define Kike and Nigger as the bad stereotypical Jew/Black

Fair point.

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Welcome to Red Pill world my friend.

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This "superiority" is a useless kike idea. What matters is that it's better for you to live among those like yourself, not that there's supposed to be some kind of global absolute measurement against other races. Some amount of mixing is also good as long as you are selective about it.

Based and Reichpilled

It''s a bit subjective, as in what you personally value. I value the the ability to create good societies to live in, taking care of the nature and people around you. I value scientific contributions/advancement of humanity. Not first, but not least, art. Music and literature especially. Intelligence, creativity, empathy, beauty. I think whites come out on top on these criteria.

East-Asians have higher impulse control and mental endurance which I also value highly.

Fair point.

Simple point, I'm black, gay and Brazilian boy. I know I'm an underdog.

Can't be more Brazilian than that

Whether or not kikes, or niggers, brief. I brief. Here are some explanations.

Inner cell mass stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from umbilical cords from Caesarian section surgery human births. Stem cells are layers in pressured semen sperm cum. People make stem cells from human breast milk and other body. Doctors are using inner cell mass stem cells to resurrect the dead! Proper use of stem cells are eternal youth!

Tiny carbon nano tubemetals in body will maintain some electrical current from background electrical radio waves. Some directed energies are effective to carry these tiny metals. Some magnets also effectively carry these tiny metals. When the metals are moved then the metals carry some of the earlier electricity. There was already background electricity at the place the metal would be carried to. This process is callable as, "collecting" electricity. Sometimes the collected electricity is enough to stimulate muscle movement and even sense of touch, though the electricity was collectable by directed energies sent from machines far away by miles of distance.

There is access to stem cells to resurrect, and artificial intelligence robots are so effective to enforce successful use of stem cells and other technology that the most powerfully reigning, successful humans are lost in an exponential runaway series of copy repeat programs of people exactly mimicking, acting, events previously enforced by these artificial intelligence robots to include work as acceptable expectability so younger humans are in on the safety of acceptable expectability behavior proved successful by military industrial complex releasing newer robots to enforce eternal life.

The truth is that kikes are superior to us with their IQs and their spiel.
Another truth however is this one: Men have evolved by striving to surpass superior opponents. The first hunters had no chance against a bear, against a lion. But they overcame those superior enemies instead of giving up from the start. We all personally know that one guy within our hobby who's just so much better than us. It lights a fire within us that we want to imitate and surpass him. That is the core of our souls and that is why we evolve.
There is nothing wrong with admitting someone is superior to you. There is something wrong with believing that to be set in stone.

Not all blacks are niggers and not all jews are kikes, but due to their cultures the vast majority do end up as such.

Black culture promotes idiocy, inane lawlessness, and rampant drug use. They commit vastly more crime but then question why they end up in jail more. They scream about being equal/better than whitey, but just want to live in his world and end up fucking it up every time they get a chance.

Jews are so afraid of being spoken badly about they have made it illegal in most countries, they promote degeneracy in every white nation and make the same acts illegal in Israel, they are never honest and will flat out take you for whatever they can. They are basically white niggers.

Every now and again you get one or two from these groups who go against these stereotypes, they are fine people and I have no problem with them.


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