>wake up
>North America looks like this
Wake up
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Given the different elements that would be involved in such a world, Mexico would likely be as technologically advanced as Europe, have culled its shitskins and is Castizo in its majority. That's the only way empire-tier shit works, if there's no squatamalans to run everything. The question is how jews factor into all this.
>Indian nations
LOL no
can tell some little mestizo runt drew this up
The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.
I honestly want opinions.
this is the maximum complexity of a thought a boomer can produce everybody. i hope this is a wakeup call.
>not Tejas
>Mexican Superpower
Absolutely impossible, not enough white genetics to make it happen. The Mexican state would never get that big either, it would balkanize and factionalize before it grew that big
I'd tell you why you're wrong, but I don't feel like helping you correct your stupidity, it's much more interesting to watch you flail for relevance.
At the very least the country would be one single united culture that being spic culture no more disgusting diversity period.