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What's the weirdest red pill/TIL on jews you have ever taken?

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Talking religion with them woke me right up to how evil they are

The Judeans are masquerading as Israelites, the Israelites are

Although not "weird", I find the following very interesting:
Otto Weininger, a jew, talks about the spirit of the jew and how it is feminine, crazy and parasitic, and that EVEN JEWS THEMSELVES HATE JEWS.
The absolute madman killed himself after he wrote the book quoted in the video.

Attached: 266px-OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg (266x312, 20K)

Jews control my country

Attached: its the jews.jpg (400x565, 41K)


The rabbi kind of religion (Talmud) or the satanic blood libel kind of religion?

Attached: sabat jews messiah satan.jpg (600x648, 126K)

Sloppy job Mossad

Interesting, added to my watchlist

Hehe, you know Jimbo, Israel was created in 1948 by the US and the Soviet Union to give Jewish people a religious, geopolitical centre after WWII. The Soviet Union cut relations with Israel in 1967, during the height of the cold war, and restored them only in 1991 after the disbandment of the Soviet Union. Ever since Israel's inception America has been giving generous financial and militant aid to them, strange for a country with a population smaller than even that of Australia's and a land area barely larger than that of Fiji's; so why would the US give so much aid to Israel? Well Jimbo, the simple answer is that Israel is situated only slightly west of hundreds of thousands of square kilometres of rich oil and gas deposits in the Middle East. With the help of money given by the US, Israel gave $25 million worth of weapons to Iran during conflicts between Iran and Iraq during the early 80s, 20 years later the US single-handedly overthrew the Iraqi government under the guise of nuclear weapon liberation; pretty weird how that works huh? Almost makes you think Israel was created as a geographical centre for the US's invasion of the Middle East and has nothing to do with the Jewish population, isn't that quackin' crazy ay Jimbo?

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You see, the interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation and fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan

It's quite simple

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It goes further than just oil. They want to fulfill their prophecy, one of them is to build Greater Israel. The other one is for the Messiah to come.

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Learning this place is full of kikes, just came here to remind you that. Back to the infinity and beyond.

I agree on everything except the interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids and aliens

There's no proof.
It's not actual jews with a special mega blessing from Jesus the Mexican gardner.
It's Kozarim larping there for no blessing I love snad niggers.

Wow somebody on /pol that actually talks some sense.

It's global politics between USA and USSR.
Too bad china is going to win in 200 years.

you can't defeat them by killing them , if you kill one of them they get a victim card and become stronger their whole religion stands on the idea of them being victims ever since the days of ancient Egypt

Do you actually think Bush believed there WMD in Iraq?
Mysticism is for idiots. Works at least 2.5 times better than fluoride

The Jews control everything and are ultra powerful yet a nobody like me knows the truth about them and is beyond their reach.

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reminder that an sandnigger made this post, just saying.

Mark of Cain. Cursed to be a rootless wanderer but still protected from mass violence

take your pills avi

Living for one year in israel

that they're unironically vampires