Who invented this trans shit?

30-something boomer here. Just went to my high school reunion and there are 2 people that wouldn't shut the fuck up about their transition. As in, they'd walk up to groups and start talking about it when nobody mentioned it or looked at them. Other than that politics was the only thing they could talk about when they weren't staring at their fucking phones. These were the same faggots that were "otherkin" and had "headmates" 15 years ago. Who invented this shit and when is the purge? Pic unrelated (sauce LDFIT)

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well lucifer is depicted as a goat man with tits,

so soon we will have real otherkins running around dont worry about it goy,

there will be human animal hybrids fucking their cousins kids in notime

hail satan 666

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John Money

Jews in Weimar Germany

can't imagine how much fucking she must have done to have those leg muscles

>Dr. John Money

He was one of the first "pioneers" to make the distinction that Gender and Sex are different.

Look up who David Reimer was and the pieces start falling in place.

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The good thing is you wont have to deal with them at the next reunion because they will have committed suicide by then.

How big is this dude's dick?

Jews. Who else?

Here's his views on "Pedophilia":

John Money was critical in debates on chronophilias, especially pedophilia. He stated that both sexual researchers and the public do not make distinctions between affectional pedophilia and sadistic pedophilia. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex.

"If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who's intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual then I would not call it pathological in any way."

Money held the view that affectional pedophilia is caused by a surplus of parental love that became erotic, and is not a behavioral disorder. Rather, he took the position that heterosexuality is another example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept.

John Money.

phariseeic jews, children of the devil

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my god, I just want her to slap me around

Yeah I went to the Wiki page and now I feel kinda sick to my stomach. Pure fucking degeneracy.

Is there a source, please?

>Actually going to a high school reunion
>Being in the same town that you graduated high school from
>Caring what high school classmates did with their lives

One fucking goddamn search would give you the answer

""the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights""
"in an Ashkenazi Jewish family"

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Tranny shit is just the evolution of otherkin/headmates.
I wish I knew this prior. I was always disgusted at that shit, but I had no idea how bad it would get.

linda durbesson

It was heavily reinforced by social media, but that could only get them so far. Now with gender-swapping features on apps like Faceapp and Snapchat the trans epidemic is turning on the after burners, people can see themselves as a woman simply by taking a photo and pressing a few buttons. It's absolutely sick, oddly arousing, and entirely devastating to the wrong person.
If anyone you know is thinking of using Faceapp or Snapchat then do not wait, act now, you may not get another chance.

it's called hitting the gym, incel

>not going to high school reunion
>not laughing at how shitty everyone's lives turned out

>not reuniting with old friends
>leave old town to go to "new" town to do same shit as first town but better cause not old town... its "new"
>feeling super special and congratulating yourself on not caring about people

make a bet

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>who invented this shill shit
you did cunt

All these bright-color hair libfags, trannys, faggots, are victims of child abuse. Not only sexual abuse, but mostly emotional and psychological. Most of them isn't even aware of this. You can look up "narcissistic parents" on YT and get 100s of videos with 10k-500k views on them.
LGBT is not only a cause of degeneracy, it's also a result of different degeneracy.
How to stop this self-perpetuating circle of evil?

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Castrate the entire humanity so that the only means of reproduction is through laboratory. This way they can alter our genes and make us more dumb and docile. The ultimate goal is to turn us into zombies/pills that they can control via a chip to generate loosh on command. The chipping is only the first step, ultimately we become mindless cyborgs and further down this road we become consciousness wired to a giga AI that can trigger any emotions in us. Naturally this place is another bastion of MK Ultra farming and I wouldn't expect anyone to consider what I am saying.

I’m sick of trannies spamming these slide threads,

Every. Single. Time.

what the fuck are “headmates???”

first tranny surgeries were done in Weimar republic by (((you know who,)))

How to stop it? Fire.

>Rather, he took the position that heterosexuality is another example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept.
>Fulfilling the natural biological imperative of your species is a superficial ideological construct.
The fact that anyone even took this man seriously for a second is baffling

Whats the endgame?

Too many people think the people they knew in high school are the best people on earth. No, you can always find people you enjoy being with. No need to "care" about high school people endlessly when everyone usually gets on with their lives independently.

Get out and do different things. Travel, relocate, have fun. Don't sit around with the same people you've always known.

Room temp IQ types that thought their internal thoughts were that of another creature. Some believed it was aliens, others thought they were mentally ill for having thoughts. It was all the rage with emofagbloggers circa 2007. Since been memory wiped.

>Caring about reuniting about people you didnt care about to stay in touch
>"I-i wanted to stay in my town doing nothing. You're the cuck for leaving and doing something!"

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>high school reunion

Lol people go to those?

>Wasting your time laughing at people when you can do that at home away from faggots

Stupid people have always done crazy shit for attention. Social media raised the bar, and the criteria for "special and unique" has become absurd.

Yeah thanks to crypto I retired in December 2017. Wanted to see how the poors in my hometown were doing. Like people watching but better as you know the backstories. It was a blast.

thighs are literally the easiest spot to build cus the muscle is so big. just do a million squats

What's scary is the Universities around the U.S are parroting his views and are claiming that they're "Facts"

Fucking clown world.

They were probably a little nervous considering people might not recognize them with the time gap and their transition so they tried to make things clear.

Trannies are just the beginning.

The body changing industry is going to be huge.
People will have wings and frog throats, they'll breathe underwater with gills, they'll have fuck holes in their armpits and they'll have electromagnetic sensors in their fingers. They'll have third tits, two dicks and bionic legs. Mermaids will exist, that have genuine fish tails.

They do this because they can, and they have stripped themselves and their subjects of morality.
With no God, or sense of self, they'll drift from fashion to fashion until we are unrecognisable from the humans we are today. Parents will use these techniques in utero, before the children are born. They'll have bioluminescence in the skin, and will glow in the dark with cats eyes, to see in the night.

Trannies are just the dry edge of the industry, to perfect the tech, gain buyers and sow the seeds of purchase in an impressionable youth, who's parents are too shamed to reject the messages harshly enough.

> Unless someone, somewhere stands up to this...

^ This. John Money was a sicko and a pervert and all of the trans bullshit is built on his "research." The trans movement is the creation of a pedo and abuser.

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I wonder if they realize that posting this only tells normal people that not all of Hitler's ideas were bad?

>As in, they'd walk up to groups and start talking about it
>Not physically removing yourself from said group.

If i recall correctly some jews in Germany

the kike always names itself

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John money, literally a jew

does everyone goes to these reunions to see if they have the best life and whom they can fuck there?

Making money and destroying the traditional family unit while you are at it?

>yfw the ancients were far deep into body mods ie the egyptians and babylonians.

Then they were wiped out... how convenient.

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I dated linda for a short time, shes a wonderful woman, but didnt want kids, so i broke it off

It's not baffling if you consider everyone a pragmatic breeder.Fuck everything, breed when you can and then run to the hill.
AKA the negro, the perfect man of the progressive doxa.


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The only way to stop this trans bullshit is to make them hated and feared by the public, like what 9/11 did for muslims.

God, I hope that such a tragedy like that never happens again, but in this insane world we live in, I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually did.

nice writing prompt faggot
>any of this happening

you are legend

>Get out and do different things. Travel, relocate, have fun
npc creed

I'm already transitioning into a dolphin, the hard part is the blowhole surgery.

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thats brave

whats your pronouns?

eeek eeek eeek

stunning and brave. have a (you)

If you know how tight dolphin pussy is you'd transition to. Even got a VIP pass to the rape caves. Come on in, the water's fine!

nah im just a Jow Forums pol incel I don't know what a poos-ay feels like all i do is whack it to blacked porn 4 times a day lulz. Seriously though fuck jannies and traps are gay.


You know alot about pedophillia, you fucking disgusting worm.

Stay away from our kids.

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>Jews wasn't the first reply

We need to step up our game Jow Forums

Ding ding ding we have a winner. Money was a pedophile and child pornographer that published his pedophilia and child pornography as scientific research.

Transgenderism is caused by porn addiction, watching anime, and mental illness.
The combination of the three ALWAYS leads to trannies.

No dude, we've been trying to find out when and where sex and gender became separated in definition for a while now.

Yes every tranny always says they had a porn addiction.

>Who invented this shit
jews in weimar germany

gender doesn't exist and sex is unchangeable the soul cannot be touched...the jews are satanic they invented this shit hundred of them thoroughly documented they created these golems

its about sodomy and rape of children

Actually, fuck the people I went to high school with. I couldn't care less about those bitches if I tried. When I got my 10 year reunion letter in the mail I didn't even open that shit. I still live in my hometown, and I see a few people from time to time at varying places, and I just don't care. It's not even that I wasn't relatively popular during my school days, because I had plenty of friends but, I've got too much shit to do and I don't have the time to worry about people that I used to smoke weed with or get blowjobs from or whatever else 15+ years ago. I understand if someone ended up marrying their high school bf/gf, or they kept one person as a best friend, that's fine. But caring about a bunch of people just because you went to the same school as them back in your teen years? That's gay.