Tfw you know you guys are adults when plans that you spent ages putting together has to be cancelled because one of you...

>tfw you know you guys are adults when plans that you spent ages putting together has to be cancelled because one of you (just one) "doesn't feel like it"
And it's almost always somebody's wife, too.

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this applies to children as well. sometimes one member of a group is the glue for the whole group, and if he/she doesn't go, nobody else will. it's just a quirk of human social structures I guess, idk.

lol get a load of mr. behavioral scientist over here

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How about when someone cancel's you just go regardless instead of dipping out because your favorite person isn't here.

Just invite other friends


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Yeah socializing as an adult is like Darkest Dungeon.
You just keep a large roster so it's no big deal when someone has to miss out for their syphilis treatment.

Stop being retarded all I did was provide input from my experiences that contradicts OP's faggotry.


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>OP is genuinely retarded

I don't recall what OP's talking about happening a lot when I was young. But that's mainly because you have more free time in your youth, and young people are more itching to go out and spend time with friends.

>t. clearly under 30
Often when one of you pulls out, everyone else suddenly bwants to pull out too, since not everyone is to be there. It's also likely you made these plans with those specific friends in particular, so inviting other people completely defeats the purpose and invalidates it all. I've lost entire sums of money because of plans that got cancelled the last minute.

I'm a guy and even when we were like 16 or whatever I was always the first one to cancel out of plans because I didn't feel like it. I wasn't exactly an introvert but I always preferred staying in and playing video games instead of having the obligation to go out and go to a thing that was planned ahead of time like it's a chore or something and then I have to hear for days and weeks about how I never go out bro

>I've lost entire sums of money because of plans that got cancelled the last minute.

what are you planning weekend vacations to cuba on your private yacht?

>Just invite other friends
You are genuinely retarded.

you sound like you're fun at parties, no wonder your friends are always ditching you

Restaurant reservations, tickets to some kind of event, maybe large gatherings if you haven't really seen each other in a long time, money you specifically put to the side for a hangout or reunion in mind, cancellation fees, random accidents happening that suck you dry (ex.: being hit by a car and then the subsequent medical bills), and other basic things.

It only gets worse from here.

>you sound like you're fun at parties
he probably is, since people hate it when you don't call out retards.

why does everyone here sound like an angsty teen

>Just invite other friends
>implying I have other friends

i used to only go to places if my older brother was going to be there, too, so ye

Because half of us are angsty teenagers, and the other half never grew out of being one emotionally.

This. Seeking advice here is one of the worst mistakes you could possibly make.