If you're not for universal healthcare you're retarded

Attached: magahealthcare.jpg (640x516, 79K)

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Universal Healthcare is easy when your entire country has less people in it than one major American city.

Care to elborate? Americans always say this but never explain what they mean.

It's a coping mechanism Canada has like 70 million people yet it works fine

It means universal healthcare inevitably collapses.

Attached: 3632462.png (654x940, 614K)

Americans love dying of preventable illnesses

Why is it better placing your life in the hands of the government?

Attached: Frodo.jpg (400x399, 44K)

America pays for other countries' drug R&D, without that, it wouldn't even be as semi-sustainable as it is now.

single payer is the worst way to do universal healthcare. Do UCC, multipayer, or account payer. VA healthcare sucks in US, some of my relatives use it.

Universal healthcare is going to become a nightmare we become a plurality - anyone who's ever had to go to the hospital in a large city can understand what I mean.

In the end, we're going to end up paying for achmed & his seven children to get cough medicine. The Americans won't