Is there anything more feminine and unnatural than veganism?

Is there anything more feminine and unnatural than veganism?
>Rejects hunter ancestors way of life
>Rejects herdsman ancestors way of life
>Rejects farmer ancestors way of life
>buys into global warming
>Encourages alternative lifestyles
>Based on feeling bad for chickens
>Destroys traditional family meals

We might as well just eat the tasteless protein gel that profesional cyclists eat

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Vegans are a menace.

Yes, Alan Cummings's acting career

>Is there anything more feminine and unnatural than veganism?

modern-day math teachers

i used to deliver parcels to this poof, but him and his rent boy were never home, so i fed a fur coat through his letterbox. He phoned me up and was all cunty but in the end he had to admit he got the package.

Is that the weird guy from Spy Kids

>be vegan
>don't reject any of that shit
Why you gotta strawman me, nigger?

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Isn't this dude's name Cummings?

LMAOing @Alan Cummings' name

It's like the old saying

An stick of incense in a coffee cup ain't coffee

Clearly you do with your actions, faggot

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meatniggers should be lynched

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What do you hunt? Mushrooms?

Fuck you.

being vegan is the whitest thing you can do

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there is no valid argument against veganism

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>implying avant garde's vegan stuff comes anywhere close to the real thing

Do you also like fake tits goy?

Yeah, veganism and vegetarianism is the easiest way to hide an eating disorder. Id say a good portion of these people have one or did.

meatfuckers should be euthanized

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What is that, an onion ring sandwich?

Anyone have the Jews want you to reject nature screen capture? Very fitting for this thread.

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It obviously makes you a fag, thats a big consequence if your straight.

you're not fooling me, most vega food taste like ass and shit.


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How about
>I like meat, I feel good eating it
>All living organisms pray on other living organisms
>Veganism is based on the classification of organisms into two distinct groups: plants and animals. And you are not allowed to prey on animals for [insert unnatural argument here]
>Oh look, I found some examples of food that "look good", but doesn't contain key ingredients in a healthy life style. Of course we can attempt to synthesize it to work against our nature.
>"Food is about appearance rather than ingredients" - said no nutritionists ever
>Paleo diet is unarguably one of the healthiest diets

It's worth it to eat steel cut oats, lentils with long brown rice and vegetables to settle the body every once and a while, just to quell desire. Mild tasting, nutritious foods promote a state of mind that are conducive to meditation and yoga.

>posting good looking vegan food
>does not realise omnivorous people can also eat said vegan food no problem




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All that food looks fucking awful.

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okay, this is cringe

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Reminder that vegans actually believe we eat meat for the taste and not its superior nutrient profile.

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vegans will quickly die out during the happening, their's no need to talk about them, their existence is irrelevant

You know its basically mental illness to replicate animal foods your body is desperately craving instead of just eating those foods.


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meatfuckers are the niggers of the diet world

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>Love milk and cheese
>All restaraunts assume I'm vegan and I have to specifically tell them to add cheese to my burger
i HATE these onions cunts. I loathe their uppity attitude and I hate, hate, HATE that I'm now associated with them. Fuck vegans

You want meat so bad, admit it

>this is what meat eaters actually believe

Truth is you’re just weak willed

why are the scottish so fucking gay?

I’m not a vegan but factory farming animals bothers me.

You have no argument, also importing vegetables from around the world isnt good for the environment, me eating locally raised beef is.

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fucking dead flesh daily is the worst thing for the environment

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veganism is privilege granted to people by years of men killing animals to survive


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Tell me, veganposter. How much does a regular vegan meal cost?

All of this food looks anemic. Classically warm-blooded animal products have always been tied to virility, strength, fertility, etc. Vegans are infertile cucks with withered brains due to the lack of choline and dietary cholesterol intake. Eat eggs and meat, nigger, maybe your brain fog will go away.

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Checked and kekd

Lol there are a rush of youtube videos of vegans denouncing veganism, one of them finally started making testosterone after he put some meat down his mouth

I'm a vegetarian because I don't like the taste or texture.
I'm not a poof though and am cruel to animals and kill for fun or sport

The link between strength, virility, fertility, etc. and warm-blooded animal products, especially meat consumption, has been known for literally thousands of years. Vegans are basically the flat-earthers of nutrition.

You're actually a bigger faggot than vegans. Animal cruelty is for the lowest degenerate subhuman filth.

Veganism is the Jews fallback for when SJWs fail. I've already seen a lot of news organizations starting to normalize vegans, and supermarkets are carrying more "beyond meat" shit. The vegan diet will make white men weak and depressed, adding in keeping them from having kids. Those that do have kids will raise them vegan which will cause development issues.

This. 90% of vegans are homosexual.

Listen up faggots. Veganism is probably the one sure fire way to fuck up your body and health for good, especially if you're White. The common sense approach is to research and learn what your ancestors where used to eating and stick closest to that. For White people this means having a high fat, meat and dairy centric diet. Only consume RAW dairy products, pasteurization completely kills all beneficial nutrients and they have to re-add back in artificially. Mostly consume grass fed beef, lamb and high quality pork, avoid poultry meat as it is high in inflammatory fats. Eat plenty of free range eggs. Throw out all forms of oil from your kitchen, olive, vegetable, coconut oil, all that shit gone, and only use raw butter (European style butter is good too if you can't find raw).

Reject veganism and reject the NWO

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The wrong kind of veganism. This food takes a great deal of preparation and many ingredients, making it ineffective at food's very purpose, which is replenishing energy needed for work. This is the very same problem that western food has.

A good vegan dish is a bowl of oatmeal or rice.

So, Alan received your package? Is that what you're telling us?

Veganism is very unmanly.

i'm not arguing about it. i simply refuse to stop eating animals. we're not having a discussion or a debate about it. i'm not open to different ideas about it.

Veganism is inhuman.

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>Rejects hunter ancestors way of life
Don't you? You're living in a house, clothed, spending your "free time" on a computer linked to the internet, with a fridge in your kitchen that's full of packaged meat and other foods from the supermarket. Even genuinely hunted food as a hobby, virtually everything about your life is completely different than your "ancestors."

I don't have a dog in the race but that particular argument always came off as stupid to me

hefty dose of cancer

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>Is there anything more feminine and unnatural than veganism?

Even the vegetarians have some sense to them that they still eat the necessary products to get their protein in. Veganism is at it's core transplanting your ideological beliefs on your diet.

There's also the strong connection between vegans and leftist eco-terrorism. They are the hyper-socialized retards professor Ted warned us about. That and they're probably useful stooges for NWO/Globalist faggots; pushing anti-meat messages and promote "alternatives" and insect protein bullshit; all a ploy to probably weaken the general populace.

I'm not saying every meal has to have meat or dairy, I agree with you. It's the wholesale avoidance that is degenerate

Idk I feel pretty feminine when I’m slobbin on a big fat sausage :)

Animals do not like to be killed and eaten. Omnivores don't even have the honor to face the animal in a duel, instead they murder them while they are defenseless as a coward would. Barbarians.

Yeah sorry I don't fight a chicken in a duel. That would be real honorable. Maybe I'll go into a river and try to punch some salmon

Do you understand how predator/prey relationships work.

This. There is nothing wrong with vegetarianism. Vegans are, however, retarded. Also, onions and palm oil plantations, which is most of their diet, are destroying the rain forests. So they're not even doing any real good.

If humans are not supposed to eat meat, why do humans of all races have teeth specifically designed for eating meat?

Now that looks good

I think vegans just say that, to gaslight their members, and to influence impressionable people considering veganism. Nothing a vegan says is ever honest (like all leftists, they are liars first)

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I remember seeing one vegan YouTuber who made the analogy of us eating meat to advanced aliens coming down and eating us. Would you like it if the aliums ate your yummy meat? No you wouldn't would you? 75 iq mental gymnastics

It has become so ridiculous with vegans forced to defend their starvation diet, that they have become experts in sophistry, and dismiss every fact debunking veganism with 'Appeal to ______ fallacy'

At the present time, vegans are just logic defeating liars promoting their suicide cult. (with sophistry and fake science)

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This. Killing animals shouldn't be done for fun but instead should be a solemn act done with respect for the animal for sacrificing its life so that we may continue living healthy lives

>Rejects hunter ancestors way of life

Rejects hormone fed packaged meat.

> buys into global warming

Is literate in science

> Encourages alternative lifestyles

Has an open mind

> Based on feeling bad for chickens

Has empathy.

> Destroys traditional family meals

Doesn't eat degenerate food like KFC

>buys into global warming

I Belive in global warming , but i think it usually exagerated to hell and back by the media.

The thicc girl looks good , the other is bones

That's the same girl, FREELEE, the leading vegan activist and Youtube vegan influencer. You can see her body being ruined by "vegan deterioration"

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there's no reason to be upset

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Vegans believe healthy carnivore humans will switch to the beyond rubber burger

Mmm thats some good Mac n' chee-
Pasta and bread

what do you hunt, you kiwi fuck?

Although I admit that a lot of vegan food is delicious, based and healthy, it doesn't mean I want to cut meat out completely. I like eatin the occasional cheeseburger, even if my vegetarian/sometimes vegan GF gets unreasonably triggered by it. Fuck it, I'm not letting a woman dictate what I do or don't eat.

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>vegan food isnt profitabl-

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hard to be a vegan cause you have to deal with all those faggots who do it fot ideological reasons but, at the same time im not interested in paying money for meat and dairy products that are poisoned by our goverments.

>Vegtards posting foods rich in PUFAs(processed vegetable oils) which annihilate the arterial lining.

Veganism also makes them mentally retarded too. Maybe (((they're))) cleansing the weak and feeble minded?

>pic related, the billionaire feminist dyke who funded the Lancet-EAT study
>the study by the way is a huge joke
>Lancet has also given up the facade of "impartiality"

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Stop being a retard. Eat beef patties.

You need help.

Its literally ZOG-chow. You are either a jew or the best buttgoy around.