Support sv3rige on youtube

Anti-vegan protester. Demonitized on youtube for thought crime. Pol should support support this guy.

Attached: #sv3rige.jpg (420x605, 42K)

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Vegans are stupid fags

meat eating couldn't save his hairline

his story, he eating like a vegan and got sick from it like most vegans, maybe that's when he lost his hairline

>brags about how he doesn't have to work...for reasons, how he can do whatever he wants.
>admits his girlfriend's parents are loaded so he gets gibs
>gibs run dry
>help!!! my way of life and diet are in danger because this shit is expensive
Pweeze gibs

he's a fag. Watched one of his videos a while back and then he was walking through a graveyard and mocking some old grandpa for visiting a grave, calling him brainwashed and shit

this guy is the perfect example of a social media addicted modernist fag

My favorite video.

This happens at 17:00 a UK coalburner roastie gets triggered by meating and her autistic mongrel kid starts flipping out and bobbies get called in and try to arrest him.

It's fucking hilarious.

he's an actual schizo that takes some facts and distorts them to the extreme
he's right about half what he says tho

It takes huge balls to do what he's doing. I'm super impressed with this guy.

I'm sure he gets death threats everyday.

Vegan genocide now.

eating raw meat is gross

>I'm sure he gets death threats everyday.
vegan death threats

Don't tell us, tell your mom.

Hang yourself satanist

How should I tie the rope?

I am not vegan, but I am vegetarian.

Am I alright?

If you eat eggs and dairy you should be fine but carbs are destructive and will ultimately make you die faster. If you are super active carbs are doable because you are burning them but if you are sedentary then carbs will fuck you up.

I eat eggs like once a week, and milk I drink pratically everyday. I do exercize a lot tough, I do karate and bike like 50km day in day out.

I don't eat meat and I never fry anything, apart from that my diet is mostly normal.

What? Ain't carbs on almost every meal? Please, explain more.

lol this guy is fucking insane i saw a video documenting his life

he's a sociopathic e-begger.

carbs are poor fag food, you are fit and healthy and active so you can eat that shit and it doesn't bother you too much, but older fags and lazy sedentary fags eat carbs and swell up like balloons and die early deaths due to carb buildup, aka fat

>grug no like veggies
>peas hurt tummy ouchy ouchy
>sugar bad for grug
>grug need dead flesh
>grug need cow pus

carnists truely are enlightened beings B^)

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And you're doing it for free.

what am i doing for free, retard?

That's good to know, thanks!

Sv3rige Used to be a goth/emo edgelord back in Latvia,
He stabbed 4 kids in his high school,
He's a complete psycho ,
But i like him and he has some redpilled views

kids ranqe!!

He looks like he's a Varg-fag taken to the next level, but maybe slightly less hostile towards Christianity. He's right about veganism causing infertility, and animal products being linked to fertility though. I like that he called abortion "killing babies."
Enjoy your infertility.

I like his martial arts skills

>Attacked classmates with a knife Yesterday morning Gatis Lagzdins- a 10th grade student at Ventspils First High School- mentally lost his control- and slashed out with a knife at four of his schoolmates. The injured students were taken to Ventspils Hospital- but the injuries were not serious- after treatment all four went home. Kristine Krilovska from Ventspils Criminal police said that the attack was probably induced because of the past humiliation and bullying he received. It seems that Gatis Lagzdins was obsessed with the film about the shooting at Columbine High School- United States. "He also planned to commit suicide but he backed out-" said Ieva Reksna- head of the State Police's Press and Public Relations Department.

gov sponsors vegan diet to mind control people

He did visit some pagan camp in the woods with his raw meat eating buddies in Ukraine. Main reason for the trip was for his gf to get her teeth fixed after being mugged.

found it
watch this videos gentiles, its hilarious

Sv3rige is an absolute legend. Following in the footsteps of Milkjar, he is fighting the vegan agenda. Here is his best work, "the epitome series"

(last vid is by 'food lies' also excellent)

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I gotta go outside and do some real man's work building a woodshed so I can't keep bumping this. Someone please take over so this thread doesn't die cause this guy is based. Thank you.

Jow Forums following autists Business as usual

Veganism has its problems but sv3rige eating raw squirrels, chickens, etc. in public is retardation, fuck the dude.

health benefits, better treatment of animals, and better for the environment... and vegans are stupid? enjoy your obesity idiot

No thank you user.
Laughing at sickly vegans really never gets old.

Here are three great videos by Dr. Darren Schmidt, which shows you how 'vegan science' which 'proves how healthy the vegan diet is' is really just a lie, just confusion and fake science to push a starvation diet called 'veganism'

Attached: Vegan Activist Appears near Death.png (800x1280, 506K)

Says the finnish guy

>health benefits

What are some of the 'health benefits' of veganism lol?

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Muh Satanism is bad.


They're really beginning to push the NWO diet, lack of good animal fat/cholesterol damages your brain and turns you into a faggot

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FYI Vegan activism is Satanic per 1 Timothy 4. These retards were foretold of in the bible.

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vegans are retarded but so is Sv3rige, the guy is a fucking nutjob. how can you unironically listen to someone who believes in flat earth and does frequent sungazing (quite literally staring into the sun for hours)

>Supporting sv3rige

I saw a debate recently, he said that wasn’t him the guy just has the same name

If you aren't eating 4+ eggs a day and jerking off >once every 2 weeks you're crippling yourself

I can feel the low t, infertile cuck rage through your post

>adversary of the jews bad, rabbi jesus good

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>Guy is unorthodox in a completely different subject so write him completely off

I mean look at the guy, great skin, great muscular development, healthy glow, Alpha socially. Compare him to your run of the mill vegan and laugh

If you love Satan change your gender. Transgenderism is the foundation of Satanism.

>Actually I'm just a shitposting jew from Israel so don't worry about it.

(Roger that)

>Your average vegan.

For reference I'll post a photo of an average vegan.

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The same thing happens to vegan youtubers too you hypocritical fag.

Who cares, he should not be making money off his ramblings to begin with.

THIS ,spanish friend perfect explanation

Vegan activists 99.9% of the time are protected and promoted by the state/NWO/ and especially the media.

In Australia, vegans, together commit open organized crimes (to literally promote a vegan propaganda movie) NONE, zero none of them face any serious charges or jail time. And the (((media))) pets and praises them.

So yeah you're a liar. the only vegan who ever got sanctioned was Jewrovsky (if that was even true, but lol they fucked him over)

The rest are protected, even to the point of assaulting Sverige, on film, and they arrest Sverige, of course. (England)

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hes an edgy faggot i unsubeb long ago