Non-americans will never know what it's like to live in a elegant stone colonial
Non-americans will never know what it's like to live in a elegant stone colonial
Literally every building in Tasmania.
I can buy a medieval castle in France for half a million euros
Literally every building east of utah...
Castles are for fags
Also white american girls are better than just about every other group, bar none.
And they love foreign white guys. Just speak with an accent and they'll go home with you
Don’t force this shit and get euro expectations up
Most American houses are ugly af McMansions
>Non-americans will never know what it's like to live in an OSB shitshack
feels europoor
That's some pretty decent bait eh
Yea, and then you have to sign an agreement to spend 2 million more to restore it or the government fines you
Nice try faggot
>Literally every building in Tasmania.
Do you live in one?
>tfw you will NEVER eat a double cheeseburger while listening to Dan Savage living in a high tech OSB+Tyvek condom 1000000 apartement
better maybe cause of their germanic blonde features, but in every other faculty they're the laughing stock of the world
Stone facade you mean. No one builds a middle or upper-middle class house entirely with stone or brick. It's a wood structure with a facade.
that has no electricity / climate control
that is falling apart and needs hundreds of thousands / millions in renovations at the very least to be livable
that requires a massive amount of upkeep
that requires massive property taxes that cost a fraction of the "castle" itself.
I’m Swedish with an accent. Would this work for me or is it more for South European accents (Spanish, Italian etc)?
Yes, but it is a fucking castle, goyim!
I'm south african. I sound like a retard. American girls think I'm super rugged and exotic. I'm no more fit than the next guy, I'm just tall.
If you have the chance to study over here, do it.
Or if you live in a city with an american study abroad campus on it, figure out where it is. Easy pussy
>It's a wood structure with a facade.
That's right, user
Do FSU thots like brownies?
A building?
No. I live in a wetsuit. Retard.
Nah not really. We have a containment campus for the nogs(FAMU).
They go to their bars, we go to ours. We stay pretty separate. Every fraternity/sorority has their tokens but greek life is pretty much 95% white
Ah shit that sucks. I am transfering to Tally in fall, guess there is no hope for me
No I just assumed you live in a outhouse
I bet a boomer bought it was his 9-5 factory job.
except people from France and England
Rush phi tau you might have a chance at the latinas
Based Croatoid builder autist.
Croatbro is still taking a piss at OSB shitshacks. Keep up the good work.