Should Israelis get banned from Jow Forums ?

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No but memeflaggots should


Should Judeans get banned from /Earth/??

Ask God!

No. They are amusing.

No one should be banned from Jow Forums you soft faggot. Go back to plebbit if you want to censor people.

What are you going to do when you won't be able to browse Jow Forums ?

Even the moon dont want these filthy kikes!

Yes, infiltrating lying assholes, like Hitler alreadys stated in Mein Kampf.

Nobody should be banned from Jow Forums, even if I hate them with a passion. Except memeflags, they have no nation therefore no rights, fuck em.

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Yeah, it's a jewish supporting board. Biggest traitor of humanity.

Government funded shit posters trying to shut down free speech.
Ban them.

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>MEME fag...
>"Let the jews destroy Jow Forums!

this but unironically. Israelis have the best bantz

nah but memeflag users should be

Banned from all nations soon

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this will only strengthen us as victims
the only winning move is not to play

Jow Forums should be banned completely from the internet

use my vps as a vpn. and if not when, you dumb shitskin.

Why asking you a question makes you seethe so hard ?

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