I understand that occupy wall street was co-opted and thusly terminated by the progressive stack...

I understand that occupy wall street was co-opted and thusly terminated by the progressive stack, but my question is: was it an insidious hijacking by the powers that be, or did it just naturally happen like that?
Obviously (((they))) figured out after that whole debacle, that infiltrating any movement or organization they opposed with the progressive stack was an incredibly effective method, but did they just observe and imitate wall street, or was wall street their first implementation of such a strategy?

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people are too comfortable for revolution

A bit of both. Obviously leftist lunatics already existed, but they were probably shepherded in the direction of OWS

That is a good question. I can't say concretely but it's likely is right that it was a bit of both. And not necessarily "THE" powers that be, as in all or top power, but maybe one of the powers or interests that be, that realized they could jump in and influence things.

no it wasn't, communists are communists no matter how many layers of irony they hide behind.

yeah all that needed to happen was one clever billionaire to notice what happened, and then it rapidly snowballs from there

99% of the 1% is a jew

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It’s interesting what happened, because ever since occupy they’ve been doing the progressive stack shit. I’ve got to wonder, how did occupy get started? Because it seems like an effective protesting system. Same with GJ

occupy seemed like it had a pretty big head of steam going for it, then out of nowhere it was totally deflated

it was put down by BLM not progressives

shill harder schlomo

blm didn't even exist yet what the fuck are you talking about

I think it got infiltrated and the progressive stack was used to cripple it. It needed leaders to direct it.

yeah that was their fatal flaw, they were on this "hurr we don't need leaders in the nwo" shit even though literally every civilization ever has had leaders

Around that time lefties were very anti-consumerism, Naomi (((Klein))) came out with No Logo which I remember a lot of the drama fag types carrying it around. Now these same types defend big conglomerates because they promote "wokeness". Whether it's P&G, Disney, or Nike... shit is absolutely bananas.

The most blatant incident that corpatism has won is them hammering Trump about his threat to tariff Chinese good. You'd think they would welcome anything to curb rampant consumerism and the pollution that comes with the manufacturing and shipping of cheap goods, but I guess paying an extra $100 on their new iPhone is not worth the environment.

How did the movement even get started? Especially without leaders.

I can totally get behind anti-consumerism but yeah you're right, it's fucking clown world now

afaik it was a totally grassroots thing started on facebook or something
I think protesting, as a concept in and of itself, has been destroyed during the course of this decade

Seems like Facebook shit gets easily subverted due to rampant tech censorship.

If you're smart enough to ask the question you should know the answer OP. Look how well it worked on Jow Forums when forced Geo ID flags were implemented.

Right after "Sabu" from lulsec was v& at the ass end of all that "Anonymous" faggotry, before anyone else in the IRC knew he was working with the feds he started pushing that Occupy wall street shit HARD out of nowhere, which was really out of character having been focused on fucking with random corporations websites up until that point. Its obvious looking back the feds were behind occupy wall street, why I have no idea. My best guess is to study what the beginning of a true grass roots movement against capitalism would look like whilst being in control.

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probably all that tech censorship was kickstarted by the events of occupy wall street
they can't risk the plebs getting actually woke so let's get them fake woke on some other bullshit instead

the leftists of occupy don't realize that they were trying to fight the same rich (((elite))) 1% that conservatives are. They just were dirty and trashy and gross while trying to do it.
The infiltration and co-op was the same people you see 'guiding' all leftie protests now.


They didn't exist you retard. The big complaint from people in the OWS groups was that feminists and shitskins infiltrated and fucked it all up. This is why you can't let any of them in a movement.

I think it was more started by Trump winning

Hijacking, but not by the powers that be.

what, you wanted OWS to stay camped out in the park for years?


BLM started in response to trayvon getting got in february 2012

Ask yourself why investment funds and banks would give money for free to the SJW media outlets.

>occupying a street
How about you occupy a job?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-08-05-16-18.png (1920x1080, 946K)

>OWS anger redirected from banks to working class straight white males
>mission accomplished

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I remember in one of the wikileaks drops it was revealed that the feds infiltrated occupy wall street. I don't remember for certain if they were just observing or actively tried to tear it down though.

I get absentee ownership but idk how owning property in a country you don't even fucking live in is allowed