Do girls like it when you cum in them?

If so, why?

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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white

Some do, it's a mental thing mostly.

Your mum does.

Also not political.. at all..

well no shit they do, instincts and they enjoy guys using there body to get off

if they love their husbands

Do children like it when you what?
This is Jow Forums. What kind of question is that?

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Yes, they do.
I get the "I want you to cum inside me" all the time.
I dont know why, I've wondered about that too.
Also sage

Fuck you capitalist cat

This belongs on /b/

Semen is a drug, release of semen into a woman's vagina (bloodstream) pumps tons of testosterone, serotonin, dopamine, and other neurochemicals into them. The feeling has been measured as similar to low dose ecstasy. Plus, the sensation of raw sex and ejaculation stimulates the cervix/uterus into rhythmic contractions, like an internal massage for both male and female. It is powerful. Use your gift wisely, men.

Yes they love getting child support!

Mine does, but says if feels weird.

Doubt but I wish it were true and girls would like it that much it would make things easier.


Probably the instinctual need to have children.

Even if you are mutilated?

she wants to trap you with a kid marry you then divorce and get half of what you earn for the rest of your life

Yes. AFAIK girls hate condoms more than guys do.

She is not sure if you should be the one cumming in her.

This. It has been studied that semen acts as an antidepressant to women

Funnily, it does this to men too, as long as they retain their semen.

grain alcohol. no floruide. distilled water.

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Girls like it when Chad cums in, not so much.

I read something about how women will get a slight high from being filled with cum. It will also act as an antidepressant for them.
Our cum is magical, boys.


There's 4 tiers of sexual value:

>permavirgin incel
>someone who'll do a very mediocre job at being attractive and manage to sleep with less than 10 partners in his entire life
>someone who'll do a slightly above-average job and sleep with around 50 in his life
>chad, with a count of 100+ by his mid 20s

The only people who'll get bitches begging to have their pussies leaking their man's cum are the last two tiers, with the 3rd one barely making it, which is probably why you think that some girls may want it and some don't. The truth is that every single one of them wants it in the same way you yourself would love to cum in an attractive female, but they have a very fat filter of who actually gets to do it.

Oh look, another discord tranny thread.

Fifth tier: chad who has less than 2 partners for life.

Mutilation, unfortunately, reduces much of the pleasure for both parties. The effect on the man is obvious, but for any of the man's partners, the foreskin has a 'ribbed' effect during thrusting, bunching up on the outstroke, increasing contact and percieved surface area significantly, while also providing for a smoother instroke. Removal of the foreskin removes all of this in addition to the other obvious drawbacks.

She wanted marriage and a baby. She had a little shit of a kid from another man already so that wasn't happening. I just wanted to fuck a redhead for awhile.

That's not a Chad though


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Have sex, you incel

Holy shit. It's over.

How can evil racists uncles compete?


sounds fucking degenerate to me

They don't care mate as long as no one is organizing here on /pol then we can really do whatever as long as we dont offend em.

Chad here..

Not super Chad now, but was an alpha chad in the past

Nutting in bitches has always been my favorite sexual act, but I never met a girl who liked it. Either they were pissed or they didn’t care

Still did it anyway.


Makes them feel like a sexy hot pocket, idk?

they do love it tho

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>Still it anyway
That's what a chad would do