@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
REPORT wh.gov/techbias

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>VP Pence Commencement Address @TaylorU 5/18/19
>TrumpTweet: Bill DiBlasio 5/17/19
>Natl Police Week 5/17/19
>Pres Trump @Natl Assoc of REALTORS 5/17/19
>Pres Trump arrives @WH 5/17/19
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 5/17/19
>AG IronBarr on FoxNews 5/17/19
>ArmySec Esper @Atlantic Council 5/17/19
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 5/17/19
>This Week@NASA 5/17/19
>This Week@Interior 5/17/19
>This Week@State 5/17/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Unveils Immigration Proposal 5/17/19
>Pres Trump arrives @JFK 5/16/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 5/16/19
>Pres Trump on Immigration Pol 5/16/19
>Pres Trump welcomes Swiss Pres Maurer 5/16/19
>VP Pence @US Army Garrison Fort McCoy WI (audio) 5/16/19
>VP Pence @J&D Manufacturing in WI (audio) 5/16/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:







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Fuck year, make immigrants white again

Alabama btfo ahahahahahahha

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Our friend is correct, it would be better if they remained because they end up causing more harm and discredit to left wing. It is funny to see them suffer a setback though.

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Apparently the Navy patented an EM drive

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hungry man is going to run for president again.

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>Incest capital of the U.S.

Is that actually even true in 2019 or does the Left just believe its own bad jokes?

how will they ever recover

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Anti-choice males who want to control women's bodies btfo

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Have you said your prayers?

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Post more of his comic please

With all the niggers and flips in the Navy, I'm suprised they can run their own ships.

Alabama is one quarter black, blacks have higher rates of consanguineous marriage and relationships.

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It's the old le southerners are into incest maymay.

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>hungry man is going to run for president again.

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If your sperm has a heartbeat you should probably see a priest

Well then I guess you and I have different standards for what constitutes 'large' from a voting bloc standpoint.

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>With all the niggers and flips in the Navy, I'm suprised they can run their own ships.
Trump wanted a nigger navy according to yahoo

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>Patenting top secret weapons

I hope this is a bluff to trick China into spending Billions in R&D into something that probably doesn't work

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It’s a bad argument all around. Sperm are single called and live a couple hours

I wonder which ethnicity is doing the inbreeding

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*Single celled*

What, are you saying Hollywood lied to me?
They're supposed to be all inbred serial killers.

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Marinara it appears

Large enough to influence elections is large to me. The large 2018 election loss was partially a result of this shift of 1-5% in many areas of people who either did not vote when they voted in 2016 in favor of Trump, voted third party, or voted democrat. Demographic change is one portion of losses, another is chipping away margins in slight areas. Internal republican fighting also brought things like Alabama where fractious groups promoted unelectable people only to cause seat loss.

>Salvatore Pais
That wetback has filed patents on half a dozen pure scifi things including room temperature superconductors. Either he's a 500 IQ hyper genius of engineering or he's a spic sailor scamming Uncle Sam because he knows his CO won't read the patents and he gets a raise for each one.

they showed a clip on fox news a few min ago. he was on some other news program and said that he's considering it and that all options 'remain on the table'

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This, racism and bigotry are not welcome here

White Americans are 2% of the earth's population and 45 million of them have been murdered as infants since Roe v Wade. The social damage caused by enabling consequence-free cock carousel rides is immeasurable. And niggers never became a majority before Roe v Wade, in fact in 1971 niggers were a smaller proportion of the US population than in 1771

Well, technically it'd be a propulsion device, not a weapon, and built on publicly available information so it's not really secret, either. Not really sure why they would patent a device that doesn't work, though. The NASA EM drive experiments showed pretty conclusively that it was just pushing against the earth's magnetic field and created no real thrust.

>paying child support to someone that can't prove you're the father for 9 months
>paying child support to your wife
Both scenarios are ridiculous

The "inventor" is a known hack.

I am not a serial killer or inbred. You already knows it's the heebs projecting again. (((Jack the Ripper))) had to come from somewhere.

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>The large 2018 election loss
Please don't tell me you fell for the blue wave meme too.

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Racist bigot murdered by words

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Aqua is the greatest! Maga!

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Why do they keep doing this?

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>PhD in english literature
I bet he studied great author like Youssoufa Ngubu instead of Shakespeare

I'm looking forward to
Happening all over again.

Wew get a load of that last name and remember sol pais, the girl who had a giant manhunt in Colorado over literally nothing

Don't worry, my State is considered the "hicks" and "rednecks" of Brazil, people think there are jaguars, caimans and capybaras roaming the streets... preposterous ( they do roam sometimes tho )

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The congressional situation could have been a potential to gain for republicans but democrats made substantial gains against Trump. I'd stated it before and the matter hasn't changed. If people are unwilling to regain seats in congress then Trump has little to no ability to act on his agenda in many areas.

Abortion in America has helped contribute to the tenuous hold on politics by white Americans. The idea that abortion is the sole cause of infidelity and degeneracy makes no sense. You are pointing to something which happened and attributing it to something which is actually counter to what occurred. Immigration should be restricted and abortion allowed. If abortion weren't restricted in many very nonwhite areas it would have a greater impact on increasing the white population proportion. The solution is social conservatism, left wing/nonwhite domestic population reduction, eugenics, and deportation.

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Brazilian "rednecks" sound more preferable to niggers and leftists.

>the left wing has suffered a setback by losing the Krassenkikebros on twitfeed

You're a mental fucking midget, as usual...go put a few more hairpins in your mop, dipshit

Nobody gives a flying fuck about those two Floridian jews...they're equally insignificant with or without their twit acounts

I actually listened to about thirty seconds of one of those 'podcasts' of theirs...sounded like two junior high kids going completely off the top of their heads, no preparation, no facts, no nothing...a fucking embarrassment to humanity but @ the same time a useful cure for insomniacs

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I thought that was funny. Keep going, dad

Just like American ones.

Lots of "brazilian rednecks" are mongrels.

No, I said the exact opposite. They gain by seeing K brothers go. They get mentioned on national media for their strangeness. Every small thing comes together to form a larger effect. You need to learn how to read and argue properly.

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Memeflags are mean.

>Racist bigot murdered by words
>Has never experienced the level of diction of any literature journal, any panel at any MLA conference, or of any PhD in literature. Murderers of the English language.

Don't shirk a fight in Pennsylvania. Whoever the nominee is will be fighting for that state hard in an attempt to wrestle it back from last election. And Trump must in turn fight tooth and nail for it as well in order to keep control.

>The congressional situation could have been a potential to gain for republicans
There was. You do realize that congress is made up of two chambers, don't you? And even specifically talking about the House, the losses that were practically guaranteed to happen were largely cushioned in comparison to Obama's first midterm in which he lost more than sixty seats.

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I hope so, watching him get continuously BTFO'd by Trump was a lot of fun

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Rolling server errors. 520/524 errors and railgun dying again. Hopefully this passes like before.

I'm sure you understand I know the arrangement of American government and have seen everything myself. There was no guarantee that it would happen at all. It wasn't necessary or positive, it was very negative. 2018 was a loss and a serious blow to getting things done. Having a relatively light loss doesn't change the situation and it doesn't help anything to underestimate enemies or situations. It is productive to causes to accurately or overestimate a situation and fight hard always without accepting bad situations for given.

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Server error seems to be subsiding. Get back in here niggers.

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>I hope so, watching him get continuously BTFO'd by Trump was a lot of fun
¡Jeb! getting BTFO'd at every turn was better

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Woops, captcha appears to be broken. unMAGA.

Get in here, passchads.

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you tube is about to ban soph
but she's on bit chute
this video on women is spot on

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The police are going to get fucking sued for this. They are announcing they are investigating a 14 year old girl. Normally police don’t comment on investigations relating to 1 individual.

I certainly hope so.

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It's California. They'll probably get a Red Star medal for it.

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>I was posting with a bunch of unMAGA nonpass virgins this whole time
Embarrassing desune

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UH OH /ptg/!!!!!!!

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Not in court.

The problem is NYC itself. Nobody who supports Trump wants to live in that festering, overpriced gulag of a city, and the locals hate his guts.

But the ethnic food lad

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It's not possible to be aware of the Lavon Affair and the attack on the USS Liberty and claim Israel is a U.S. ally without being a disingenuous traitor and a tool of Jewish occupation.

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She wuz kangz n shiet.


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Are the Krasenstiens in gitmo?

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Geeee. I wonder what her platform is going to be?



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working yet???

I don't know how they aren't in jail with their scams, I feel like they may have some plea deal in their pockets.

Didn't one of these "BLM" mothers ran and lost for (I guess) Baltimore mayor?

Gotta say the best thing that happened to Soph was Buzzfeed putting the spotlight over her. That's redpill material for the GenZ and without their help her million followers would never be anybody other than the people that do not actually need to see that (for already knowing it)

His eyes have beheld the wonders of the glory of the White House, and he's decided he will have that dinner table for his own. John Kasich will either take the first napkin, or die fighting for it. Can he be stopped now that his appetite has been piqued, or will he taste victory with a side of cheese? We'll see what happens!

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Looks like things are back to normal.

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Captcha back, I guess.

Not surprising. They live on social media which has been proving to cause and aggravate mental illness.

You people are too stupid to get that the US has more to gain than to lose allying with the only nuclear state in the Middle East.


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>and claim Israel is a U.S. ally
I do not believe Israel is a bonafide American ally given the behaviour of their politicians but, following your reasoning, it is not possible to be aware of Pearl Harbor and claim Japan is a US ally.
Bottom line is: even if your conclusion may be correct your reasoning is faulty

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