Its ALWAYS the kikes

>1 Thessalonians 2:14–15
>14 "For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews,6 15 who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind"

People didn't just stop having kids, they were conditioned not to have them.

Attached: fuckingkikefaggots.jpg (1164x1230, 916K)

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Babylonian Money Magic Slave System is [primer] to Final Redpill Framework. Rise Up, White Man!

based emj reference

slowly i began to hate them....

they aren't jews
reform just do w/e they want, fags cannot fag in judaism, its literally in the bible

>For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea
my brothers in Judea :/

Rabbi Yeshua

Attached: jesus salvation.jpg (1024x768, 110K)

Who cares, they're ethnic Jews and wherever they go they degenerate the society they settle in.

>fags cannot fag in judaism
Kabbalah rules Israel, kike. And they're all Gnostic fags

Attached: Oprah Baphomet.jpg (721x1085, 686K)

i doubt most of them are ethnic jews either
if they don't have matrilinear descent they aren't jews, thats how it goes
kabbalah is a meme

The fags aren't jews, but the activism that lead to this nonsense was pioneered by the american zion jew click of "civil rights activists" who ARE jews. The sexual revolution in Russia was the exact same thing, used to destroy the family unit of that country to create a bunch of dependent, subservient , depressed proletariats hooked on porn.

Attached: Sounds_Jewish_medium.jpg (240x240, 28K)

Research when the word jew entered the lexicon before spouting your bullshit.

>who ARE jews

The final solution is a necessity.

people stopped having kids because jews turned everyone gay? i dont think thats how it works bruh

t. that one fedora kid

well, some of them are. matrilinear descent

Oh so the people taking credit for this are not jews? In one of the biggest jew rags in publication? because you say so? lol ok schlomo

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There are many different reason, most of which are pushed by the media, which is jew controlled. Pornography and climate global warming are probably the 2 largest. The global warming eviro-activists have been telling people not to have kids for decades now, and to live more self-centric urbanite lifestyles which by its nature is anti-family.

you sound like you think people are sheeple who will believe everything they hear. maybe youre just describing how gullible you are and think everybody must be the same. thats the problem with both far-right and far-left conspiracy theories, you think the average person doesnt think for themselves

>Oh so the people taking credit for this are not jews?
>In one of the biggest jew rags in publication?
>because you say so?
no, because jewish law says so. which they don't follow. because they are not jews.

>ar-right and far-left conspiracy theories,
Did you read the article? Are you spouting typical jew pilpul refusing to aknowledge the fact that there is a bunch of jews claiming to have played giant role in getting fag marriage passed into law in america?

Dont you understand that these tikkun secular jew fags have the same end goal as you religious kikes. You're two sides of the same fucked up coin

fag marriage doesnt actually turn people gay my man

>its not the jews goy
>jew publication specifically takes credit

Attached: d5c.jpg (297x365, 64K)

fag marriage doesnt actually turn people gay my man

our religious kikes hate reform more than jesus
the publication isn't jewish
if it was, they wouldn't celebrate fags. because in judaism fags are illegal, its in the bible.

You're still missing the point. Whether you like it or not these tikkun olam Jews are just another component in bringing about your false messiah.

You can disavow if you want but no one gonna really care unless you disavow your religious Jews as well.

and? so promoting fag marriage is ok? >jew rag isnt jewish
lol ok bro

>and? so promoting fag marriage is ok?
why the fuck do you care since it doesnt affect you in any way
let fags get married like everyone else , they pay tax like everyone else

you also don't get it. we can't disavow the religious jews because they are real jews. we can dislike them though. and we do ffs.
if you can tell a fag is a fag he gets the rope
prepare yourself

>why the fuck do you care since it doesnt affect you in any way
It does effect me.
I seem to have struck a nerve. I care mutherfucker because these people in america who call themselves jews and take credit for shit jews are known for historically all over the world have done a lot of damage to my people and im fucking pissed. The same shit in Russia. The same shit in Germany. ALWAYS THE SAME SHIT.
>let fags get married like everyone else
"just look the other way goy", dont do anything about it goy"
Fuck you I will be concerned about it if I want, I will fight it if I want, and I will work to undermine your influence in the country, a country founded by WHITE WESTERN EUROPEANS till the day I die. I fucking hate you faggots and you need to GTFO

you still havent explained why its bad

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>Matrilineal descent
Yes, I remember that part of the Bible very well:
>And Eve begot Judith
>And Judith begot Esther
>And Esther begot Mary
>And Mary begot Michel
>And Michel begot Bathsheba
>And Bathsheba begot Rachel
>And Rachel begot Sarah

Yes I have, it destroys the family unit.


>next social justice issues
It's never enough. Never fucking enough. They want to be the revolutionists, the heroes, the ones that will make pedophilia illegal.

Jews pushed the homosexual agenda, which is transient sterile relationships, and Jews pushed the feminist agenda, which is women in the workforce instead of the home. Which means people stopped having kids, or certainly as many kids.

In 1936 the Commissar for Justice, Nikolai Krylenko, declared homosexuality a political crime against the Soviet state and the proletariat. It became an object of NKVD (later transformed into KGB) investigations, possibly with a view to recruiting new informers from among known homosexuals.

Anyways fags a diseased and have half the lifespan of a normal person. The family unit is the backbone of a healthy society and fags do not create family units. You kikes know how harmful fags are to society which is why you promote them.

Oh ffs you fucking faggot fags are a genetic dead end, we have been over that here ad nauseam.

1970 kike owned media >
Stop having kids and save the planet goyim
2019 kike owned media >
"We have to import masses of the third world because there simply isnt enough of you for labor, despite the fact that america doesn't have a labor economy anymore."

faggots are a negative on our numbers and that in itself is reason enough to oppose it, despite it being contrary to gods law.

And Im out, have fun simmering in jew-stew.

You're going to lose. God's son is back.