@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
REPORT wh.gov/techbias

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>VP Pence Commencement Address @TaylorU 5/18/19
>TrumpTweet: Bill DiBlasio 5/17/19
>Natl Police Week 5/17/19
>Pres Trump @Natl Assoc of REALTORS 5/17/19
>Pres Trump arrives @WH 5/17/19
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 5/17/19
>AG IronBarr on FoxNews 5/17/19
>ArmySec Esper @Atlantic Council 5/17/19
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 5/17/19
>This Week@NASA 5/17/19
>This Week@Interior 5/17/19
>This Week@State 5/17/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Unveils Immigration Proposal 5/17/19
>Pres Trump arrives @JFK 5/16/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 5/16/19
>Pres Trump on Immigration Pol 5/16/19
>Pres Trump welcomes Swiss Pres Maurer 5/16/19
>VP Pence @US Army Garrison Fort McCoy WI (audio) 5/16/19
>VP Pence @J&D Manufacturing in WI (audio) 5/16/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:





Attached: awoo who is going to say it.png (900x900, 284K)

Is Kat Timpf really a thot masquerading as a lonely cat lady?

Rocket launch this week!

Attached: awoo space force.gif (900x900, 179K)

Breaking news: Massachusetts man dressed as a pirate caught performing bizarre ritual using the hearts of 36 black men.
>I love Kellyanne
Is all he had to say.


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pretty much desu

thought I had a timpf saved, but all I found was this. Someone remind me who kat timpf is?

Attached: garey busey and that guy from msnbc had a kid named debra katz.jpg (1200x480, 108K)

>but not the site he actually streamed from

I personally thought that it was a very enjoyable watch. Great concept, great atmosphere, has a very good amount of realism to it in spite of the cute character designs. The reason I ask you, however, is because there's a MILF character that's even tougher than Balakaina that's featured prominently through a few of its episodes.

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So do you retards just ignore the fact illegial immigration is soaring or do accept that but attack anyone who points this out?

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Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

For heaven's sake, shoot them. When the Chinese busted a massive American spy ring operating in their government departments, they executed the culprits in front of all of their co-workers outside the building that they worked in. How can you compete if they're willing to kill spies while spies that you catch are probably just going to get 5-7 years before being paroled?

Yep. The US Navy is (and has been since the beginning) in charge of the UFO file.

Why are so many people so physically revolting these days? It's like nobody puts effort into their physical appearance, and when they do it's as if they're trying to make themselves even uglier (retarded haircuts, unnatural color dyes, tattoos, clown makeup, trashy clothing, etc...). On top of that, it seems like literal physical defects and poor complexions are becoming more common. Then you add morbid obesity into the mix because almost nobody cares about physical fitness and the few who do stop caring after the age of like 25.

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Shooting isn't good enough but killing needs to be done.

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Imagine if a person were capable of lurking more than one chan.. I bet there are only about 4 people in this thread that can even tell me the difference between the culture there and the culture here.

You can relax after you marry. Just keep it within bounds.

That whole state is swamp central and the swamp protects their own.

a goddess

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Right wing fitness squads when!?

How did Feinstein get away with it?

Attached: feinsteins_team.jpg (678x452, 90K)

>The reason I ask you, however, is because there's a MILF character that's even tougher than Balakaina that's featured prominently through a few of its episodes.
Oh shit niggers, putting on my "serious anime to watch" list, after I manage to get Psycho Pass

>So, before we weren't allowed to go to 8ch because all the CP would get us arrested (damn those thumbnails).
user, plz, if the occasional CP spam would get anyone in trouble this whole thread regulars would be thanks to that one CP spammer that plagued this general for the best part of 2017 and 2018. The brass and the spooks tho, 8ch is 100% compromised.

>Yep. The US Navy is (and has been since the beginning) in charge of the UFO file.
Well, considering they are the oldest serious US Military branch (considering the Army started as a bunch of farmers wielding guns) it's not surprise

> pic unrelated
> just some "PHDs" trying to crack the Bakers Guild code
They not only did it unironically but they gathered this very week to show the world the result of their efforts in a three days meeting on "Radicalization online" simposium of sorts

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-05-19 , 18_30_58.png (982x881, 193K)

Physical appearance isn't about attracting a mate, it's about presenting yourself as a respectable human being. The left wonders why nobody respects them, it's because if you look like shit you're going to be treated like shit.

Attached: 1558272653440.jpg (1280x720, 375K)

>actually got more than 3 years
it's a step, I guess

>Why are so many people so physically revolting these days?
It is not hard to understand when you realize that

> it is fucking hard to create beauty. It takes effort, talent, discipline and good taste
> It is very fucking easy to create ugliness
> It is even easier when you control the media to pull a "fox that lost its tail" and try to convince people that what's ugly is actually pretty
There you go, hope that helps

Attached: shiro-white-supremacist.jpg (1280x720, 339K)

Jow Forums is 100% compromised. Facebook is 100% compromised. Twitter is 100% compromised.

Your television watches you when you sleep.

Attached: if only you knew how bad things really are.png (216x227, 61K)

damn look at that couple they look so happy

>we were the incubator babbies the whole time

Attached: sad.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>putting on my "serious anime to watch" list, after I manage to get Psycho Pass
Here's a little taste of her. And I'm not exaggerating when I say she's tougher than Bala. In fact, one-on-one, Ozen could probably kill her with one arm tied behind her back.

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Do they really think this mickey mouse shit would be dne instead of using a sekrit discord?

>a decade

The technology isn't even close to existing. Once it does exist, the device itself and whatever fetal bovine serum you're feeding to the fetus and every other compound involved will have to go through a decade or more of testing before being approved.

30 years would be still be an underestimate.

>Your television watches you when you sleep.
Not mine, it's not connected to the internet nor is any "smart":

> Facebook is 100% compromised. Twitter is 100% compromised.
True and anyone volunteering any information to their sites is a fucking retard
> Jow Forums is 100% compromised.
Ever since the "Sarah Palin email hack". That said it is a known fact and people definitely do not believe otherwise, like they do on 8ch.

Attached: trump-.wants-to-deport-this-too.webm (1280x720, 1.88M)

>the "I have seen Hell and everything else behind the veil of reality and everything there hates us" look

yeah whoever they had draw that image is obviously not a fan of this shit

Looks just like my type. Thanks for the tip

>Do they really think this mickey mouse shit would be dne instead of using a sekrit discord?

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-05-10 , 14_06_31.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

They don’t even know the Umbra members of The Guild?

The small storm before the big storm
>US Embassy in Baghdad is under mortar attack as we speak

Neinchan is safe, supposedly.

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JEJ, bullshit. It is smack in the middle of the Green Zone and not even ISIS holding half of Iraq territory and having pretty much unfettered access to Baghdad whenever they wanted could breach it.

>implying the man wouldn't be grinning ear to ear because the woman is now completely obsolete

You say the SP hack was the bullet but for surely /b/day kicked the thing off with the first fractures and big legal interest.

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>Neinchan is safe, supposedly.
user, plz. Just make a credible threat in any of the chans with anything tying back to you and see how fast you get a no knock raid on your ass even.

Attached: defend-this.webm (640x640, 1.35M)

It's absolutely not and all these branched channels are very unsafe or doomed to die quick deaths.

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SP hack had Moot sitting on a Federal Court as an "expert witness", that was the first time the Feds got their hands on him and they definitely did not waste the opportunity

I definitely think it cemented the backdoors but surely /b/day and the like had put it on the radar with tighter restrictions.

It's a glow-in-the-dark honeypot. Look at how hard it got shilled.

>ISIS attacks U.S. Embassy
>Iran did this!

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Pastebin has been updated. Please refresh if baking again. Thanks.

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That's just proof that the 1st Amendment and the 4th Amendment no longer have any power. I was just kidding about neinchan- I only know of it by accident.

There is no safe place. Everything we say and do is watched, recorded, and tracked.

I don't want to bring children into this fucked up world until we get some of our rights back.



Absolutely nothing beats a face to face meeting and a stint in a "penalty of perjury" stand. They could have fucked Moot right then and there just by asking the right questions and he knew it and they knew it and they made sure he knew they knew

Jesus that's a tasty bitch

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Does he live in MA?


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That first comment

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The only good thing about her is she has a breddy gud ass

das it, mane

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This apparently removed them from my blocklist. They just gamed the system and massively expanded their audience.

Freshed, thanks for all you do m8. We would be poorer without you.

Very true. I only wish I could get the full story we can never know. I'm hedging on the thing having big known backdoors since late 2006.

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> mortar bombing US embassy in Baghdad
someone is getting dabbed

enjoy dying for israel, mutts

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Kill Jews and fuck Donald Trump

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Year: 2019. Medium: CGI. Artist: Unknown. Title: "Light is no longer visible anywhere."

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Fuck I want to know what they purged out of their tweets and private messages that likely was the reason. That's a creative thing if that's the only reason.

>There is no safe place. Everything we say and do is watched, recorded, and tracked.
You are looking at it from the wrong angle user. Everything you say and do is absolutely watched recorded and tracked
Just study the history of all of the ethno nationalist movements of the XX century, both the white supremacist ones and the black supremacist ones.
They all (ALL!) got infiltrated all the way up to the leadership, undermined, goaded into becoming criminal organizations, dismantled and destroyed before they even understood what was going on.
When you know that you understand that the only way to succeed is never ever EVER EVER EVER organize in any type of way that have any semblance of leadership, spokesperson or public facing side.

That, interestingly, is what make this movement as strong as it is. Anyone too retarded to abide by that knowledge is quickly nabbed and that only strengthens the movement

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-05-15 , 21_28_20.png (718x721, 975K)

You too Dixie.

Somewhere in New England.

He is very fond of the New England area so I am lead to believe he lives out in the woods in a shack somewhere around there.

artificial wombs WHEN

>since late 2006.
Based on availability of clearly illegal things (like CP) I would say 2009 or 2010 was the time when total control by Feds dropped but I could be wrong.

You're assuming it won't be built in China out of rusty chinesium steel.

I want it on my face

>people are so fucking dumb this whole charade will give the Kikebros a bigger audience

only thing worse than being a leaf, is being a jew leaf

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But muh Hitler and muh not organizing is cowardice. Muh muh.


Fuck off with this shit.

To add to what you're saying: See the various glowponies that cropped up during the primaries trying to take credit as the "leader" of the "alt-right".

Maybe its his home town or some shit

>not a chink jew mutt leaf

Did something just happen to the US embassy in Baghdad?

Attached: 4562546.jpg (300x168, 9K)

>never organize in any type of way that have any semblance of leadership, spokesperson or public facing side.

That's terrible advice. The right thing to do is to continue to masturbate no matter how many agents are watching you.

>See the various glowponies that cropped up during the primaries trying to take credit as the "leader" of the "alt-right".
That is nothing, remember back when there was people claiming to be
> the spokesperson of "anonymous"
Some of them even got arrested in Britain (for instance), only to mysteriously have the charges dropped for no reason at all

Well, if ceiling cat can watch me fapping to MILFs so can the glowponies. I don't mind

>Did something just happen to the US embassy in Baghdad?
sources say: YES

Attached: false flag how to spot.jpg (605x564, 59K)

Hehehe hehehe
Y-you'll never replace me, r-right?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190519-135725_Omnichan.jpg (656x691, 166K)

>, it seems like literal physical defects and poor complexions are becoming more common
dysgenic breeding habits

>not wanting it on your dick

You would have figured the K brothers would have moved to Flipland or Vietnam by now.

They're prominent online niggerkikes who have published and promoted a substantial amount of things against Trump, but they're so lulzy that they end up working against their "side" so it's funny to watch and speculate on.

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so you mean to say this is an Awoovement?

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>tfw the artificial womb babies become monstrous abominations and kill everyone in sight

Not b4 marriage