Abortion tipping point

I think I hit it. What about you anons?

Whores being entitled to the murder of the unborn and sole possession of the ownership of our children has pushed me to the point of no return.

Pic related, reddit is the most evil place on the Internet.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wtf am I reading


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In the privacy of their homes, husband should have the entire right to strombufy their plops.

And fuck the bigots who say it means "murdering their wives", here we're talking about plops, a woman after marriage, and strombufying is not murder, it's making a big blob of cells into a smaller one, mind your own bizness bigots.

Abortion should not be allowed as a contraceptive, and all these roasties act like getting pregnant is just some random misfortune and not a result of risky sex

how fucking hard is it to get an iud? you don't even need to remember to take your pill
fucking roasties

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Theres a few issues at play which cause this. 1. Sexual promiscuity, 2. Relaxed nature toward sex and its consequences, 3. Women and their usual stupidity. personally i believe it to be society's fault for not stigmatizing this further. Abortion should not need to happen if these things were taken more seriously. I suppose we should address the whole "rape and health concerns" """counter-poimt""". Any sane law would take these into account and therefore render any outcry against the outlawing of abortion to be one of selfish desire. Thoughts on this?

One of the most upvoted posts on le reddit

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Why doesn't anyone use the "consent" argument, like the feminists do every single day when it comes to drunken campus rapes and other such bullshit. The fetus, or child, or whatever did not get there without the irresponsible actions of two, all for a dopamine release, and it can not consent to its death. If this is an individualist "my body, my choice" argument, that undeveloped baby does not have the faculties to consent, much like a child can't consent to euthanasia. Both are dependent on its parents, whether inside the womb, or in a mother's arms. Impulsiveness is not an excuse to kill a healthy child. Being a self-centered whore is not a defense.

I didn't realize it was customary to tip for an abortion. 20%?

They say it’s a normal thing in a woman’s medical history.

All women should burn if that’s true. But I know it’s not it’s just evil leftist propaganda trying to normalize murder.

retardation at it’s finest

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Let’s concede to rape so these fucks can be broadcast in the light of their true selves.

murderous evil whores

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Based and leaf pilled.

Our country is easily one of the most immoral on the planet and this country will likely always prioritize whores pleasure over the lives of the unborn.

What can we do?

I just want to buy acres in Montana and escape it all.

notice this doesn't apply to any other individual right like keeping the money I make

But compares baby to pig on a farm.

At least they can’t consistently argue it’s their body.

I’m feeling optimistic, I have woken up and I feel others have too.

Fact: abortion is the most eugenic thing about the USA.

fact: most abortions are performed on non whites.

Fact: we don't need more useless children being on public benefits.

Fact: abortion should not only be encouraged, but mandatory in many occasions, like if one of the parents is currently receiving welfare or has committed a felony. We don't need their useless/asocial genes polluting our nation.

Crowder said it. They are stepping over actual constitutional rights to pick up made up ones. They hate 1 and 2 but think murdering their child is outlined somewhere in there.

This is the most logical and desirable outcome possible no matter how you look at it. Less shitskins is always a good thing no matter how it is achieved and anyone who says otherwise at this point is a fucking kike shill 1000%

It's entirely being done for Dysgenics, sex has become the prime social commodity were before everyone could get it in monogamous relationships.

People with average iq's (most women), will buy into sex as a commodity just like the rubes (the female bullcurve places more as average then smart of stupid).
However, an average iq means they have the agency to seek out contraceptive or abortion to ensure they can enjoy commercialized sex without consequences, something low iq people wont do.

The result you can see, the favelas, ghettos, trailer parks, and third world is busting with people, while anyone over the poverty line has 0.5 kids and a dog.

The elite are stealing everything, your country and ethnicity, your family, healthy relationships/sex, family building, anything that can allow people to organize. What good is a labor union if it's led by atomized transsexuals that betray eachother the moment they get bribed?

The destruction of the nation, of the races of the world, it all stems from the attack on the family.

How old are these children?

I can’t get over the gross immorality and retardation of basic notions over there.

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I agree the destruction of the family unit is at the core of all of this.

But is there anything that can be done to reverse it at this stage?

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And yes, I did say "races of the world"

What exactly do you think happens to the ethnic and racial coherence of middle easterners, orientals, africans, and so on when they live in a ghetoized piss earth?

Low iq untouchables dancing in the streets between filthy corrugated steel houses.

High iq whites, jews, and asians that know the score will interbreed and create a eurasian ruling class that will see the rest of mankind as a type of commodity they can trade between phony national borders to meet GDP targets.
The country will be reduced to a shallow brand, and man will become nothing more then Eloi and Morlocks.

God will deal with that monstrosity

there was a book i read once called 'unwind' where the abortion debate became so impossible that it sparked a civil war between christians and communists.
the two armies made peace on an agreement that instead of aborting babies, they would harvest the organs of teenage kids who failed a eugenics test and keep their brains alive in vats so they wouldnt be killed, technically.

Fact: your political leanings are genetic

Fact: only liberal women are killing their children

Jow Forums is too god damn soft

Murders per year in the USA: 12,500
Abortions per year in the USA: 1,100,000
Non Christian women are fucking monsters!

>boomer at it again trying to fuck over his race in the name of a dead kike

what do you not understand about

Are you a nigger or a hymie?

Retreat for now.

Social isolation breeds memetic mutation.
More people with agency and self awareness pull away from the system every day, and they aren't necessarily right wing.
Some antifa leftist that realizes that jeff bezos and israel are working to enslave america is closer to an ally then an enemy one day.

Anyway, pull away, Find people like yourself and build real life connections, avoid this type of conversation online and in public.
Trust is built with real life tangible interaction, people online have shakey trust because it's low agency by nature.

But beyond that, I have a theory. A plant placed in a greenhouse with hydroponics left unattended will still try to grow outside to the natural sunlight, and it's roots will try to find a place in the concrete to reach ground water.
With enough time the smallest plant can crack any foundation block.

Life by it's very nature does not want to be caged, it either breaks free or dies.
One day we may see what I call a "memetic cascade", a flashpoint event were all the people seeded with these anti establishment ideas have a synchronized call to action in some capacity and the system begins to fall apart.

Look at Yugoslavia, the Eastern block, the USSR, some of these places were functioning one day, and in pieces the next.

Millions decided to rush to the border at the same time.
If even a million people in the united states suddenly didn't buy anything for a single week you'd see a financial domino effect that would cause a huge uproot.

Anyway, I've gotten way off topic.
I have hope, even if they come for me and kill me I will still have hope.

The meta meme is real.

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you arent even racist, you are a leftypol shill, please fuck off

>Is a woman a murderer because she denies a fetus her body to grow in? No.
yeah, it just fucking appeared there one day, it's not like the fetus was brought into this world directly because of her actions

i'm pure English

you are double digit IQ or unbelievably weak
probably both
people like you are more of a problem than niggers or jews t b h because you prevent us from ever fixing any problems

do you have a refutation for my argument?
you won't allow your enemy to kill themselves because the sky man says no
am I wrong?

So there will be a flash point ultimately. I truly wonder what it will be but I think you’re right.

Once again for the 6,000,000th time ban all white abortions and expand non-white abortion services and even consider government funded non-white abortions. The anti and pro abortion groups can both agree that non-white babies need to be aborted

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Yeah blacks are dumb but we live in a society where we need equal treatment under the law. We fucked up by bringing them here in the first place.

> Everyone should be free to do whatever they want. FUCK your opinions.
> You must respect my opinions, you can't disagree with my opinions.
> Why are you so aggressive?

Anyone notice it’s lots of fat and ugly roasties getting most upset? You know the ones that need to be predatory to get pregnant in the first place.

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I'm for abortion being legal when males can also fully drop their parental rights and responsibilities on a whim.

Because Feminism only exists to destroy a country without firing a single shot.
Take the Yuri Pill;

It's worse than immoral; no one actually cares IRL that Canada transformed into a clown country, it's celebrated

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>Comes in guns a blazin' "PISS OFF YOU FUCKS ABORTIONS ARE GOOD"
>3 edits later
>"C-c-calm d-down guys it's just an opinion..that's not c-c-cool to say please no death threats"
lmao fuck women

Wtf feminists are ancap now?

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Welcome to Babylon.

Same exact boat, this past week has made me regret ever supporting abortion. The posts I've seen straight up celebrating abortion is bizarre. These same people cry about people hunting animals but foam at the mouth to terminate some humans.

Yeah I’m becoming a mysoginist

Its the natural conclusion of being atheist. Once you believe that human life has no intrinsic value, the only difference between a baby and a pig or a cockroach is whatever you selfishly desire at the time.

I'll bet dollars to doughnuts nobody threatened her, or her pets, certainly not her pets who does that?

Atheists have some of the highest suicide rates in the world for a reason.

the left:
>babies are literally the same thing as animals so we should be allowed to kill them

also the left:
>oh my gosh stop abusing animals that I'm just going to kill and eat anyway :'(

based and also Mindwar pilled

Nice speculative projection disorder Einstein, you don't see a lot Dr Lecter...

Y'all know there are more abortions that occur globally than people die? It's true.

>This is what good goys actually believe

They're like little children with their logic. Meanwhile 99% of the laws on the books are leftist bullshit that infringe on our rights but when it comes to MURDERING infants, they want us to "leave them alone" and "mind our own business". Sure we'll leave you alone when you undo 99% of the laws. Did they think Obamacare was minding our own business?

Breitbart claims abortion is the leading cause of death in the USA and the world... Women are the mindless killers...

> Support individual choice, bigot!

> Yes of course we should confiscate guns and censor hate speech and force white people to pay taxes for migrants

They dont consider any argument, or are willing to look at any other options.
Not adoption
Not birth control
Not abstinence
Not 'how about see if the baby's father wants it'
Not 'how about at least abort it right away you stupid narcissistic whore, before it feels pain'
Not 'how about you dont have drunken regret sex and call it rape later'
Not plan B.
No, they want abortion on demand, any time, any reason, even up to the day of birth.
Oh Im sorry, they want it even after its been born

This is how you know they just want to kill babies.

Walking fucking hypocrites.

I'll only be okay with abortion if guys can opt out of supporting the child so the woman cant hold the right of abortion above the man and keep him as a paypig.

>how about we just legalize killing and you mind your own business

>Breitbart claims
Keep in mind that most of the data associated with abortion comes from the US government data collection organization the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). You goddamn morons are going to have to stop being so goddamn stupid and start citing valid sources.




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I’m now dropping this pasta I made last week in every abortion thread. Refute it or fuck off femcunts and white knights.

>man and woman have sex
>life now exists
>where there was once nothing there is now something
>this is the essence of creation

Call it whatever euphemism you need to help you sleep at night, abortion is the killing of life, the murder of something that did not exist until two people created it.

Btw I’m actually staunchly pro-choice. I just call it what it is. Murder. It’s you scumbags that go around trying to manipulate language to assuage your guilt and shame.

>its 2019 piss off

1) RAPE is not an argument.
In the US, plan B is automatically provided when the woman seeks medical treatment for the rape. All the hospitals have it, the law was enacted years ago. Plan B prevents pregnancy. Also called 'the morning after pill'. So if you've been raped, you get it free.

>But they mean drunken regret sex that they dont need to seek medical help for

2) Health reasons is not an argument: the fastest CURE for sudden onset medical crises (eclampsia) that affect the mother's life during late-term pregnancy was emergency C-section. it is still the fastest CURE, faster than a late-term abortion.

>but a C-section means a live baby. can't have that, can we

Yeah regret sex doesn’t count obviously. Okay I didn’t realize that plan b statistic. Seems we have a policy in place for that already.

Vegan abortionist and proud!
>wtf why are you making an omelette?

It’s 2020 next year.

I want 100 nigger slaves.

> it’s 2020 piss off

It's too early on a Sunday morning for you to be blowning minds like this, user.

You know what is funny about current year people? They don't even realize they should like a total tool. It's completely lost on them. I know a few current year people in my life, whenever they want to make a point about something they state the current year. They do it so often, and with such passion I sometimes think they're memeing, but they're not. I say the same thing every time to make fun of them,
and they just look at me with a stage look, then continue to let everyone they know what year it is. It's pretty weird.

>caring what roasties think
Do people actual do this...?

Hypocrisy is a tactic. They know and have no shame.

We're full.

If you have regular sex with someone you're seeing, get pregnant, and then some months later decide to have an abortion without the father's consent, he has the right to press charges on you and have you jailed. Change my mind.

>more useless children being on public benefits
Just what do you think comprises an army? You need surplus men. Women faggots and trannies will not cut it

>not your pig, not your farm
How empowering rhetoric

Imagine being such a cuck you would spend any energy trying to make laws to force leftists to keep their unwanted offspring.

>let's get rid of niggers so we can act like niggers
Why are shitlibs so retarded?

Redefine sex as a contract between man and woman to make a child.

If the woman terminates the pregnancy, she is guilty of violating the contract and charge her with crimes. If the man tries to skip out on his duties, go collect money from him. Oh wait... we already do that last part.

They're doing their damnedest to act like uninvolved, unwilling parties when it was the consequence of their own actions.

Just another instance of lack of accountability.

Thank you for posting that pic

how funny that she names her pet first.
Family > friends > volk > pets >>>> everbody else
what a cunt

Here's a wild idea. How about...legalize meth everywhere and mind your own fucking business. It's 2019. Piss off.

we're banning you from murdering children.
mind your own business and stop telling us conservatives what laws we can or can't pass.
we can do whatever we want when God is on our side


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>consent to organ donation
>get to the op-theatre
>willingly engage in the procedure, even encouraging it during its happening
>be in full knowledge of what that entails
>other persons life is saved

>change your mind
>rip the kidney out with a sophisticated hook and dissolving the recipient in acid for good measure as he is not and will never be even close to a human being

>It’s 2019

Not true. You're just complicating things. Being against abortion is logical, you don't need to confuse the debate with that.

>body positive nozzles
poe's law is powerful in this one

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Montana doesn't want you. Fuck off.

It's called "being a moralfag on somebody else's expense".
Something that cuckservatives

Abortion is a consequence and responsbility by itself. It's just a variant of consequence that triggers the greedy faggots who won't spare a dime themselves to provide incentive to not doing said abortion, instead preferring to bitch and nag about muh family values, because it's free.

Similarly to how businessmen tend to bitch and nag about millenials not having "work ethics" and "corporate loyalty" while both these problems would be easy to solve by not making the employees literal wageslaves (but that would force the rich nagging fags to spend money, so it's a literal no-no).

Similarly to how leftists bitch about poor niggers and rapefugees, while not doing shit for their own workers/hobos.

Similar to how everyone was bitching about Kony, while doing nothing more than bitching about him on facebook/youtube/twitter.

In Russia it's similar with the government nagging about how people don't have kids and should have more, outright nagging to women that they shouldn't have career, while being completely ignorant that having a fucking kid is a fucking expensive endeaveur. (And going full "government was not asking you to breed" when the talk goes on providing support... not even to mothers, to FUCKING KIDS)

Therefore, I see pro-lifers no different from other moralfags that bitch, but won't spare a fucking dime to back up their bitching.

Moralfags going on about abortion are no better from leftists crying about african children.

That's nihilism you absolute retard. Atheism has nothing to do with this.

>he needs a flying lad to realize killing your fellow men, especially a child, is intrinsic to the values of decades old civilization

>Reee muh abortion
>Kids not having to go to debt to be somewhat competitive? NEVER

Pro-lifers remind me of leftshits that go all "muh refugees" but won't help their own unemployed or hobos, because in that case they will need to *gasp* spend their own money doing that!

Why is the left so adamantly for abortions. Most leftists I know care about a lot of things like the environment animals poor people etc etc the list goes on and on yet they all seem to have exactly the same opinion when it comes to abortion I really don’t understand it

>implying the prohibition of murder isnt inherently a Christian believe, hence why the religion had to remind primitive sandpeople not to kill one another
We would still be openly murdering one another if not for the development of Christianity, prove me wrong

It's even better.

>If said flying lad provides justification, he will gleefully rape, kill and mutilate children and consider that a virtue.

Duplessi's children is one of the most disgusting and visceral examples.
Mother Theresa "hospices" is another one.

It's plain evil. Hell, it's even worse. At least, usually, evil tend to be honest about it being evil.

>implying the two aren't synonymous at this point