What was it like living in East Germany? Did communism in some way save them from the total degeneracy that befell the FDR in the west? Any German anons grow up in the DDR or currently live in East Germany?

Also is there a full film of this clip?

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Other urls found in this thread: do people live in the GDR#page/n0/mode/2up

Watch "Deutschland 83", precious.

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it's like canada

I heard that was good but hate cuckflix

How? Is it full of Chinese and heroin addicts?

It's Amazon Prime. I pirated it. It's absolutely fantastic. '86 is okay, but not as good as '83. I will naturally watch '89 next year when it comes out.

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I used to make my own coupons.

No Germans to comment? Are you all at the mosque for mandatory prayer?

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It was fucking shit to live in, the population was always decreasing, the helmets were absolutely shit compared to the stahlhelm, but due to this taste of communism, everyone there now knows how shit it was, but unfortunately they United with those fucking retards next door.

To bad I don’t have a wife or anyone for that matter.

Why would any german know about something that hasnt existed for 30 years?

It was a repressed, stagnant shithole. Which proves the fact that communism can’t work, even if you’re feeding it from the literal carcass of Prussia

Too bad they couldn't have made some sort of new state with the real east Germany that Poland stole. Are they still poor now?? Why lol.

... Do they magically die at 40 years old?

They are poorer than the rest of Germany, because that’s just how communism works, but it’s most certainly better to live in than the west.

Believe it or not, but the German life expectancy is quite a bit higher than 30, and many people who lived then still walk the earth.

Nigger banging the wife you would've had.

I'm going to worchester next month, do I need to register my assault spoons?

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It was probably like living in the UK today where everything seems okay until you talk against big brother government. The only real difference is that instead of speaking out against multiculturalism, the peolple being hauled off to jail were speaking against communism. About 1/3 of the population was willing to report you to the police, and you'd be stripped of everything if you were seen as enemy of the state

East Germany produced Merkel!

She was born in Hamburg!

It sucked. The state employed 200k people just to spy on the other 16 million. You couldn't trust anybody, not even family members. However since everybody was in the same boot, there was a common feeling of cohesion in the society because of the few social programs that kinda worked. Like childcare. Waiting 10 years for your shit car sucked pretty hard though. The wall turned the whole country into a prison and the constant soviet ass kissing was embarrassing. Without west Germany buying our goods, we would have collapsed 20 years earlier. All in all it was very comedic and you could have some good laughs. The wrong flag may confuse you. First I fled west from the commies, then east again because of kebab. Let me just proof I'm German: Erdbeergeruchsschuhcremeauftragepinselhaarzählvorrichtung

shit tier, take it from me

whiter than west """germany"""

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both statements are correct.

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Jesus christ man, What is that massive gobbledygook word at the end?

Oh fuck.

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Everything was falling apart It was the best economy in the Soviet block, yet still a joke. People were lazy, noone cared if there was waste.

Everything was a lie, wrappend in a lie, wrapped in a lie.

People felt safe, but the state propaganda was everywhere.

Kind of like North Korea, but not as much suffering.

The DDR was cucked by being born out of losing WW2. So it always had a cuck attitude towards Russia. It was just a small part of Germany, it felt cut off from history. Unifcation was seen as desireable, even if it should have been under socialist terms.

In the 1980s everyone could see american TV series through west television, like Knight Rider or Dallas. The state could not live up to that. Consider that at that time the west wasn't as morally bancrupt as today. At least it didnt appeared as such, so the state had a hard time argueing for their own existence.

>I lived in Berlin just after the wall fell.
>I had a girlfriend out there who told me her greatest childhood memory was one year she got an orange for Christmas and the whole family peeled it together and had a segment each.
>I lived with a guy who was the food hall manager of Ka De We (the big department store in West Berlin). He told me when the wall fell, there were East Germans there desperate to buy bananas on day one. They couldn't even unload the trucks, they were just selling the fruit off the back for wads of cash to East Germans.

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>mfw Walter Ulbricht did nothing wrong


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I completely understand your point and generally agree, but there is something EXTREMELY wholesome about that family sharing that moment with the orange. Almost brought a tear to my eye. Western Christmas has been reduced to everyone getting their electronics and then fucking off to play with them instead of their family.

I wouldn’t know, I live in Ulster, and they let you have crossbows, and shotguns up here.

This guy?

Das Leben der Anderen is a fantastic movie about than DDR. Their society was absolutely fucked and a pair of blue jeans from than West was worth it's weight in gold. Communism is so fucked that the old DDR area is still poorer and, iirc, not as well built as the rest of Germany. That being said I enjoyed modern east Germany more than West.

DDR was a shithole kept on life support by aid from western Germany.

That being said, it was also the last bastion of true German culture, after West was subverted by globo-homo.

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You can see the look of disapproval in their eyes, they know it’s all going to go to shit.

I think having to construct a wall to prevent people from leaving East Germany says it all my friend.

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Or was it to keep the west out?


rest in peace to the Germans

No. You Russiaboo crypto commie faggots need to stop being retarded.

It was shit.
Low standard of living and shitty work (people were hired to do the most pointless things, only to lower unemployment), neighbour spied on you, infrastructure was terrible (basic things like telephones were a rarity).

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Shut the fuck up you goddamn retard.

Well, East Germany says the wall was to protect their people from “fascist elements conspiring to prevent the "will of the people" in building a socialist state in East Germany.” The only problem was most people weren't risking their life fleeing to communist countries. They were trying to escape communism.

As does the rest of the UK. It's your access to handguns and protection being a valid reason which is unique to Northern Ireland.

I live in the SJW version of it, It is horrible but atleast there is stuff to buy in the store.

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for any of you dumb fucking contrarians who unironically are convinced that the DDR was "based and non-degenerate" or a good place to live, you are all fucking retards. Many of the founding members of the DDR, including Wilhelm Pieck, were veterans of the failed 1918-1919 German communist revolution. So this "based white communist utopia" DDR is quite literally the exact same "jewish bolshevism" that you hate which tried to take over Germany in 1918.
TL;DR: if you think the German Communist Revolution of 1918 was the most evil jewish shit ever, while also thinking that the DDR was based, you are fucking braindead

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I want a DDR SKS. Thank God I have the freedom to buy one in this country

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At least you don't have 40 million groids.

Yo swede, where can I buy barbie dolls in Uppsala or Stockholm? I'm going to Sweden next weekend

People like to bitch about stuff, but it was way better than what is happening now.

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hey retard

> imagining that communist Russia/ east Germany wasn’t degenerate


Reminder that the majority of people who tried to make their way out of the DDR to "esgabe muh obressive gommunism" were actually criminals trying to evade capture.

Nobody thinks they were based, everyone just knows that it was such a shit place to live in that everybody became redpilled on communism, and nobody wanted to move there so it remained mostly homogeneous.

Wtf I love communism now?

>Everything was a lie, wrappend in a lie, wrapped in a lie.
Western msm today.

Well obviously, escape would be considered a crime.

"How do People live in the GDR:Living Standards and Way of Life under Socialism": do people live in the GDR#page/n0/mode/2up

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>never failed to protect Germany from terrorism or foreign subversion
>literally a soviet satelite state
Your meme statement would ne true if the Stasi united Germany and then mobilized it to invade both the Soviet Union and US to vassalize them.

Dont try to argue with these Morons, they solely base their opinion on Jow Forums threads and memes.
The family of my Wife comes from Thüringen, her Father was a police officer in the DDR.
I take the personal stories of him and his Wife of higher regard than some basement dweller communist fantasy on a mongolian basket weaving board.

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The only hope for Germany is if they build that wall again.

just like west Germany minus materialism and there was no pressure to suck American dick. in east you could be honest about how much you hated America for their crimes against humanity.

While Iwan would kick your Teeth in and you could answer by " Thank you Comrade ". You Retard.

You have experience with this. What do you think of the way the EU is heading?
They are becoming authoritarian and bureaucratic more and more like the old stasi police. Did they hire some of the ddr leaders?

>police officer
Yea it’s real shocker that your commie father in law liked living in the DDR

Exactly what a cuck would say.

He hated it. He became an Electrician when moving to the West and is now more succesfull than ever.

Got any good stories?

>The only problem was most people weren't risking their life fleeing to communist countries. They were trying to escape communism.
No they were chasing rampant consumerism and hedonism. Look where it's taken us, our whole society is collapsing under the weight of cheap plastic shit and sexual fetish.

This. They unironically named the wall Antifaschistischer Schutzwall (antifascist protecting wall) and told the populace that Western countries would bomb their beloved patriotische sozialistische Heimat at any moment.

>Did they hire some of the ddr leaders?
Now they just learned their Lesson from the ones that came before them. The Communists that tried to overthrow Germany in 1919 and the Frankfurt School.
Today they sell it again with the Slogan that the EU means Freedom and giving up several Rights just means more safety.
And of course modern media is far more effective than anything we saw in the DDR.
Dont forget that the Stasi ist the main reason for the " Peace Marches " of the late 80s against the Nuclear Missiles and also for the rise of the green Party which are basically new socialists.

everything in this post (except people feeling safe) applies to the west

Materially DDR lived slightly better than the rest in the Bloc because they were directly engaged in a direct competition where observers could compare the two parts of Germany.
So the Soviets were pumping ungodly resources into it and making sure it would function rather well.
The downside was the brutality and paranoia of the secret service, again because of its special status like a former part of the most prosperous Western country speaking the same language, etc.
They are more mind fucked by communism, believe me.

I got one, family member of mine was in germany visiting her friend and the ddr police went amok when they saw her Norwegian passport. They though she was a spy or something. Had to wait and almost missed the train, thought they were going to shoot her.
DDR Commies hated people with blonde hair for some reason.

Yet they knew what an orange was, what a banana was, to desire it.
Does this indicate some life long deprivation of such things, or perhaps a temporary shortage brought on by western economic pressures?

>tfw 75% is extreme for the krauts


>with the real east Germany that Poland stole
Poland did not steal anything you stupid fuck, they were occupied by the Soviets and Stalin stole their eastern territories and gave them western ones. It’s not their fault plus Germany reaped what they sewed.

Westie detected

Tell us some stories, brudi

Sure sounds better than starving to death under communism.

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>obtains keen mind brought about through good socialist education
>gets unleashed to the west which is intentionally dumbed down and made docile
>does ok
>claims capitalism is great!
he would have been a hobo in the west if not for his socialist upbringing

I get sad every time i see talent come out of the 2nd world because i know it is a result of the good upbringing and wont last.

The sharp pragmatic insight of even the most degenerate gopnik puts the average american to shame.

These things never once happened unless brought about by feudalist or capitalist meddling.
Except that one time in china mao was kind of retarded

Based. While Jewish Capitalism may be full of moral decay, race-mixing and debt slavery, at least it has bananas. I'd sell my country to the Jew for a banana.

Dont forget that countless western germany families supported their eastern Germany relatives with countless things from the west.