Ladies and Gentlemen

The prime minister of India, once again.

Attached: 0F5909EC-DD22-41A0-9246-0A4009A2D06E.jpg (750x750, 208K)

>be PM of second largest country
>still believe in ancient fairytales and offer water to Agni (Fire Goddess) on a rock
lmao this is why China will win

Is he redpilled on the Kashmir, Muslim and lower Castes questions?

Why is he putting lube all over that pile of feces?

dafuq are these subhumans doing?


Silly string eh

Would Rahul Gandhi be assassinated like the rest of the Gandhi family Prime minister's, in case he happens to become your next PM?

>arguably the greatest statesman and leader in human history
>believed you can read the future by looking at the flight path of birds and by reading the entrails of goats

Attached: Statue-Augustus.jpg (1500x2250, 458K)

>poopoo boy mad