>having some beers with my only friends
>chilling in some girls dorm
> she says: “we GET IT, user fucks”
>no person of the female gender has ever physically touched me
>she must know that
What am I supposed to say in that situation. I can’t snap at her cause she’s a girl and that’s assault. I don’t like people fucking with me like that
Having some beers with my only friends
uhh doesn't that mean you have sex
>be at a work dinner
>girls having a conversation about who's next to get married
>oh it'll be user for sure!
>huge grins on their faces, they start laughing
>I leave as quickly as I can without being rude
I'm a 28 year old virgin and it's obvious, so why the fuck? Like they're not even bad people usually but why did they have to do that? I don't think women realize just how cruel they can be sometimes.
Anyway to answer your question just find an excuse to leave.
you should admit you're a virgin. See which one would want to take it from you. Women love competition and would fight each other just to claim they're "your first"
>she must know that
She probably didn't know that. I'm a 21 year old virgin although I'm actually very good looking and social. Most people assume I've had sex , therefore. Just admit you're a virgin, it's really not a big deal.
That’s not a real thing
Wont people think I’m weird? I’m more worried about people knowing I’m a virgin and teasing me for it. I can’t take a joke
No, I wish
I literally don't understand what the shit you're trying to convey
If you’re good looking you should tell them you’re a virgin. I didn’t lose mine till I was 22 and I told everybody beforehand, always blew people’s mind. People constantly think I’m a player and at this point are surprised even when I say I’ve slept with only 3 people.
Like the only person that cares that you’re a virgin is yourself, nobody is going to think less of you.
How do I get people to stop bullying me over being a virgin, specifically girls, as I can’t hurt them physically
Stop being such a whiny fucking baby about it. Anyone who gets legitimately offended about being a virgin as an adult is going to stay one. Most people are just teasing because they assume you AREN'T a virgin.
You are really hopeless. The girls are actually innitiating flirting with you and instead of capitalising on it you go on Jow Forums and ask how to make sure girls leave you alone.
I really wonder where your upbringing went so horribly wrong. You are literally that boy in pic related but the girl is talking and flirting with you.
This is called banter. Don't freak out.
>A girl is making fun of me for being a virgin
Don't react, just say something to the effect of "what does that have to do with anything?", she will shrink and go back to the background.
What went wrong was multiple instances of girls apparently showing interest in me and and saying they liked me only to say LOL NOPE LOOK user ACTUALLY THOUGHT I LIKED HIM LMAO so now at age 27 I'm really fucked up. The one girlfriend I've ever had took hours of her and her friend convincing me that they were being honest and she actually liked me, and even after accepting it I didn't let my guard down for some two weeks afterward afraid that it was just a very long prank.
And then bring up your pic, just a couple of months ago I had a similar situation where I was sure, I was so sure that there was this girl that was into me, the sexy looks she kept giving me for about two weeks were completely unmistakable. And when I finally took up the courage to go speak to her she freaked out and whenever we pass by each other since she looks at me with this look of fear. So you know what I'll just stay in my corner and die alone.
wait what does it mean then
>What went wrong was multiple instances of girls apparently showing interest in me and and saying they liked me only to say LOL NOPE LOOK user ACTUALLY THOUGHT I LIKED HIM LMAO so now at age 27 I'm really fucked up
how on earth does this fuck you up?
It's led me to sincerely believe that I'm inherently undesirable and unloveable since so many people have directly or indirectly said so. And I'm immediately distrustful of any positive comments, of any nature, directed at me, thinking the person saying it is either just being polite and doesn't really mean it, or is being sarcastic. Everything that's good is a lie.
Maybe they think you're a catch? Not memeing. If you seen straight laced and have a good career people assume you get married on time
>Won't people think I'm weird
No, not if they know you're a good guy or are good looking. It's basically telling every women you know that there's this inexperienced guy who is currently single and wanting to fuck.
Word gets around...
That sounds like some kind of erotica. I don’t believe that exists. Nobody actually gives out “recommendations”, that’d be fucked if they did
everytime I've tried flirting or asking a girl out it's gone badly.
I know what banter is, but it's still shitty when someone mocks your core insecurities.
It's possible but I really don't look that straight laced. I'm a physically unkempt person.
Obese person:
>every time i tried to count calories i messed up or got hungry so i gave up
Highschool dropout:
>every time i opened math book i just felt despair
>player of DOTA
Every time i was matched with incopentent people
>physically unkempt person
That can be attractive. I don't know you but I went a long time having paranoid thoughts and misinterpreting people's words. Took me a while to realize it was in my head. Either way, good luck friend
>That can be attractive.
Would any women be interested in a homeless person? I mean that's peak unkempt.
>I don't know you but I went a long time having paranoid thoughts and misinterpreting people's words.
I am sure I do this too but I cannot seem to get past it.
Homeless? I don't know lol.
For me therapy got me past it, but there are books on it too. Books about anxiety disorders and depression have lots of tricks for identifying "negative thought patterns" and shutting them down or disproving them before they fuck up your day. They might feel like pragmatic realism to you but in some cases they are full on delusional negativity
Not really, a lot of my 20 year old friends are virgins.
Any quick tips or techniques? I already do breathing exercises and a bit of mindfullness meditation.
They're not recommendations. People just know you're single and a virgin. If someone knows this, knows you, it's pretty much advertising "please date/ have sex with me".
People like to talk. They spread rumors, they gossip, they get to know who people are around them. It's not such a bad thing to be known as a virgin. In fact, a lot of women are like men in that they want to date a virgin.
Girls don’t ask guys out for that to work.
Why not just
"Ouch, man. Words can hurt. Why do you have to go and say things like that?"
>"How to Sound Like an Absolute Bitch in One Easy Step": The Story of Some Anonymous Faggot
>It's not such a bad thing to be known as a virgin.
Completely untrue, it's a massive red flag if you aren't still a teen
No, it's completely true. Especially if you have a religious background.
No, they don't need to ask you out. They just need to know if you're single. In which case they become more comfortable with you flirting with them or etc things.
Nope, it only says to them that you weren't good enough for anyone else. Past a certain point you're a freak.
If someone is celibate from religion they're a volcel, that's not the same. They probably could have had sex but God stopped them. But that is another red flag to a lot of women.
>Nope, it only says to them that you weren't good enough for anyone else
I mean, of they know you as a good person it's usually something they sympathize with unless they're shitty people. You've been around mostly shitty people in your life then, eh user? Well, they're not all like that. As long as people know you're a good man , your past is just your past.
>The religious are always volcels
No? You can be religious and just not have any romantic interests wanting to date you.
>You've been around mostly shitty people in your life then, eh user?
No, not really. I'm not saying the women that see that as a red flag are shitty either. It's just the truth. They will likely be nice about it but it's weird/uncommon to be a virgin past a certain point and it says a lot about you as a grown man if you are.
>You can be religious and just not have any romantic interests wanting to date you.
Yeah I know lol, the point is if you are religious people will assume you're celibate because of that.
>They will likely be nice about it but it's weird/uncommon to be a virgin past a certain point and it says a lot about you as a grown man if you are.
If you're past 30 , sure. Otherwise not really. In which case, they're probably right. There is something very wrong with you.
>And I'm immediately distrustful of any positive comments, of any nature, directed at me, thinking the person saying it is either just being polite and doesn't really mean it, or is being sarcastic. Everything that's good is a lie.
Man, I can relate to this. I feel the same way. Also a virgin. Maybe it's common for people like us to think this way.
>you should admit you're a virgin. See which one would want to take it from you. Women love competition and would fight each other just to claim they're "your first"
>People just know you're single and a virgin. If someone knows this, knows you, it's pretty much advertising "please date/ have sex with me".
>People like to talk. They spread rumors, they gossip, they get to know who people are around them. It's not such a bad thing to be known as a virgin. In fact, a lot of women are like men in that they want to date a virgin.
In what universe do you live? Maybe there's a slim chance of this happening if you're 8/10+ and have a large social circle, but otherwise no way.