Why does LaQuisha deserve 10% of my paycheck?

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why do you deserve your paycheck?

It's not going to niggers, it's going to the military industrial complex.

Wrong. Welfare makes up over half of total US spending, and niggers absorb more welfare than anyone else, with beans in close 2nd.

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niggers and women have a negative contribution to us tax revenue

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Because he worked and he was rewarded for his labor, fuck off Jew

Because I work

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because you're a cuck and you won't do anything about it

a decade after women got the vote, tax revenue nearly doubled. women voted for taxes that they don't pay. enjoy supporting single mothers and their nigspawn, white men

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Because your beloved job creators don't want to hire her, so they stiff you with the bill.

holy shit whites are fucking king of the cucks

>job creators don't want to hire her
i wonder why

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>job creators don't want to hire he

>the IQ cutoff to be able to read and follow simple directions is about 85
>the average nigger IQ is 85
>it follows that about half of all niggers and incapable of reading simple directions and executing them in real life
>why do employers hesitate to hire niggers?

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Stop being racist you nazi

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Because abortion got banned.

You're not wrong

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Don't forget whites use the least welfare, even in total numbers.

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The US government has the nerve tax your hard work (income tax) then spend that money on wars that the government will immediately turn around as say you are responsible for allowing in the millions of refugees and sending billion of US tax payer dollars to aid and "rebuild" those countries affected by the governments wars. At the same goddamn time the government officials and politicians will happily offer the US tax payers funds in the form of government programs to niggers and others if they will vote them into office.

Government taxes the workers so they can...
>fund wars that will create millions of "refugees" so the government can demand you accept them via mass immigration policies
>offer niggers and other degenerates big handout programs for """FREE""" is the niggers and degenerates promise to vote them into office

This is why the government is a piece of shit, no matter who's in charge.
The whole "we need taxes because we live in civilized society" is a total fucking meme considering only tariffs and property taxes paid for the shit we did before 1913.

>then spend that money on wars
>governments wars
the majority of tax revenue is spent on welfare, not wars.

So you ignore all the spending with jewish loans, jewish employees, jewish contractors, jewish wars, jewish NGOs, jewish monopolies,...